Antje Schomaker - Snacks Pros
- Very individual good German pop music
- Nice storytelling
- Very versatile album
It’s already five years ago since Antje Schomaker released her debut album Von Helden und Halunken. The feature singles to her sophomore release Snacks were very promising – so I had an easy choice and decided to review the album when I received it as a promo. Here are my thoughts about the 6th October 2023 release.

Antje Schomaker – About The Artist
Antje Schomaker is a 1992-born artist from the German Niederrhein (Lower Rhine) region. She went to school in Krefeld and already learned to play several instruments, including piano, guitar and bassoon. At the age of 20, a producer saw her performing an a cappella song and persuaded her to move to Hamburg. In 2018, she released her debut album Von Helden und Halunken, which had a short appearance in the German Top 50. She won several awards and also had some popular songs on TikTok, e.g. the 2021 Ich muss gar nichts (“I don’t have to do anything”)
Antje Schomaker – Snacks – Track by Track
The twelve track album lasts 39 minutes.

1. Lost Indieboy
The album opens with three songs with have been released as singles. The first track, Lost Indieboy is an indie-pop track, which is especially stays in your mind due to the melodic chorus. The topic? Love! However, this time, the story is not as happy as the melodies might suggest (“You are not Peter Pan”).
Snacks is not only the title track of the album, but also one of the best listens of the album. Schomakers postulates Ich will Snacks – “I want snacks”. I wouldn’t promise, though, that this track is about nutrition. Cool, very self-confident German pop.
3. Nie nach Paris
Ich wollte nie nach Paris
Aber da wusst ich ja auch
Noch nicht, dass es dich gibt
Und es braucht nur
Ein Blick, ein Wort, ein Kuss so wie bei Disney
Ich krieg sofort Gefühle, wenn ich dich seh
Ich wollte nie nach Paris
Doch mit dir will ich
(“I never wanted to go to Paris
But at that time I actually
Did not know that you are out there.
And it just needs
A look, a word, a kiss, like at Disney
I immediately get feelings, when I see you
I never wanted to go to Paris
But with you I want to”)
This single release is my favorite song of the album. Very catching melody, nice story and songwriting. Antje Schomaker beautifully describes how love can change your mind and attitude.
4. So Wie Du
So Wie Du again feels very emotional, almost like a musical dream. The chorus has a nice vibe. The keyboard background and the echo give the chorus a bit of a kitschy touch as well, though.
5. Alles Neu
The stanzas of Alles Neu are in fact spoken words, on which the song is focusing strongly. The rocking chorus feels like a strong contrast. This leads to a very interesting, stunning listen. The speed of the chorus adds a nice, dynamic touch.
6. Zeit heilt einen Scheiß
The title of the sixth songs roughly translates to “Time heals a fuck”, based on the German proverb “Time heals all wounds”. The song is rather rocking and angry. Very relatable, straight song – which is one of the best ones of the album to me:
Ich will nicht hören, dass es besser wird
Dass das was war, irgendwann alles Sinn ergibt
Ich brauch deine Weisheit nicht
Die Zeit heilt ‘n Scheiß für mich
(“I don’t want to hear that things will become better
That thing which happened will make sense one time
I don’t need your wisdom
Time heals a fuck for me”)
7. Wenn ich mal Kinder hab
“If I have kids one time, I want to be just like you”. The seventh song is a lovely praise of Antje Schomaker’s parents. The song is also reflecting about how you behaved as a child and how limited the time with your parents can be. One of the most beautiful writes and most emotional moments of the album.
8. Irgendwohin
After this rather quiet moment, Antje Schomaker continues with a one of her cheeky, straight indie-pop recordings. The song is about love, but also about freedom, the desire to travel and explore the world.
9. Huckepack
There might not be too many songs called “Piggyback” which have ever been recorded. The ninth song is rather quiet, the vocals and drums are the most present elements of the song and lead to a very intense listen.
10. Denk nicht an Dich
The rhythmic sound with backing synth lines of this song reminds me of 1980’s pop. However, the vocal part of Denk nicht an Dich feels more modern than that. Not a bad song, but it just does not manage to leave a mark as much as other songs in here.
11. Sterne & So
Not quite a ballad, but Sterne & So is a lovely, slow, very atmospheric track. The longest song of Snacks showcases a very really lovely side of Antje Schomaker’s music. One of my favorites.
12. Nichts wirklich ganz
After I struggled with Sterne & Co. in that regard, I put the “ballad” stamp on the closing song. Beautiful, gentle song, which is very majorly driven by the artist’s voice and the acoustic guitar.
