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Chez Kane – Powerzone

Chez Kane - Powerzone




In March 2021, I was absolutely stunned by the debut album of a British rock artist, Chez Kane. The 1990’s style rock lady blew me away with her self-titled debut album, which finally ended up in the full rating of 5.0 – if you follow Flyctory.com regularly, you know that I typically use this rating very rarely. On 21st October 2022, Chez Kane is back with her sophomore album Powerzone. I was absolutely curious about this release.


Chez Kane – About The Artist

Chez Kane, civil name Cheryl Kane is a rock artist. You find some more information about her in my Chez Kane review.


Chez Kane – Powerzone – Track by Track

The ten song album lasts 50 minutes.

1. I Just Want You

Chez Kane is about classic rock – and I Just Want You immediately teleports me into my music comfort zone. This lady would have been a star in this decade. The chorus latest proofs it – it is simply the heartbeat of a catching rock listen.

2. (The Things We Do) When We’re Young In Love

The things we do when we’re young in love
When all we had were days to pass and not a worry in the world
The things wе do when our heart’s on the run
Wе didn’t think about the future
It’s not the things we do when we’re young in love

That’s female rock in perfection. The second track comes with a sound, which just just cannot deny. Chez Kane and Danny Rexon, who produced the album with her, did an awesome job.

3. Rock You Up

After two previously released songs, Rock You Up is the first song, which is new to Chez Kane listeners. The British artist and her team works with the same ingredients, which finally lead to catching, straight-forward power rock. An anthem which is heavily demanding to be on stage soon.

4. Love Gone Wild

Chez Kane is just doing her thing – and thereby pleases a certain type of music listeners (like me) perfectly. Love Gone Wild is a straight, quick rocker with that nostalgic touch – which even included the beautifully outdated high keyboard melody lines. In the verses, Chez Kane already sounds like Doro Pesch’s legitimate musical granddaughter.

5. Children Of Tomorrow Gone

The over six minute powerful, but also a bit of ballad-esque Children Of Tomorrow Gone is another highlight of the album.It also nicely illustrates how Chez Kane and her team try out different sounds. The song starts with piano sounds, which are soon joined by powerful guitar riffs and a stomping rhythm.

6. Powerzone

Welcome to the Powerzone. The title track is a full force fun rock track. You think of Meat Loaf, of Bonnie Tyler and Doro Pesch while listening to this song. And the chorus is again one of these magic moments – you haven’t even heard it completely for the first time and already love it. Can this sound become boring one day? At least we are not there yet!

7. I’m Ready (For Your Love)

Chez Kane feels more forceful, more naughty in this song. I rather think of bands like Thundermother when I listen to the seventh track. The main direction and style of the song is the same for: straight-forward and right in your face. This experiment works out as well – an almost scary level of quality in this Powerzone again.

8. Nationwide

If they need an additional song in my favorite musical Rock of AgesNationwide could be a great match. Very melodic, catching and not that hard rocking, so that the mainstream-pop-blinded grandchildren ask their grannies to leave the auditorium instead of having their dentures moving to the groove of the hard rock sound. Chez Kane is back in her traditional style with Nationwide – I don’t want to call it comfort zone, she feels too comfortable in so many rock styles.

9. Streets Of Gold

You need a rock ballad? Then head to Streets Of Gold. The sound beautifully reminds of early 1990’s guitar sounds. Even in these slower and more quiet moments, the British artist has an persuasive sound.

10. Guilty Of Love

In case you haven’t been rocked enough in the first nine songs, Chez Kane is taking you to a final travel with heavy guitars and drums. Guilty Of Love is a more-than eight minute listen and thus the most epic track of the album. The song can be split into two parts. The first half is a lovely typical Chez Kane track, while the last four minutes are purely instrumental. This does not only lead to a nicely rocking farewell, but also illustrate the great potential and skills of the team Kane / Rexon.


Chez Kane – Powerzone – Spotify

Here is Powerzone on Spotify:


Chez Kane – Powerzone – My View

After two or three songs, this review was just about one questions: will Powerzone follow its predecessor and receive another maximum rating? I have to say that I decided against it, just because I loved the debut album even more. Nonetheless, Powerzone has a great potential to pop up in my Best of lists at the end of the year. Chez Kane and her team are amazing – and they delivered another album damn close to perfection.


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