Emily Lockett is am impressive young British artist, just at the end of her teen-ages. After I saw her live on stage at the British Country Music Festival in Blackpool in 2019, I was absolutely amazed by her songs and the way she connects to the people on stage. This Friday, on 18th September 2020, Emily will release a beautiful new song, Front Porch. Just in between a couple of PR dates for that track, we had some time to chat about her music and her recent releases.
Flyctory.com meets Emily Lockett
FLYC: Hi Emily, glad to be able to chat with you. 2020 has been such a turbulent year, especially in Britain – hope you and your family survived the Covid-19 times well?
Emily: Yes thank you, we’ve all kept well.
FLYC: How was the time like for you? Did you have sufficient chances to promote your music in the new world, e.g. in online concerts?
Emily: It has been difficult being so isolated at times but I have used the time well – I’ve written a number of songs and as lockdown eased I was fortunate enough to get into the studio and record them so I have now almost completed my new EP, which hopefully will be ready to be released by end of 2020.

FLYC: You are now 19 years old. When did you start doing music? What have been your first steps?
Emily: I started playing guitar at aged 5 years!, wrote my first full song aged 12 and made my first solo guitar performance at 9/10 years (I played Wonderwall at a charity gig)
FLYC: You are writing your own songs as well. How did you recognize that you want to follow that aspect of music as well?
Emily: My mum says as soon as I could get a tune out of the guitar I would ‘ramble along’ fitting words to the music. However, as I said I was around 12 when I wrote my first song and performed it at the end of school performance at Middle School. (Very nerve wracking!)
FLYC: We met for the first time at the British Country Music Festival 2019. You just caught me with the Break up Song. When you write a song like that one, when do you feel it is a good one?
Emily: Glad you enjoyed Break up Song! It is not always easy to tell what is ‘a good song’ but I often judge by how much I enjoy playing it at home, then hopefully if I enjoy it others will too!
FLYC: In 2018, you released the EP My Imagination, which is in fact a nine track 40 minute album. Regarding streams, the most popular track it is Nice Eyes, though. What is that song about?
Emily: Yes this has proved one of my most popular songs – even popular in Poland where it charted in the iTunes download chart! Broadly speaking it’s about falling for your best friend and not being able to tell them how you feel.
FLYC: Apart from those two tracks, what are your favorite songs of My Imagination and why?
Emily: I think Strangers Again is one of my favorite tracks on My Imagination – possibly because I had a good time recording it in the studio.
FLYC: On stage, you have a very strong presence and a good connection to the audience, who listen to your songs (even if they still don’t know them). Is it something you train or are aiming for or rather just happening?
Emily: Not really trained for it, I think I’m naturally a chatty, friendly sort of a person but it does take confidence to bring that out on stage which I’m constantly working on and it isn’t always easy!

FLYC: During the British Country Festival in Blackpool, I also met you “fangirling” a lot and watching a lot of shows by other artists. Is there anything special you try to learn from them when you see their shows?
Emily: “Fangirling” haha – I am a genuine fan of lots of country acts so although I do obviously check out what they are doing to help my performance, but mostly I’m just enjoying seeing them!
FLYC: Not only in Blackpool, but in general, is there any artist, who inspires you?
Emily: I always say my main inspiration was early Taylor Swift and more recently Ward Thomas and The Shires. But when it comes to recording tracks I get a lot of inspiration from Cassadee Pope and Kelsea Ballerini’s recorded tracks, to see if I can learn anything from the production on their tracks.
FLYC: Talented US acts of the folk/country/Americana genre more and more feel to have to move to Nashville in quite early ages. You are now studying at the BIMM in Manchester, which is not too far away from your hometown Stoke-on-Trent. Why did you choose them?
Emily: I left school at 16 and went to music college (Access to Music) in Manchester which was quite a big step for me as I come from a small village and wasn’t used to city life. After completing my course at college it seemed a natural step to go onto Uni in Manchester as I’d grown to think of it as my second home and I had built up a small fan base around the Manchester music scene; I chose BIMM as it had a good reputation and the course seemed to suit my needs.
In 2019, you released That Girl, your last single so far. What is the song about?
Emily: That Girl is really about standing out from the crowd and wanting to be recognized for what you do.
FLYC: You tried to create a big social media campaign around it – have you finally been happy with the success of That Girl?