Antje Schomaker – Snacks – Spotify
Here is Snacks on Spotify:
Antje Schomaker – Snacks – My View
Snacks is a lovely album by Antje Schomaker. Modern German pop with indie elements meets good storytelling. I really enjoyed listening to her sophomore release.
Favorite Song: Nie nach Paris
German Pop Music in 2023
Here are all my postings related to Germany and pop music released in 2023:
It's time to look back to . After I shared my new format My Year in Travel with you the first time, ...
It's Christmas Eve, the main day of the Christmas celebrations in Germany. However, all the holiday songs seem having been ...
The Christmas countdown is steadily running to zero - which more and more means that new releases get sparse. I ...
Not only during the carnival season, music is a core part of the identify of my home town Cologne. Thus, ...
John Garner - this musical act name sounds like a solo artist, but is in fact a quintet. The German ...
Unfortunately, I could not complete the Country Christmas Playlist this year due to technical issues. However, since the days become ...
I am a bit of angry as the tool I loved to use to scan for new country releases does ...
Especially during the last months, I felt again how much interesting music is coming from Hamburg. The city in the ...
Willow Parlo's Facebook profile states With the window open, Willow Parlo turns the backdrop of the depressing and monotonous city ...
Afrer his very interesting album release Going Solo, I was really curious about how Gergor McEwan would be alike live on ...
The clumsy yet unswerving attempts of being an artist - that's how Jules Atlas describes himself on his Facebook profile ...
London, Faroe Islands, another trip tp England, Sweden, USA - the last weeks of 2023 involve quite a bit of ...
Oh, Christmas is approaching quickly now. A huge number of songs I scanned for my Songs of the Week this time ...
When I started listening to the album UWE of the German band Frollein Motte, I liked their cheeky and straight sound. You ...
How could I ignore am album starting with a (for me) very special song released on a (for me) very ...
I had a short trip to Hamburg this weekend, watching my last Nacht der Gitarren show (see my Reutlingen show report) ...
Finn & Jonas are twins. They are doing German indie-pop songs. After they grew regionally and have a national fan ...
I had a quite intensive week, exploring several interesting rail trips as well as being back in Pittsburgh and in ...
Source is the fourth album by the German band Alphawezen. However, the most recent album release has happened fourteen years before ...
Roberta John Joni Mitchell is a Canadian-US-American singer-songwriter, who majorly did folk and pop music in her career. She has won ...
Halloween is not that much of a big deal in Germany - but some parts of my home country have ...
Just two months until Christmas. You feel that in my this week's edition of the Songs of the Week definitely. First ...
Myle is a rather new artist from Southern Germany. On 20th October 2023, the pop artist is releasing his debut ...
Just about a month after I saw Randall King at the Cologne Club Volta, I was back there again on ...
I spent almost the entire week at work in Dublin at one of our offices. Quite an intense time, which ...
Despite the album Collections being his debut one, the Southwest German Sebastian Schaffer is not a "newbie" at all. He ...
After I had the opportunity to see Kelvin Jones at the Heart To Heart show in Dusseldorf and the preparing ...
Maybe, due to the national holiday in Germany, the list of new songs was rather short on the platform I ...
Unfortunately, I had to kick out quite a lot of songs from my list, which I really liked. They just ...
Sacropolis is a German-French indie-pop project. However, the members are not coming from the Saarland or any similar close-to-the border ...
I recently ran into the music of German artist They Called Me Phoebe for the first time. The more I ...
There is somehow always some sort of "topic" behind each and every Songs of the Week episode. If I would pick one ...
Busy times: just three days after I saw Home Free in Hamburg and eight days after the Randall King show ...
Home Free - the a capella country band has built a fan base all over the world nowadays. I was ...
The Songs Of The Week is one of my favorite categories of posts on my blog. Even I don't know how the ...
Wow - I had so many albums this week. Even if I skipped all travel posts and do the regular ...
If you regularly follow my Songs of the Week, you already know the upcoming German artist Bellucci Boi. I introduced you ...
September 2023 will be a quite busy monh. If I finally receive all press passes I envisage to get, there ...
One evening with six different artists? The opening night of the Heart To Heart concert series definitely came with high ...
I have quite intense weeks at work, not too many thrills on the side. The next weeks will have ...
The title of the album Guten Morgen, schönes Leben translates to "Good morning, beautiful life". The artist who wrote it is German ...
This weekend, I have been traveling through England, doing some musical-chasing. As mixed as the stuff I have been doing ...
I am still relaxing from all the trips I had during the last weeks. Nonetheless, things are just busy and ...
Rap and pop music - Mo-Torres is one of the more modern style musicians of the Cologne music scene. On ...
