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Hämatom – Die Liebe ist Tot

Hämatom - Die Liebe ist Tot




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very powerful and versatile songs
  • Great, clear lyrics
  • No real weak spot

Hämatom feels to be a truly active band: just some eight months after I reviewed – and enjoyed their album Berlin – Ein akustischer Tanz auf dem Vulkan, the Franconia band is back with a new release. Their 3rd December 2021 album publication is called Die Liebe ist Tot – “love is dead”. I hoped for a vital album during my review.


Hämatom – About The Artists

I gave quite some bio in my review of the Berlin album. One of the most remarkable facts about the metal band from Speichersdorf near Nuremberg, Germany, is that they play in the same lineup since 2004.


Hämatom – Die Liebe ist Tot – Track by Track

The ten track album lasts 35 minutes.

1. Dagegen

Hämatom has released four songs of the album as singles already – the opening track Dagegen (“Against it”). The song starts with an impressing children’s choir, before the Germans fire the guitar chords and the drumming feels like a machine gun. A song about rioting with a lot of power – and a short, but very present and catching chours.

2. Jeder gegen jeden

Die guten Zeiten sind vorbei, willkommen in der Barbarei (“The good times are over – welcome to the barbarism”) – the song does not really paint a optimistic picture of the social situation nowadays. Jeder gegen jeden also contains the statement Die Liebe ist tot and thus feels like a title track. Willst Du und Du und Du nicht mein Bruder sein, dann schlag ich Dir die Fresse ein – “If you and you and you don’t want to be my brother, I batter your face”. A dark perspective, but a very powerful and energetic track

3. Ihr wisst gar nichts über mich

The song states Ihr wisst gar nichts über mich – “You all don’t know anything about me”. A song which is opposing gossip and speculating about other people. Even though the song is not as loud as the songs before, I feel it comes with a great presence – which is also due to the catching chorus.

4. Liebe auf den ersten Fick

Yes, this song is about “Love at first fuck”, if you translate it literally. A song, as only a few bands in Germany can write (I very frequently think about the Böhse Onkelz, when I listen to Hämatom). Straight, easy, perfect to party. Hope this chorus quote does not decrease my Google ranking:

Die Welt stand still für ‘nen Augenblick
Denn es war Liebe auf den ersten Fick
Wir wachen auf in neues Glück
Denn es war Liebe auf den Fick
Wie Feuerwerk auf dem Teufelsberg
Wir beide haben in das Licht geblickt,
Ja, es war Liebe, Liebe auf den ersten Fick.

(“The world stood still for a moment
As it was love at first fuck
We woke up into new luck
As it was love at first fuck.
Like a fireworks on the Devil’s Mountain
We both looked into the light
Yes, it was love, love at first fuck”)

5. Ich hasse euch alle

The fifth song translates to “I hate you all”. After an initial shouting, the song almost feels like a mixture of hip hop and metal. Definitely very quick in some parts, but also working with breaks in a great way. Enjoy to listen to this one.

6. Ficken unseren Kopf

For this song, Hämatom is supported by the 257ers. This even adds a lot of drive and power. Don’t play this song to your kids – there are quite some bad words in this little three minute track.

7. Zahltag

The seventh track is called Zahltag – “Payday”. To me, the song, which is about taking revenge on somebody who abused children, is the best and most impressive song of the album. One key factor is the childrens’ choir, which is adding a complaining

Hallo, hallo, warum sieht niemand mein totes Herz?
Hallo, hallo, warum spürt hier niemand meinen Schmerz?

(“Hello, hello, why does nobody see my dead Herz?
Hello, hello, why does nobody feel my pain?”)

Excellent song.

8. So wie wir

Wir sind ein schlechtes Vorbild
Des Teufels linke Hand
Doch manchmal ist es schön, ein Arschloch zu sein
Die Scheisse, die wir bauen,
Reicht vom Mond bis hier
Und Du glaubst, Du wärst besser?
Ach fick Dich – Du wärst gern wie wir!

(“We are bad idols
The devil’s left hand
But sometimes it is nice to be an asshole
The shit we are doing
Reaches from here to the moon
And you think, you are better?
Ah, fuck you – you’d like to be like us!”)

I mentioned the “Onkelz” – and this kind of song could also be a track by the Frankfurt German hard rock legends. Which does not mean that Hämatom would do worse. Great song.

9. Ich will erst schlafen wenn ich tot bin

The title of this song states “I only want to sleep when I am dead” – and the first lyrics of this song are Verdammt, wir werden sterben (“Damn, we will die”) – which is undoubtedly true at some point. A song about all the open dreams which are still outstanding – again coming with a very characteristic, pure powerful sound.

10. Zeit zu gehen

What a contrast between the previous song and this album closer. This time Hämatom says it is “Time to leave”. A slow starter, which will be a fabulous farewell track at the end of future Hämatom shows. Great recording.


Hämatom – Die Liebe ist Tot – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Hämatom – Die Liebe ist Tot – My View

I absolutely enjoyed the Berlin album, but with Die Liebe Ist Tot, Hämatom manages to lift my level of admiration to a new level. The album is close to perfect, coming with straight, powerful hard rock and metal tracks. If you stand the clear language they are using, you will love this album.


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