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Bettina Meske – Paradise Is Now

Bettina Meske - Paradise Is Now




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice swing-pop album
  • Good range from modern to traditional sounds
  • High musical quality

Typically, there are two sorts of album reviews at Flyctory.com: I received the vast majority of reviews as a promo way before release and then select a set which I feel to be suitable for that weekend. Thereby, you typically also have a “first come, first serve” bonus: the earlier I receive the promo, the easier I can prepare for it… and the more probable you read about it. The smaller set of album are releases I just look forward to listen to that much that I deal with them, even if I have to wait until the release on Spotify or other streaming portals.

Bettina Meske and her 22nd December 2023 release Paradise Is Now is somehow under neither of these categories. I knew that I will be in planes and airports on that Friday for almost 20 hours (including a nine hour time difference from Germany to Los Angeles). Meske’s album was really in fact the only promo I receive for that release weekend, apart from those who just too low quality. I liked the sound – so let’s have a deeper listen together into this vocal and swing pop album.


Bettina Meske – About The Artist

Bettina Meske is a German musical actor and singer from Berlin. She studied in Vienna, where she studied singing, acting, songwriting and producing. She released two albums, I could not spot her debut b-way, but the 2015 sophomore release Made In Berlin can be found on streaming platforms.  Since then, she majorly concentrated on her musical and theater career.


Bettina Meske – Paradise Is Now – Track by Track

The 14 track album lasts 50 minutes. According to my information, no song has been released before the album publication.

1. Paradise Is Now (feat. Christian Gastl)

For the majority of songs of her 2023 album, Bettina Meske is working with guest musicians. For the opener Paradise Is Now, for example, the artist invited the German saxophonist Christian Gastl. His instrumental presence adds a very nice touch to the song, which is comes with typical swing vibes, but is also a bit of jazzy.

2. You and I (feat. Thilo Wolf Big Band)

Especially compared to the opening title track, You and I feels much more like a traditional swing recording. This is not that surprising, as Meske works with the Thilo Wolf Big Band in this song – and in a couple more later on Paradise Is Now. The warm and present voice of Meske, which sometimes is even a bit of rough and rocking, is in focus of the listener, though.

3. Airport (feat. Thilo Wolf Big Band)

How couldn’t I like a song, in which the artist states, I’m gonna go to airport. Even though the song is accompanied by the same big band again, the song has a more vibeful sound with the organ being the melodic lead on the instrumental side.

4. Moving Mountains (feat. Joana Zimmer)

The blind singer Joanna Zimmer is quite popular in Germany. In 2005, she even had a golden record each, with the single I Believe (Give a Little Bit…) and the album My Innermost, in her home country. The orchestral arrangement in the background and the lovely vocal collaboration on top of that leads to a very hymnic listen and to one of the best songs of the album.

5. I Love You (feat. Thilo Wolf Big Band)

The Thiilo Wolf Big Band is back as a musical partner on the album – and the sound of the song I Love You is in line with that. A very traditional style, which still has some cheeky and light moments, so that it is still entertaining.

6. Now I Know (feat. Ack van Rooyen)

With the Dutch trumpet player Ack van Rooyen, another instrument is in focus of the album during the sixth track. However, the song starts like a slow, a bit of melancholic and jazz-alike story, while the brass sound is giving a nice warmth in the second half of Now I Know.

7. I Never Told You (feat. Peter Schirmann)

Peter Schirmann is looking back to a very successful career as a composer. In this collaboration with Meske, the combination of the ukulele and harmonica even creates some Americana vibes. Furthermore, though, it creates a nice focus on the very gentle voice by the female artist in this song.

8. Clown (feat. Christian Gastl)

In this song, Christian Gastl and his sax are back supporting Meske, The Clown is a slower song with a gentle vibe. However, the song does come with some dramatic elements, which turn these four minutes to a really nice listen.

9. Over You

The howling guitars in the background of Over You (the first track without guest stars, by the way…) rather sounds like a country song. The vocal performance is rather on the soul-pop side, though. I feel that other songs of this album are better – giving in that it is rather a matter of taste than a matter of quality.

10. Come My Way (feat. Katharina Martini)

You don’t to guess which kind of music the 1999-born young Katharina Martini is doing – her flute is present from the very beginning of the song. Martini adds one of the most beautiful instrumental guest performances to the album. This perfectly fits to the soft and fine vocals by Meske in this recording.

11. Fire

There is not too much swing in this song. Fire is very energetic and comes with a soulful, but also pop music attitude. Meske has an amazing presence in her eleventh song – it thus does not need too more than this to create an lovely listen.

12. No Goodbyes

The almost five minute track No Goodbyes is the longest listen of the album. The song comes with an intense piano intro. Step by step, the vocals and additional instruments are added. This leads to a very dramatic and entertaining listen. Nice one.

13. Wedding Dress

The Wedding Dress again gives a nice focus on the voice of Bettina Meske – even though the backing back is leading to a good sound as well. A blending of swing and blues elements. 

14. Hold Me (feat. Paul Hankinson)

The final track has been recorded together with Australia-born Paul Hankison. The song reminds me of a slow, relaxed ride through the prairie in a western movie. Some sort of a cowboy’s lullaby – even though the song is in fact a beautiful farewell story (Hold me the last time).


Bettina Meske – Paradise Is Now – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Bettina Meske – Paradise Is Now – My View

I have to admit that I wouldn’t have ran into Paradise Is Now if it was not the week before Christmas with a low number of releases. However, I am really thankful for that. I would likely typically not select listening to Bettina Meske’s music. That was a shame – it is simply a beautiful album , which makes you feel all the heart and emotions which flew into it. Thanks for this lovely record!

Favorite Song: Moving Mountains


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