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Sören Vogelsang – Optimismus Prime

Sören Vogelsang - Optimismus Prime




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Great range of songs
  • Some individually outstanding songs
  • Cool songwriting

I love to have a look to German artists, which might not be in key focus of the media. Sören Vogelsang is versatile artist. I ran into his album Optimismus Prime a couple of weeks before its release on 26th May 2023. To make it short: I loved it. The longer version of my thoughts and feelings is described below.


Sören Vogelsang – About The Artist

Sören Vogelsang was born in Bad Godesberg, a Southern borough of Bonn, on 13th August 1984. Apart from his musical career, Vogelsang is also an actor and was especially active in theater plays. He has also been part of several music collaborations, like the medieval music band Adivarius or the comedy duo Das Niveau. Since 2011, he is also releasing solo albums, starting with the 2011 debut album Augenblick. Being part of Live Action Role Playing events, he also released the albums LAPP I (2017) and LARP II (2019). A third album is scheduled for 2023.


Sören Vogelsang – Optimismus Prime – Track by Track

The ten track album lasts 33 minutes.

1. Irgendwann zu spät

The opener comes with some summer rhythm. The song has a great catch and a lovely. Lieber morgen, lieber morgen, leider nie, man bereut niemals die Praxis, man bereut die Theorie. (“Better tomorrow, better tomorrow, unfortunately never – you never regret the practice, you regret the theory”). Nice songwriting with a fresh style.

2. Schaukeln

Schaukeln (“Swinging”) has been the latest single release before the album publication. The song reminds me of 1980’s German pop vibes on the melodic side. Vogelsang’s song feels to combine a nice ease and a bit of kitsch with a very though-through concept.

3. Fleck

Jeder Fleck erzählt seine Geschichten – “Every stain is telling his stories” is the key phrase of the third song. Thereby, the song is exploring hip hop vibes. The chorus is again a very straight, easy one, which is made to stay in your mind.

4. Optimismus Prime

There are some really great writes on this album – and the title track is definitely one of them. Cool groove, the sound of the song is a nice balance between nostalgic feelings and modern sounds. The song has a lot of really well-positioned references to modern pop culture. Like the title – being close to Transformers character Optimus Prime is of course no coincidence.

5. Nerd

Okay, this song is sealing a high rating. Nerd is such a great reference to so many youth memories of my life… And even when Vogelsang is stating Ich bin ein Nerd (“I am a Nerd”) in the chorus… I can do nothing but agreeing to him. Could be in the Songs of the Year list at the end of 2023… Need a reason for it? It’s simply lyrics like these:

Hadouken, Yoda Flame,
Tiger Uppercut
Ein hartes Brot verfehlt
Zac McKracken nur knapp
Mit Lara auf der Jagd
Nach nem alten Artefakt
Und Guybrush Threepwood
Setzt LeChuck schachmatt.

(“Hadouken, Yoda Flame
Tiger Uppercut
A hard loaf of bread misses
Zac McKracken just closely.
With Lara hunting
For an old artifact
And Guybrush Threepwood
Is checkmating LeChuck”)

6. Große Freiheit

One of the persuading features of the album is that Sören Vogelsang is dealing with a lot of different musical styles and topics. This song is about pursuing freedom and that it is finally up to you to have a good life. The song is thereby a rather slow song, without being too emotional or kitschy.

7. In meinem Kopf

Es lohnt sich gar nicht, heute aufzustehen, denn mein Leben hat eh’ keinen Sinn (“It is not worth to get up today – my life does not make sense at all”) are the first swords of this song. Not overwhelmingly optimistic, but the song is a nice listen als Vogelsang is working with a nice flow and has a nice touch of working with the German words and phrases. These even underlines the confusion and frustration this song is describing.

8. Asoziale Medien

In this song, Vogelsang is complaining about the dominant role social media is taking in our today’s life. Thus, social media is turning to Asoziale Medien, antisocial media. The song is back in rap and hip hop style. He nicely describes the struggle how much social media is controlling us. Even though the song feels gentle, it is having a strong message. Fantastic write.

9. Danke

Ohne Dich gäb es all das hier nicht (“Without you, there wouldn’t be all of this”). The song is a “Thank You” to the people backing Sören Vogelsang. The song is especially an impressive listen as the Optimismus Prime has also been published based on crowdfunding. Beautiful.

10. Salud

For the closing song, the German artist is picturing a situation in Spain – and partially using Spanish lyrics as well. Beautiful ballad, which makes his fans finish the listen with a lot of warmth in their hearts.


Sören Vogelsang – Optimismus Prime – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Sören Vogelsang – Optimismus Prime – My View

Optimismus Prime comes with some really good tracks. There are some key tracks like Optimismus Prime or Nerd, which are simply amazing, but none of the ten tracks feels like a worthless filler. I absolutely loved to listen to Sören Vogelsang during this review.


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