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Lordi – Skelectric Dinosaur (from: Lordiversity)

Lordi - Skelectic Dinosaur




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Good hard rock album
  • Nice Southern rock sound here and there

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Not competitive with Lordi's best individual albums in regards of quality

The Finnish monsters do it in extra large – on 26th November 2021 Lordi are releasing their new latest CD box. Lordiversity contains seven albums – but if you think that I am talking about some sort of anthology with all albums released so far, you are absolutely wrong. There are seven albums, each dedicated to a different style of music. After Killection has been a fictive best of album, the Lordiversity are somehow the fictive underlying works.

As a huge Lordi fan, I decided to do a Lordi weekend around 26th November and introduce you to all seven albums step by step in the normal Flyctory.com album review format. I only skip the bio – this would just be a bit too monotonous, I guess. The first album in the box is the Skelectric Dinosaur. The band starts the set of albums with hard rock / melodic rock Enjoy the review!


Lordi – Skelectic Dinosaur – Track by Track

The ten track album lasts 32 minutes.

1. SCG Minus 7: The Arrival

What would a Lordi be without the story and introduction tracks? This album starts with the tradtional style 1:10 minute opener.

2. Day Off Of The Devil

So, that’s the full song track of the Lordiversity. Really cool sound, almost feels like a soundtrack for a road trip movie. Guitars, chords, very melodic – and it still feels Lordi.

3. Starsign Spitfire

Starsign Spitfire has a really nice potential to be a track on the next tour (which has originally been intentded to be a Killection one). The song rather feels like ZZ Top than the Finnish monster-rockers – but that’s exactly what makes me smile. The first two track of this concept album compilation feels very promising.

4. Maximum-O-Lovin’

Nice groove by Hiisi on the bass on this song. Mr. Lordi is screaming into the microphone at Maximum-O-Lovin’, which has a slight funk feeling to me.

5. The King On The Head Staker’s Mountain

The stomping sound drives The King On The Head Staker’s Mountain. The song is quite epic and lasts 5:21 minute – but I have to admit that I prefer the shorter, more compact songs before.

6. Carnivore

Carnivore is a song Lordi fans already know from the Killection album. Cheating? Not really, Killection was meant as a fictive “Best of” – the Lordiversity album are the underlying stuff. That’s just as Lordi wants to do it. The song is catchy and straight. Good one.

7. Phantom Lady

The song feels to nicely connect to Carnivore, but then becomes more keyboard-driven and surprises with some decent guitar chords. Nice groove again, I really love Lordi doing this Southern rock flavor.

8. The Tragedy Of Annie Mae

The Tragedy Of Annie Mae feels like a good friend to Lordi fans. Especially the chorus is given this very special, very melodic sound of Lordi’s hard rock repertoire. Good listen.

9. Blow My Fuse

Lordi did not release any new song from this first Lordiversity album, but Blow My Fuse has at least been one of the most catching tracks of the Killection.In the context of Skelectic Dinosaur, I feel that the song is even a bit of stronger.

10. …And Beyond The Isle Was Mary

Rain falling, keyboard melodies. This two minute track is the farewell from the first Lordiversity stage. And it is a nice way for Hella on the keys to present herself.


Lordi – Skelectic Dinosaur – Streaming

The full Lordiversity album is only available physically from 26th November 2021. Skelectric Dinosaur will be released digitally on 15th February 2022.



Lordi – Skelectic Dinosaur – My View

First album done. I have a good feeling about this project now. The songs are on point and thematically feel to be a great fit. And: they still feel like a Lordi album. Yes, the album as such might not be a must-listen as a solo album, as it simply features too many catching songs – but that’s maybe not what the Lordiversity is finally all about. First stage is a thumbs up with an optimistic outlook.


Lordi on Flyctory.com

Here are all postings related to the hard rock/metal band Lordi from Finland on Flyctory.com:


Finland at Flyctory.com

Here are all postings on Flyctory.com about Finland:

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