Clarke Quay (Singpore) by Night (Pictured Story)

Clarke Quay in Singapore is one of the most well-known (and most touristic) entertainment districts in the center of the city state. I had a nice evening visit there and felt to share it with you as one of my Pictured Stories, postings which majorly are driven (larger than usual) pictures and therefore do not have that much of a review character.


Clarke Quay – Location and Access

The key are of Clarke Quay is located North of Singapore River, not too far away from One Fullerton or Marina Bay and its light shows. However, the mall The Central is also operating under the Clarke Quay name.

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Clake Quay has its own metro station, which is closely located, but on the Southern side of Singapore River. Depending from where you are traveling from, you may also go for the Fort Canning station. Entrance to the area is – of course – free.


Clarke Quay in Pictures

To me, the most beautiful part of Clarke Quay was definitely the river side, also due to the vast number of restaurants and bars on both sides of Singapore River. This leads to a lot of atmosphere. My visit was during evening hours, where the lights give a very impressive scenery.

Clarke Quay is roughly split into five sections, A to E. Tendentiously, each section has its own atmosphere. You may find one area for rather fine dining, where most bars and beer pubs are concentrated in other parts of Clarke Quay. Most of the area is roofed by tent-alike structures.

Even though Clarke Quay is too large, the variety of eating and entertainment options is huge.

Not just watching the riverfront from a bit of a distance, but also walking along Singapore River is a lovely experience. From Clarke Quay, you may also take daytime and evening cruises towards Marina Bay. There is also a variety from dining to pub-alike structures with live music.



Clarke Quay – My Thoughts

Clarke Quay definitely has a nice atmopshere, especially at night. It may be crowded on the weekends, though – and alcohol is definitely a factor in this place. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed my evening walk through Clarke Quay and Singapore River.


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