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Hydra – ReHydration

Hydra - ReHydration




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Great arrangements
  • Very nice melodic rock / hard rock
  • Very good vocals

For my album reviews as of 20th September 2024, I ran into a couple of really interesting rock and hard rock albums. One of them is the sophomore album by the Swedish band Hydra. It is called ReHydration. Here is my review.


Hydra – About The Artists

Hydra are a Swedish rock band based in Stockholm. You should not mix them up with the equivalently named band from Jakobsberg, who had some success in the 1980’s. The quartet released their debut album Point Break in 2022. The band is fronted by Andi Kravljaca (lead vocals, guitars). The other band members are Henrik Hedström (keys), Jonny Trobo (bass) and Daniel Flores (drums). Flores, Hedström and Trobo played together in the band Fast Signal before.


Hydra – ReHydration – Track by Track

The eleven track album lasts 54 minutes.

1. We Belong

The opening track We Belong has been released as a feature single in August 2024. The 5:37 minute track is thus the only “appetizer” for ReHydration. The Scandinavians make intense use of keyboard tunes in this song, especially before the song is reaching its first chorus. The song feels very fluent and unevitably makes you think about big classic melodic rock acts like TOTO. A very virtuous and melodic opener, in which Andi Kravljaca’s voice sings you right inside your rock music heart..

2. Marionette

Even though Marionette follows a similar concept like the opener, I feels more rocking and more complete to me. The chorus is strong, the guitar and keyboard parts feel very well balanced. The instrumental elements are a treat as well the flow from the rather emotional verses and the more energetic chorus. I’m a 1980’s music kid – and Hydra makes me smile in 2024.

3. Still The Same

A ballad? At least, Still The Same feels to be much more emotional than the first two track. Hard rock fans will definitely see potential using this song for their romantic moments, even though the third track comes with some with some more intense guitar moments as well. One fact which this song has in common with its predecessors, though, is the beautiful flow. You simply enjoy listening to ReHydration so far.

4. Eye Of The Storm

Eye Of The Storm feels to continue with the emotional touch. as Kravljajca’s voice is accompanied with piano-alike keyboard sounds only at the beginning. But the guitars start soon and drummer Daniel Flores is back in the office as well. Thus, the song heads back t the melodic hard rock style with nice, complex melodic elements. I was drowning in your eyes in the quicksand of your lies – these lyrics stay in your mind, definitely.

5. Made-up Stories

While most of the songs so far started slowly and invested into fine intro, Made-up Stories wakes you up with a bang at the very beginning. However, the verses thereafter are fine. The song works with choir-alike elements and feels very wide and intense. The route towards the chorus is really nice in here as well.

6. Clown Without A Circus

Hydra is able to deliver great, wide and catching arrangements. A perfect proof for this is the hymnic Clown Without A Circus. The beautiful, harmonic flow of the song turns these five minutes to a very enjoyable listen – and one of the core tracks of ReHydration. Just when you feel that you fully got the song, the Stockholm quartet adds some surprising, but also fitting new elements. Love it.

7. Two Of A Kind

Just when I feel being fully in love with Hydra’s 2024 sophomore release, they present Two Of A Kind. With the chorus latest, the heart of the rock music listeners jumps even more. The song comes with a lovely harmony, you simply have to enjoy any second of it. Great composition.

8. I Remember

While all the other songs on the album range somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30 minutes, this song is the “shortie” of ReHydration. I Remember “just” lasts 3:38 minutes. However, this is sufficient to leave a mark. The song is also the right one to praise Henrik Hedström and his work on the keys, which add so much to this album – and the eighth song of the band’s sophomore release.

9. Out In The Cold

In Out In The Cold, Hydra is allowing the strings driving the song. Nonetheless, the beauty of their music is based on the arrangement and complexity, so this song is definitely not a crude set of guitar riffs, but also comes with fine melodies from the keys, the beat of the drums and the catching work on the microphone. This balance is what defines ReHydration – and songs like this one.

10. Love Remains

What about some romance? Love Remains is a song for the heart. Yeah, it feels a bit kitschy, but the Swedish band turns this one into a beauty as well. Thus, the emotional section keeps me smiling.

11. Me Minus You

The album closes on the emotional side as well. Even when the riffs are a bit more gentle and the melodies are a bit finer, Hydra is doing a great job – and leaves with a heart full of warmth after listening to their 2024 album.


Hydra – ReHydration – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Hydra – ReHydration – My View

ReHydration is a treat for melodic rock and melodic hard rock listeners. With just four band members, Hydra presents a complex, wide album with lovely arrangements. You simply have a good and fascinating time with the album. Thus, I absolutely appreciate it.

Favorite Song: Clown Without A Circus


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