Emily: Yeah I’m reasonably happy with That Girl’s achievement, it’s my highest streamed track to date – of course you always want to improve with your next release!

FLYC: I am a bit jealous to UK country radio listeners – as they could already listen to your new single Front Porch, which is released on 18th September 2020. Tell us about that song, please?
Emily: This track focuses on a breakup and how both parties should have tried harder to save the failing relationship. Think I’ve worked harder on the production side of this song than any other of my tracks and I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out, can’t wait for people to hear it.
FLYC: What was it like to listen to it on the radio for the first time for you?
Emily: It’s always a thrill to hear your music on the airwaves, and this is no exception, its also really interesting to hear what the DJ thinks of your music too!

FLYC: Finally, let’s look forward. Anything you want to achieve in the next months? More new songs, touring maybe?
Emily: Obviously times are really hard for any musicians at the moment, however I do have a couple of small gigs planned, which hopefully will still go ahead and hopefully 2021 will bring more along.
On a more positive note, following on from Front Porch I have another track from the new EP that I plan on releasing as a single and then I will be ready to release the EP towards the end of the year.
I’m excited about this EP as I have worked really had on it over the last few months and am very pleased with how it’s coming along. Recently I had the artwork back (done by my talented brother, Ben!) and I love it! Like I say, hopefully, it will be ready by the end of the year, so watch this space!!!
Concert pictures by Flyctory.com – all other pictures: artist material
British Country Postings
Here are all music/media postings regarding country music and the United Kingdom:
The 2025 Country To Country in Berlin did not only give me four days full of great country music of ...
February 2025 is over - and it came with a lot of new music. In some of the weeks, I ...
Red Sky July are back. Their new album Misty Morning is the first album since about nine years. I had a chance ...
In exactly two weeks, on 6th March 2025, Country To Country (C2C) Berlin is kicking off with the The Bluebird ...
Even though it was quite a lot of traveling for a single concert, I was really looking forward to traveling ...
There have been five Fridays in January 2025. Thus, my Country Music Picks presenting new songs of the month (which did ...
Ringo Starr is going country music - this news in late felt really exciting to me. More than that, the ...
Time to look back into songs released during December 2024, which did not make it to my Country Music Playlist ...
Time to look back to the Flyctory.com year of music, part 2. In my 30th December 2024 posting, I am ...
The first one of my Best of postings at the end of the year is always reserved for looking back to my ...
I had a quite turbulent and emotional November 2024. The more, I appreciated good music. Here is my overview of ...
On 20th November 2024, I was able to report from an artist I had on my "bucket list" for quite ...
My new way of presenting my Country Music Picks, i.e. having a focus on new songs, which I just did not ...
The country music September 2024 is in the books. At least in regards of my Country Music Picks, which feature ...
I recently revamped the Country Music Picks featuring new releases of July 2024, this is the second time, I look ...
Elles Bailey is one of the most interesting Americana acts from the United Kingdom. The English lady released a new ...
Twinnie completed her Blue Hour circle on 28th June 2024. After the EP Blue Hour (After Dark) released in October 2023 and ...
Georgia Nevada felt to have the potential to become one of the key British country and Americana artists in the ...
In the mid to late 2010's, The Wandering Hearts felt like one of the most promising country acts based in ...
The British country music artist Twinnie will always be a special person to me. The very first time I saw ...
There are not too many artists, which make me travel on a day trip to London. Jenn Bostic did so ...
It's time to look back to . After I shared my new format My Year in Travel with you the first time, ...
One evening with six different artists? The opening night of the Heart To Heart concert series definitely came with high ...
A new major release by the British Americana artist Kezia Gill. Six years after her debut album, Misfit is her sophomore ...
So far, most of you may know Anna Demetriou as a British actress only. However, the 29 year old is ...
Sometimes, I just have to say that I am proud of someone. Like I am proud of Vic Allen: the ...
I follow the British country music artist Vic Allen since quite a while already. You also find some pictures of ...
While the music market is more and more focusing on singles and even writes weird stories like Taylor Swift's "Top ...
Since I started working with Flyctory.com, I present you a list of my favorite songs at the end of every ...
Just some ten days left until Christmas. Instead of my typical album preview, I this time go for a preview ...
I haven't featured too many country music releases from the United Kingdom during the last weeks and months. In general, ...