I am surprised that it has never been there before, stated Jackson Dean, one of the four artists, who will ...
After some rather intense week of traveling, I feel rather happy to spend the next two weekends in and around ...
Turn of Tides or Where the Waves Come From - that's quite an album title, ain't it? The artist behind ...
It is some three years ago since I reviewed the album 555 by the German synth-pop project X-Perience. I was ...
Why not doing some jazz-pop in summer? Quite early before the release, I had the opportunity to listen to Sequel by ...
I never know what is really happening when I compose a new episode of my Songs of the Week. Until Friday, ...
Sasha did so many genres already. He is majorly known as a pop artist, but also did rockabilly records with ...
Some interesting indie-pop from Germany: I already featured Santans in my Song of the Week postings. However, on 28th July 2028, ...
While I had quite an intense week in regards of scanning country music new releases, the German and international music ...
Electronic music is typically neither the genre I listen to personally nor the type of music which frequently represented in ...
Newcomers and established artists, rock and schlager, party songs and deep messages - I feel that this edition of my ...
Some surprise in this week's posting: I selected a very special instrumental track to lead my Songs of the Week ...
Motorbikes and good music - I am having a really good time in Pfullendorf at the Lake Constance region in ...
Traveling out of nowehere: I compiled this set of songs in Swansea in Whales, watching the very last Rock of ...
I always enjoy introducing you to emerging artists. One of the reviews I feature about a rather less known artist ...
I typically rather focus presenting new and emerging act in my Song of the Week, but this time, the list of ...
I received so many great albums this week - no chance to process a fair fraction of them. However, the ...
Due to my recent illness, I have to reduce my travel activity in June significantly. Nonetheless, there will be ten Rock ...
It's already some four years ago since Silbermond released their last album Schritte. Even though the chart placements were fine, it ...
I have struggled quite much with health issues this week - which also prevented me to travel to some British Rock ...
I love to have a look to German artists, which might not be in key focus of the media. Sören ...
A public holiday in (parts of) Germany gave me the opportunity to collect some status Tier Points for my British ...
After the volume of songs in the last two weeks has been rather thin, this week's Songs of the Week comes with ...
The album Therapy In Melody was definitely one I was looking forward to. Two of the featured singles by the band Indecent ...
I am quite surprised about a rather short list of new songs today. Might be because of Labour Day on ...
The artist name Sebel is a short form for the civil name of the artist, Sebastian Niehoff. He is a ...
As I told you in previous postings, I initially gather candidates for my Songs of the Week, before I narrow the ...
As I am having some quite intense travels ahead of me, I currently try to prepare as much contents for ...
Reading sessions, artsexhibitions... and concerts - if you look at the tour dates of Kati von Schwerin, you already see ...
After some rather intense traveling, I am glad that there is just a short trip this week. I concentrated on ...
Despite the album name Hamburg, the German indie-pop band North West is in fact from the very North West of Germany, ...
Not too many releases due to the Easter week. The week was dominated by my Rock of Ages coverage. First of all, ...
Pop, rock, schlager and much more - I feel that this week's Songs of the Week is a really nice mix of ...
I have to give in: the song leading this week's Songs of the Week might also be a candidate for the ...
Technically, I had already closed the list of potential reviews as of 24th March 2023. But then came Sophia and ...
Leony is one of the most interesting emerging artists in the German pop music market. She is currently part of ...
I am always impressed where the Songs of the Week each weekend finally end of. This time, for example, i have been ...
Sometimes, it is easy to select the leading track of my Songs of the Week: I had two hot candidates, but ...
On 10th February 2023, I ran into the single release All my Songs by the German duo Mael & Jonas (in fact, ...
Ten shows within three weeks - I was just so flattered to welcome Weird Al Yankovic and his lovely band ...
After I have been quite impressed by her recent development, I was quite curious about 24-1, the new album by German ...
I love gathering songs for Songs of the Week, as the result is so unpredictable, even for me, until short before ...
I was quite surprised when I received the press kit for Antonia Kubas' debut EP: Liebe und Musik ("Love and music") ...
The music of OH FYO! is described as a mixture of pop and hip hop elements. I received their album Level ...
Damn - just when I had a massive travel volume, the number of new releases of all genres went up ...
Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, USA, Canada - and of course Germany lay ahead of me for the ...
I am kicking off the most stressful part of the year, quite likely. This week, I headed off to Peterborough ...
Time to present you some music from Germany this weekend: The Rehats are doing folk-pop and already exist since over ...
This weekend was really difficult for me to plan ahead. With the ISTAF Indoor in Dusseldorf, I had a fixed ...
