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Folterkammer – Weibermacht

Folterkammer - Weibermacht




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Energetic symphonic metal sound
  • Nice focus on BDSM topics

If you read the band name Folterkammer, which is German and translates to “Torture Chamber”, you rather think that this review is about a German band. The confusion is even stronger by the title of their sophomore album Weibermacht (“Broads’ Power”) and the (partially) German song titles in it. In fact, Weibermacht is a US-American symphonic black metal band. However, there is also an Austrian band with the same name. The album release has been on 19th April 2024. Here is my review.


Folterkammer – About The Artists

I unfortunately have limited biography information about the band. The first album release of the New York City-based band, which also has Swiss and French band members, has been the 2020 album Die Lederpredigt, though. Their songs are rather dealing with BDSM topics. The band is formed around singer Andromeda Anarchia, who is also heading the band Andromeda Anarchia’s Darkmatters. The other band members are Zachary Ezrin, Darren Hanson (both guitars), Laurent David (bass) and drummer Brendan McGowan.


Folterkammer – Weibermacht – Track by Track

The eight track album lasts 46 minutes.

1. Anno Domina

Anno Domina has been one of the feature singles of the album. The guitars and the bass create a permanent sound bed. On top of that, Andromeda Anarchia puts a vocal line, which partially feels a bit too shrill. Nonetheless, the 5:37 minute song comes with a nice dramatic plot, which is even a hapsichord-alike bridge, before the whippings sounds illustrate the sadistic thoughts behind the track.

2. Leck Mich!

The title of the second song translates to “Eat my shorts”. On the guitar side, there is more variety than in the opener. Several vocal lines, including a grunting part, lead to a wider sound. Finally, the main vocals feel clearer and more pleasant, which overall defines a finer, but still nicely theatric sound.

3. Die Unterwerfung

Die Unterwerfung (“The Submission”) opens with a very different style. Andromeda Anarchia has a narrative part initially, kicking off with a variation of a German children rhyme. Hoppe Hoppe Reiter, wenn sie peitscht, dann schreit er (“Hop Hop Rider – if she is whipping, he is screaming”) are her initial words. After this slow start, the song suddenly turns into a dark touch, though. Some parts of the song are very groovy as well. Great drumming by Brendan McGowan.

4. Küss mir die Füsse!

The BDSM themes and metaphors keep on in the next song. “Kiss my feet” is the meaning of Küss mir die Füsse!.With a total duration of more than seven minutes, this song is also the longest of the album.Apart from that thematic excursion to podophilia, the song does work nicely solely, but is not adding too much after you have listened to first three songs already.

5. Algolagnia

The second single release on Weibermacht comes with dark sounds as well. The song is angry and deals with the sadistic and dominant part of BDSM. The sadistic core of this song is nicely featured in this song. Folterkammer’s lead singer sometimes. A very intense listen, which is nonetheless an interesting listen.

6. Herrin der Schwerter

The sixth song allows itself having a 25 seconds instrumental intro, before the focus moves more towards the microphone. A bombastic listen. Andromeda Anarchia thereby strongly reminds of Nightwish and Tarja Turunen.

7. Das Peitschengedicht

The seventh song has a touch of folk and Mideaval sound, especially at the beginning. However the song about the “Whip Face” quickly turns back into the typical Folterkammer sound. Das Peitschengesicht  song describes a visit at a domina in rather high detail. This definitely leads to the song which is least suitable for children and rather sensitive listeners.

8. Venus In Furs (Cover Version)

The closing track has originally been recorded by The Velvet Underground and has been part of their debut album The Velvet Underground & Nico. This also means that Folterkammer switches back to English. The witch-alike vocal style feels like a nice character.


Folterkammer – Weibermacht – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Folterkammer – Weibermacht – My View

I read some really scary reviews about Ledernacht. I feel that Folterkammer does much better in their sophomore album. Weibermacht might not be top class musical entertainment compared to peers in that genre, but it is a rather solid to good album.

Favorite Song: Leck Mich!


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