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Silver Dust – Lullabies

Silver Dust - Lullabies




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  • Versatile album
  • Nice range between rock and hard metal

I really enjoyed running into the music of the Swiss band Silver Dust again. I already seen the rockers on stage in 2018 at several places, where they have been supporting Lordi. On 29th April 2022, they came back with a new album, Lullabies. Let’s see if their tunes are really good ones for a nap.


Silver Dust – About The Artists

Silver Dust are a Swiss band, which has been founded in the canton of Jura in 2013. They are doing a mixture of theatrical rock and heavy metal. The band members act under artist names. Lord Campbell is the leading vocalist and guitarist of the band. Neiros is an additional guitar player, Kurghan is a bassist and Magma is the drummer. A fun fact is that Lord Campbell is also quite well known in the Swiss sports scene: as an ice hockey goal tender, he played 44 Swiss top league matches (NLA) and 141 second league matches (NLB) under his civil name, Christian Cretin. So far, the band released three albums. Especially the last release, House 21, has gained quite a lot of reputation.


Silver Dust – Lullabies – Track by Track

The eleven track album lasts 39 minutes.

1. The Pact

Not really an intro, but the majestic sound and the choirs make you feel that this one is a really majestic walk-in to Lullabies. The Pact lasts 2:37 minutes – Intense experience.

2. Emeline

Silver Dust beautifully change between rock and metal sounds. This is one of the rather softer songs of the album. However, Emeline does come with good riffs. The song creates a beautiful dramatic plot. Nice rocker.

3. Follow Me

Follow Me starts with an electronic or keyboard melody line. Like in the two tracks before, the band uses a background choir sound to create additional rock power. Some parts of the track have been recorded as if it was a live track. Really cool.

4. Eternité

When I saw Silver Dust as a Lordi support act, they also did songs in French. Eternite continues with this tradition on the 2022 album. Again, electronic loops and guitars create the atmosphere. This song does not have too many metal references – moreover, some sections could even be part of a synth pop recording.

5. Stand By Me

Stand By Me is very dark and rather slow. Silver Dust mix different parts and atmosphere to a nice full listen. This fifth track moves from almost dream-pop alike keyboard lines to smashing guitars. Special – but good.

6. I’ll Risk It

Metal fans had to wait for powerful headbanger. This come comes with growling and a lot of rock power blasting through the amplifiers. Very catching chorus as well – one of the smartest (and best) writes of the album.

7. There’s A Place Where I Can Go

Silver Dust just featured one track before the album release. There’s A Place Where I Can Go is not necessarily the best song of the album – but it is somehow a very characteristic one. If you like its video below, there is a high chance that you won’t dislike the other songs.

8. Animal Swing

Animal Swing starts with a strong groove. The track is driven by that vibe and strong rhythm, the lyrics are often rather simple in its melody or even spoken words. Really feels a bit like a lullaby, but also comes with parts with could be a swing track. Definitely, the most special listen and somehow outstanding.

9. Burlesque

This is definitely a rather dark Burlesque dance. Melodically, the song connects to some styles presented in the predecessor track. Nice one.

10. Echoes Of History

Echoes Of History is a great listen towards the end of the album. A nice symphonic rock/metal track with cool guitar and bass lines and a lot of different sounds. The song even touches alternative rock sounds.

11. Forever (Classical Version)

This 2:18 minute closing track is the classical sound version of their 2018 success, forever. Again, Gregorian-alike choirs are one of the key melodic elements. Great sound.


Silver Dust – Lullabies – Spotify

This widget allows you to stream Lullabies:


Silver Dust – Lullabies – My View

I don’t see Lullabies in the Olymp of Rock – but the Swiss guys really do a lot of fun. The album comes with a wide range of sounds, none of them sounds cheap. They do it well, on point. Thus, it is fun to spent some listening time with Silver Dust in 2022.


Swiss Music

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Lordi on Flyctory.com

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