New songs by The Shires - some two years after their Good Years, the British state-of-the-art country artists are releasing a ...
Danny McMahon is one of the most talented and best reputed British country music artists. For example, I ran into ...
Kiefer Sutherland is a world-famous actor since many years, but since quite a while, he is also growing a fan ...
2021 definitely lifted Flyctory.com to another level. The community is steadily increasing - days with less than 2,000 page hits ...
Year-end is the time to look back to all the stuff what happened to you. Ideally you rather remind the ...
On 29th October 2021, Billy Bragg is already publishing his fourteenth album, The Million Things That Never Happped. With Bragg looking ...
Some new songs by King Calaway: More than two years after I had a listen to their album Rivers, the international ...
Emma Moore is indeed a really remarkable British artist. I really enjoy how she is blending country music with her ...
I read about Charlotte Young that she is "the female Luke Combs". I would not go as far as the ...
When I introduced the Songs Of My Life category, I did not want to keep a certain order. The more, I ...
Emma Stevens is not only one of the big names of the British country / folk music scene, she is ...
Even though Scottish Kerri Watt is a quite established act in the British Americana and country music scene, her 2021 ...
Writing about the album Greenfields makes me feel very wistful. Robin Gibb is one of my favorite artists - I ...
292 Media Review postings - looking into new music (and a few other) releases was definitely some sort of core ...
2020 is about to come to an end - and the last three posting of the years re about to ...
Doing things once is an innovation, doing it the second time makes it turn into a tradition: after I did ...
I typically aimed to publish my Country Music Picks every six to eight weeks roughly - but after my last edition ...
Ward Thomas are one of the most successful British country music acts. On 9th October, one week after they originally ...
During the last years, October has been one of the big months for European country music fans: being already "traditional" ...
After I had a very intense and interesting chat in my Spotlight interview section in May 2020 with him, I ...
One of the really interesting releases of 24th July 2020 was Firecracker by Emilia Quinn. The young artist has received quite ...
It's already about a month since my last Country Music Picks in May 2020. Covid-19 has been the dominating topic ...
I ran into Hannah White and her band project, The Nordic Connections, for the first time during the British Country Music ...
I am really glad that my Spotlight interview section is growing and also having some increasing popularity. In this interview, I met ...
For 1st May 2020, I originally had a list of eight albums and EPs, which I prepared for review. The ...
I recently saw a feature about British country music, when I ran into the Welsh artist Bob Fitzgerald. I did ...
Twinnie's debut album Hollywood Gypsy, which has been released on 17th April 2020, was some sort of highlight of the day ...
Though Liv Austen is originally from Norway, she is an established artist of the British country music scene. On 10th ...
In this edition of my Spotlight interviews, I ran into a very interesting - and nice - artists in the British ...
The Corona crisis keeps me buzy - and thus, it again took me quite a while to have a new ...
On 13th March 2020, there was some sort of national holiday for the British country music community: not only that ...
Sunday, 8th March 2020, the third day in Berlin. Already that typical mixture of feelings: looking forward to the last ...
After the the first side stage acts on Day 1 of the C2C Country To Country 2020 in Berlin, Day ...
C2C Country To Country in Berlin 2020 - time to start the second edition of the festival on 6th March ...
A lot has happened since the Country 2 Country 2020 headliners for all five venues have been published in October 2019 ...
Going to Hassocks, a village North of Brighton, was a very special moment to me on Saturday, 8th February 2020 ...
2019 has come to an end - and music has been one of the key topics of Flyctory.com in 2019 ...
December - Christmas time! Especially after I had so many postings about Christmas markets in here, I felt to add ...
During the London Country Music Week, Country 2 Country traditionally presented the lineup for the festival. Every year, fans pray ...
British independent country music artist Vic Allen is not just a lovely person and friend of mine, but also a ...
In addition to the Country Music Playlists, I still want to focus on certain songs in the Country Music Picks ...
You may easily agree that there are more beautiful and less beautiful musicians in the worldl of country music. Nevertheless, ...
The final day of the British Country Music Festival differed significantly from the two days before: the program started slightly ...
After Sarah Darling's amazing performance on Day 1, Saturday evening had a massive Ballroom line-up, featuring Twinnie, The Adelaides, Honey ...
