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Confirmation – Survive EP

Confirmation - Survive




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very nice synth pop sound
  • Versatile album

Flyctory.com Cons

  • EP is a bit too brave

Survive is the debut EP by a Berlin-based project, Confirmation. I got in touch with their music and felt to share it with you. Here is my view on the six track release, which has been published on 15th July 2022.


Confirmation – About the Artists

The key artist behind Conformation his Peter Milos. He has a French mother, an US-American father and was born in London, United Kingdom. He lived in different countries like France and the United States, before he moved to Berlin in 2015. The other mastermind behind the project is Niko Stoessl, a producer and music engineer.


Confirmation – Survive – Track by Track

The set of six tracks lasts 23 minutes

1. Give it Up

Synth pop always makes me very nostalgic, makes me think back to the golden era of that sound in the 1980’s and 1990’s. The same applies for Give It Up. However, the song also feels very modern in parallel. I love that contrast. Good listen.

2. Radio

Similar thoughts apply to Radio. On the one hand, there are a bunch of 1980’s acts which come into my mind when I listen to the track. I take you where you wanted to come to be great – are you ready go? I am, absolutely. Maybe it is a matter of my generation, but Peter Milos is perfectly catching me here.

3. Girl vs. Boy (feat. GRAU)

Girl vs. Boy is an “official” collaboration with GRAU, the key music project of Niko Stoessl. Especially having the voice of Anna Lanfer in here adds a lot to the song. Very synth-driven song with a present rhythm and different distorted vocal lines, which nicely act together.

4. Reservations

After the opener, Resevations and Back to Life have already introduced the music community to the music of Confirmation. This one is also the longest song of the EP and lasts almost five minutes. And: Reservations feels to be the most modern song to me. No that much of nostalgic feeling in my heart in here – but a nice listen.

5. Back to Life

Might not be suitable to call Back to Life a ballad, but the song is definitely the slowest and most emotional listen on Survive. A plushy listen which is working with a lot of melodic and vocal lines, especially towards its end.

6. Broken Heart

Broken Heart closes the EP with a rather mid-tempo song which is comparably focused on the lyrics. Nice work between Milos and the female background singer. Nice one!


Confirmation – Survive – Spotify

Here is the EP on Spotify:


Confirmation – Survive – My View

I definitely did enjoy listening to Survive. The six songs individually have their own character, they are well-produced . As a whole, they are a really nice showcase for this new music project. Survive and Confirmation are promising and fun – I recommend a listen, even though the EP as a whole could have a stronger catch.


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