Despite the project name sounds rather Ruhrgebiet-alike, Umme Block are an electronic pop duo from Munich. The German artists release ...
27th January 2023, the first concert coverage of the new year. I will feature a couple of really cool ...
Oh wow, I really have to limit myself this week. There is so much good music being released this week ...
Reviewing German artist Alexander Liebe and his album Spielautomat has been a typical story. I received the album through a ...
Wow, that's massive! After I had a quite thin list of new releases since mid-December 2022, Christmas break is officially ...
Ski Holiday sounds like a perfect band name for a winter release, doesn't it? The band has British and German ...
The band name Groenalund feels quite Swedish. In fact, there are references to Sweden in the band history. First of ...
Welcome to the first Songs of the Week posting in 2023! Despite the music industry is slowly getting back to business, I ...
I guess that the next weeks will be more intense. Depending if you look at the publishing or the cut-off ...
Athletics on
Here are all postings related to Athletics (Track and Field):
In contrast to the rather small range of field events, the Run & Fly Meeting 2025 featured quite a lot ...
Back to the Helmut-Körnig-Halle in Dortmund: after I had featured the Sparkassen Indoor Meeting 2024 in the arena next to ...
After I already introduced you to the track events and the field events of the athletics meeting of the Heinz-Steyer-Stadion ...
After I featured the "Goldenes Oval" Opening Meeting track events in my first posting, it is time to have a ...
Dresden is back on the list of major venues for athletics events. On 30th August 2024, the capital of Saxony ...
The fifth and last posting from Mönchengladbach features the Sunday track events of the German Under 18 / Under 23 ...
Sunday 7th July 2024 was the last day of the German Under 18 / Under 23 Athletics Nationals in Mönchengladbach ...
Saturday 6th July 2024 came with the longest schedule of the German Under 18 / Under 23 Athletics Nationals. There ...
After I had a combined report of all events of the first day 2024 German Under 18 / Under 23 ...
The weekend I traveled to the German Athletics Nationals 2024 in Braunschweig, Mönchengladbach hosted the next national top athletics event ...
After my field event coverage of the first day in Braunschweig was rather limited, I hoped that especially the Sunday ...
After the first day of the German Athletics Nationals 2024 in Braunschweig had been really warm and sunny, there were ...
Compared to the outfield positions in Kassel the year before, the German Athletics Nationals 2024 were a bit of tricky ...
The week after the Mehrkampf Meeting Ratingen 2024, I was back in athletics already. Braunschweig was calling for the German ...
German Till Steinforth lead the competition after the first day of the Stadtwerke Ratingen Mehrkampf Meeting 2024 decathlon. However, there ...
Three events left until Ratingen would be able to crown their queen of athletics. There were still three events left ...
The Decathlon in Ratingen was held in parallel to the Heptathlon event. Of course, the male athletes were competing to ...
I have really been looking forward to the weekend of 22nd and 23rd June 2024 for a while. Even though ...
Even though I typically rather enjoy the field events from a photographic point of view, the track events are typically ...
After the 2023 edition of the #TrueAthletes Classics took place at the end of July, TSV Bayer Leverkusen hosted their ...
With the ISTAF Indoor 2023, I kicked off my campaign to intensify my athletics coverage in 2023. The more, I ...
I still feel that in many athletics meetings, the track events are somehow still more in focus than the field ...
After I gave you my report of the field and side events of the 2004 Sparkassen Indoor Meeting in Dortmund, ...
In general, I plan to increase the frequency of my athletics coverage during 2024. The first event of that sports ...
Is it really New Year's Eve already again? The last day of the year? I am posting this one in ...
My first posting from the Manforter Stadion at the #TrueAthletes Classics 2023 in Leverkusen has been about the field events. Now, ...
World class athletics in walking distance to my home? The #TrueAthletes Classics in Leverkusen has been on my bucket list ...
With this fourth posting, I am closing my coverage of the German Athletics Nationals 2023. The Auestadion in Kassel hosted ...
I start my coverage of the second day of the German Athletics Nationals 2023 in Kassel with the field events ...
I am a huge fan of the field events in athletics - and thus, I am really glad to also ...
The German Athletics Nationals (or German Athletics Championships... or Deutsche Leichtathletik-Meisterschaften) 2023 in Kassel were truly one of the events I ...
The ISTAF Indoor in Dusseldorf was truly an sports event I was looking forward to very much. First of all, ...
The Summer Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo are over. Two weeks of intense sports coverage are lying behind us. Definitely ...
After the 2018 PyoengChang Olympic Winter Games, I already felt urged to do my very own medal count of the ...
There have been so many discussions about Rio 2016. Not just about whether the country itself is able to stand ...