Alex Wellkers – Fly Away

Alex Wellkers - fly away



4.6/5 Pros

  • Very nice range of rock songs
  • Good compositions

I love to browse music and run into releases by artists who I did not know before. In line with that, I recently ran into fly away, the second album by Swiss artist Alex Wellkers. The album will be released on 6th April 2024. I already had a listen.


Alex Wellkers – About The Artist

Alex Wellkers is a Swiss musician. He started to play the accordion at the age of six. Later he added other instruments. His first bands even included a rap act, before he rather headed towards rock and grunge songs. Wellkers’ started to release music in 2014, when he published the five track EP Pre. His initial releases were EPs, before he released his first full length album Famous Then in 2022.


Alex Wellkers – fly away – Track by Track

The eleven track album lasts 37 minutes.

1. You want us

fly away opens with its two shortest songs. You want us is just a 1:40 minute listen. This feels a bit like a shame, as the ballad-alike song featuring nothing but Wellkers’ vocals, a viola and an acoustic guitar is a real beauty. I would love it to be longer.

2. We celebrate

After the emotional opener, we celebrate is more rocking. Especially after a more quiet start, the song is creating quite some energy. The song nonetheless keeps a rather direct, almost intimate touch – a very nice recording.

3. Making progress

The third song of the album opens with string and acoustic guitars. What initially might feel a bit like another ballad, creates more and more energy over the more than four minute duration. Thus, making progress is a stunning atmospheric track.

4. Grab the stars

The fourth song already underlines: Alex Wellkers is not shy to present a wide range of rock songs on his second album. If there weren’t some violas and violins in the set and if the mixing would have been more aggressive, this song could even be a hard rocker. However, the gentle singing of the artist is a bit in contrast to that. The guitar solo is a lovely treat.

5. Niemals jemals da gewesen

While most songs of the album are in English, Wellkers is now presenting songs in different languages. The song (the title translate to “Never been there”) has a very angry, fierce touch. The vocals have a very hard accentuation in some parts, which even increases the intense mood in here.

6. Tu sais que je t’aime

I do not speak French, so that I cannot follow the song, which is named “You know I love you” in English, entirely. The sixth track is very emotional, though, just in line with the title. Maybe even a bit kitschy even. The French language is adding an additional touch of “l’amour”.

7. We try our best

After some fine string intro, Wellkers is now definitely into a modern rock direction with a flavor of hard rock. The guitars are very present in here and present heavier riffs Maybe a bit of a contrast after the emotional song before – but it works well in my point of view.

8. What you think right now

What you think right now is not as heavy as the song before, but rock fans will still have fun with this one. The piano line in the background leads to a nice touch. I really like this one.

9. We belong here

We belong here opens with a groovy intro, but then goes back to a rocking song. The song has a lot of energy, but also comes with some quieter moments. Another nice composition.

10. Amy

Amy starts slowly, but then takes up more speed and energy. Nonetheless, the strings, including a viola and a cello, add a very nice touch of the song. Really enjoyable romantic song, in which the rock elements pop up here and there.

11. Do not fall

The final message of the album is do not fall. The song has a very hard, stomping groove and thus rather connects to the more rocking songs of the album. Especially the instrumental side lets it stay in your mind, though.


Alex Wellkers – fly away – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Alex Wellkers – fly away – Track by Track

I really loved listening to fly away. The album comes with good rock compositions, which have a special atmosphere. Especially the extensive use of string atmosphere defines a characteristic sound. I definitely recommend to have a listen if you are a rock music fan.

Favorite Song: We belong here


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