Friday, the 13th - not the most luck-calling date for the first day of the debut of this new country ...
After taking the first steps into country music and country music concerts in the early Flyctory.com days, the website is ...
After having this category of postings since quite some time, I decided to have more regular country music picks in ...
I was very happy when I received a message in June 2019, whether I would like to review the album ...
Just two days after I touched German soil back from CMA Fest 2019, I flew to London for another country ...
Getting more and more into country music, I more and more love songwriters rounds. Several singers or songwriters are on ...
Wonderland is the fifth studio album of US country singer and songwriter Sarah Darling. Sarah released it on 7th June ...
On Friday, 10th May 2019, the Arts Club in Liverpool hosted the 2019 stage of the CMT Next Women of ...
The beginning of March 2019 was a country music powerhouse to me. The Country 2 Country (C2C) debut in Berlin, ...
After my 2018 debut at the London Country 2 Country and the first-time German event in Berlin the weekend before, ...
As blogging on music became a quite frequent category at Flyctory.com, I felt to look back to 2018 and introduce ...
As part of her "Talk of this Town" tour, Catherine McGrath presented her equivalently named album. I visited the tour ...
After having seen Catherine McGrath twice at the 2018 Country 2 Country in London, I have become an admiring follower ...
It is some two months since I posted my latest top country songs - thus, I felt to update you ...
As you might have seen in the other blog entries, I have been attending Europe's major country music festival, the ...
Country 2 Country, short: C2C, has established to be the largest country music festival in Europe. In fact, it is ...
Spotlight – Flyctory.com Interviews
Here are all postings of my interview section Spotlight:
The 2025 Country To Country in Berlin did not only give me four days full of great country music of ...
Right before the beginning of the 2025 Berlin Country To Country Festival, on Thursday afternoon, I had the opportunity of ...
Big names and emerging artists - I love to cover the full range of musicians in my Spotlight interviews. This ...
It late January 2025, I introduced you to the third EP by the German artist Luna Morgenstern, Heartbreak Hotel. Luna and ...
Last week, Frances Darling had a big day in her young career. With the song Flight Risk, the US-American-German artist released ...
This episode of my Spotlight interviews was one I was looking forward to for a long time. Australian Chelsea Berman ...
Tyler Sjöström played acoustic sets between the main stage acts during the first and second day of the Sound of ...
Ben / Benjamin Moske is a quite well-known artist in the Northern German singer-songwriter scene. His songs are influenced by ...
Georgia Nevada felt to have the potential to become one of the key British country and Americana artists in the ...
A really nice way to see that Flyctory.com has established and has a certain history is that some artist happen ...
The Cumberland River Project is on the final straight towards a new release. On 22nd March 2023, Frank Renfordt and ...
The British country music artist Twinnie will always be a special person to me. The very first time I saw ...
I am always flattered when there are new, interesting German acts who are releasing country music. This week on Flyctory.com ...
Over two million followers on YouTube, slightly less on TikTok and still about half a million on Instagram - Indonesia's ...
It is very hard to put the music by Israeli artist Dekel into a single genre. There is a touch ...
This April 2023 episode of my Spotlight interviews is one I have been a bit of nervous about, indeed. After ...
I have been so excited about that news that she will be touring Europe soon: Jessica Lynn is such an ...
Julian Taylor is just about to make it to Germany and the Netherlands. Right before the Sound of Nashville shows ...
When I thought about the concept of Flyctory.com, I wanted to bring people together. I wanted to teach travelers about ...
I follow the British country music artist Vic Allen since quite a while already. You also find some pictures of ...
My first Spotlight interview of the year 2023 is with US country artist Zye Ca$h. He is having a rap ...
They started in school years in Kassel, Germany and are now a global musical success. The song Stolen Dance catapulted the German ...
This is already the second time I met Nik Wallner for a Spotlight interview on Flyctory.com. While the first time we chatted ...
I am already flattered to head to the United States. I am going to Florida next week to see five ...
What an amazing series of country music interviews on Flyctory.com in September 2022: after I finally managed to publish the ...
I simply cannot deny that I have been a bit more nervous before this Spotlight interview. While most of the ...
Great to have a new country music interview in my Spotlight section right at the beginning of August 2022! The artist I ...
I am really glad to present you a new artist in my Spotlight interview section. Tomas Rimeika became quite famous ...
