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Drei Meter Feldweg – Durak

Drei Meter Feldweg - Durak




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  • Very entertaining punk rock album
  • Great stories
  • A lot of great on-stage tracks

If you translate the band name Drei Meter Feldweg literally, you end up by “Three Meters of Country Lane”. Sound a bit like a new Americana project, but in fact the band is doing punk music. Durak is already their fourth album, which is released on 26th August 2022. As I featured the band a few times in my Songs of the Week, I just wanted to have a listen to the full album.


Drei Meter Feldweg – About The Artists

Drei Meter Feldweg are a punk rock band from Northern Germany. They have been founded in Salzhausen in 2011. The current lineup consists of five members, Bennet Ramm (vocals), Hendrik Petersen (guitar, vocals), Finn Opeldus (guitar), Simon Müller (bass) and drummer Philip Helmig. The first album release of the band was Randale in der Badewanne, which translates to “Riot in the Bathtub”, in 2013. The band released two more albums, the last one being Gewinner (“Winner”) in 2020.

Drei Meter Feldweg – Durak – Track by Track

The fourteen track album lasts 39 minutes.

1. Mit Pauken und Trompeten

The band states that the album consists of 13.5 songs. The half one is likely this 48 seconds intro track, which comes with folk as well as electronic elements – and seamlessly connects to the Lagebericht.

2. Lagebericht

Hard rock riffs and punk rock irony – the second track is the “Situation Report” of the album. A short self-praising of the band, which has a touch of some Böhse Onkelz lyrics:

Wir kommen mit Pauken und Trompeten
Mit Konfetti und Raketen
Wir reißen jeden Zweifel nieder
Immer wieder, immer wieder
Mit Pauken und Trompeten
Hör mir zu und lass uns beten
Vielen Dank für die Musik
Und dass es Drei Meter Feldweg gibt.

(“We come with timbals and trumpets [German saying]
With confetti and rockets
We turn down any doubt
Again and again
With timbals and trumpets
Listen to me and let’s pray
Thanks for the music
And that there is Drei Meter Feldweg”)

3. Gib niemals auf

A lot of power, a reference to the German punk rock band Die Toten Hosen, very catching tracks and melodies – Gib niemals auf (“Never give up”) is another party-punk-rocker. Great work by Drei Meter Feldweg.

4. Eine Lovestory

“A Love Story” – if there is about these kind of emotions, Drei Meter Feldweg is going for some extra time. At least, this song is the longest one of the album. The song is not really just about love, but comes with a lot of social critic about hate, racism. Typical punk topics perfectly set up in a great punk song with surprising elements like brass sounds. Cool one!

5. Ganz vielleicht

Ganz vielleicht
Bist Du auch einfach scheisse
Ganz vielleicht
Liegt es auch ein Stück an Dir
Ganz vielleicht
An Deiner Art und Weise
Ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste zu agieren

(“Rather maybe
You are simply shit
Rather maybe
It is also a bit because of you
Rather maybe
On your way
How to act with the gloves off”)

Punk rock verses and a rather gentle-sounding chorus – Ganz vielleicht is one of the coolest listens of the album to album. I love the straight lyrics, which have a strong message, but still somehow make you smile. Great recording.

6. Im Angesicht der Zeit

Ich bau mir eine Zeitmaschine – “I am constructing a time machine” – are the first words of this song. On the one hand, the band lists a bunch of historic events they want to prevent (9/11, John Lennon’s death, Hitler’s birth, …). On the hand, they also state aber erstmal zeig ich Dir, dass es mich gibt – “First of all, I am showing you that I am out there”. A nice combination of two very different topics.

7. Und sie tanzt

Und sie tanzt (“And she dances”) is one of three single releases of Durak. A comparably long track, which feel comparably soft. If you visit Drei Meter Feldweg on their tour later this year, I am sure that this one will be a lot of fun.

8. Briefe an dich

The softest song of the album – Briefe an Dich (“Letters to you”) sounds like a folk-pop track with gently strumming guitars. A song about writing a lot of letters to your beloved one – but finally deciding not to ship them.

9. Unten am Strand

I added this single release to my 6th May 2022 Songs of the Week – and Unten am Strand is still one of the coolest German summer rock songs of the year to me.

10. Ich bin die Zukunft

The song feels very familiar to me. The reason: the verses follow the same rhythm and melodic line as Nackert by the Bavarian brass party band LaBrassBanda. Not the most creative melody ever, so that I would not name it a cover. The chorus (“I am the future”) is very different from the Southern German song anyway.

11. Steine

The key message of the song is that stones (Steine) have an easier life, due to all the bad things happening in the world. A typical Drei Meter Feldweg narration with a very strong groove. Nice one.

12. Ich mach ne kleine Party

In the twelfth song, the band is telling that they are “giving a little party”. The song is in fact a party and feel-good song. According to the chorus, everybody is welcome. Great one to cheer up the crowds on a live show.

13. Brauch mich

This song simply states “(You) need me”. A uptempo breakup song of a very special touch. These three minutes definitely make me smile. Great work, Drei Meter Feldweg!

14. Kaufen Kaufen Kaufen

Kaufen Kaufen Kaufen closes the album. “Buy it, buy it, buy it” – the song is about influencing, discount codes and the useless world of everything being over-commercial. Again, the band is creating an on-point message in a straight way, but there is this touch of fun, which makes you smile while listening. Great finale.


Drei Meter Feldweg – Durak – Spotify

Here is Durak on Spotify:


Drei Meter Feldweg – Durak – My View

A lot of fun, but still on point lyrics with a clear message. Drei Meter Feldweg excellently balanced between being entertaining and being critical. I love to listen to their album – definitely recommend you to give it a try as well. Top Pick! – for sure.


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