Upsahl is a pop-rock singer-songweiter from Phoenix, Arizona. Just before she is setting foot on German soil during her 2022 ...
Just this weekend, I introduced you to Fear & Dagger, the second album by the Swiss beatdown band Paleface. Even though ...
If you think about Dutch country music, you definitely think about Ilse DeLange. Of course, if you follow my blog, ...
Rickie Lee Kroell, the second time: I just introduced you to the pop artist and her new EP Hauptsache was mit ...
The Canadian country recording artist and songwriter Jesse is about to release a new single this week: On Friday (4th ...
Ontario, Nashville, Scotland - Brittany Brodie is home somehow in many places in the world. I have been in contact ...
It's been quite a while since I released my previous Spotlight interview. The more, I feel flattered to dip into ...
Lori Rayne, Stephanie Ryann and now Presley Aronson - after I had quite a break from my Flyctory.com Spotlight interviews, ...
Even though Stephanie Ryann is already in her mid-30's, the New England artist is not a stranger to North American ...
It's been quite a while since I published my last Spotlight interview. The more, I feel flattered to have a ...
A debut on Flyctory.com: this week, I am featuring a very special interview in my Spotlight interview category. While I ...
Linda Mar (or Linda Marlen Runge, which is her civil name) is truly a multi-talent in performing: Likely, most people ...
After my recent Spotlight interview episode with Christina Taylor, I feel really gifted to chat with another very interesting Nashville ...
It's been quite a while that I released my last Spotlight interview. The more I am happy that I have ...
Emma Stevens is not only one of the big names of the British country / folk music scene, she is ...
I am always happy to chat with German artists on my blog in the Spotlight interview category. Ann Doka is ...
Brian John Harwood is indeed an interesting artist. Not just only as one part of Kansas Stone, Harwood is a ...
Frances Luke Accord is a US-American folk music duo, which has been founded during their common time at high school ...
Carrie Welling is a very interesting folk / Americana artist, who is nowadays living in Nashville. She was born in ...
Right at the beginning of the 2020 holiday season, I had a very interesting chat with Tristan Cole. The North ...
Nikita Skogen just released her debut single, Break Your Heart. Nonetheless, the Norwegian country music artist already has gained comparably quite ...
When you look at European country music, you very often purely focus on British artists. However, the German country music ...
This week, I am gifted to have very interesting interviews again in my Flyctory.com Spotlight section. Just a few days ...
When I reviewed her album Lucky in mid September 2020, I felt that the bio information about the country artist ...
Riley Whittaker contacted me just some one or two weeks ago. She is a young artist from Sedona, Arizona, who ...
In the recent past, my Spotlight interview section hosted some very interesting young artists as well. For example, I chatted with ...
Just in time: one day before Jim "Kimo" West will release his new album More Guitar Stories, I had the opportunity ...
I am really gifted to chat with some interesting artists in August 2020 in my Spotlight interview section. Right after I ...
In my Spotlight category, I am dealing with another interesting artist. Sandra North is originally from Trosa South of Stockholm ...
It's quite a while since I published my latest Spotlight interview episode with Carolyn Miller in mid-June 2020. The more ...
Meeting Carolyn Miller and seeing her playing live on stage at the BB King was one of the hightlights during ...
When I was scanning songs for my New Country Hits Playlist, I ran into Lightning by the Colorado artist Kimi Most ...
Lucy LaForge is the head and lead singer behind Lucy & La Mer. Based in Los Angeles, the singer / ...
I am really glad that my Spotlight interview section is growing and also having some increasing popularity. In this interview, I met ...
I was really looking forward to have this chat with Rob Favotto, who is an Australian artist doing instrumental music ...
I ran into the music of Sylvia Aimee, a Dutch country music artist, some one year ago. The quality of ...
Already the first single Back On The Road felt very promising - and at least when The Cumberland River Project released their ...
Buy her incredible debut album No Saint during the C2C in Berlin in 2019 was maybe one of the events ...
While my Spotlight Interview so far have been concentrated in the country music scene, I was very happy to run ...
In this edition of my Spotlight interviews, I ran into a very interesting - and nice - artists in the British ...
Many people in the German country music business see a lot of potential in Southern German artist Nik Wallner. At ...
Van De Forst is one of the most interesting German country music / country pop music act. Vanessa, the person ...