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Munich White Rose / Weiße Rose Memorial Exhibition

White Rose Memorial Munich

free entry



Flyctory.com Pros

  • Centrally located at Munich Unversity
  • Very well maintained exhibition
  • Comprehensive overview of the topic
  • Free entry

The Weiße Rose / “White Rose” was a resistance group during the German Nazi regime. Mainly consisting of university students, she was found by Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell in June 1942 and has been active since April 1943. At that point, the group has been revealed and all of her major members have been executed by the political leaders. One of the most well-known people of the central Weiße Rose organisation are Sophie Scholl (Hans’ sister) and professor Kurt Huber. An exhibition in the main building of Munich University, the DenkStätte Weiße Rose (White Rose Memorial – literally “ThinkPlace Weiße Rose”) is reminding of the organizsation.


White Rose Memorial – Location & Times

The White Rose Memorial is located at the Lichthof, the main lobby of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (“Ludwig-Maximilian University”, short LMU). The memorial has designated rooms, the building itself is of course majorly used for its educative purpose. It is a short walk from Munich city center – you may also use the U3 or U6 underground and leave at the Universität stop. The university is located at the Geschwister-Scholl-Platz (“Scholl Siblings Square”) in memory of the resistance group.

With Covid-19 restrictions ongoing, the opening times of the memorial can be restricted. The ordinary times seem to be 10:00 to 17:00 hrs Monday to Friday, 11:30 to 16:30 Saturdays. During my visit, it was 11:00 to 16:00 Monday to Friday only. Memorials of leaflets, the key way of communication of the Weiße Rose are fixed to the ground in front of the university. Admission is free.


White Rose Memorial – The Exhibition

If you enter the Lichthof, the entrance to the DenkStätte Weiße Rosse is on the right hand side via a few stairs. The memorial is more or less a major room with the key parts of the exhibits alongside the walls and some additional displays in the middle of the room. Entering the room, the history of the Weiße Rose is rather on the left hand side. There are not too many originals, but a lot of information, old pictures and pictures of of original items.

One of the key exhbits are the leaflets published by the resistance group. You also learn how the movement spread over other universitites and places in Germany. Finally, you also lean how the Nazis could identify the members of the group and about the trial against the members.

The right hand side of the exhibition contains touchscreens with a lot of information about the members of the Weiße Rose / White Rose group. The screens are really good and are worth to spend some time with.


White Rose Memorial – Service

There is a small shop, which is driven by the same people who are at the reception of the memorial. They staff was very friendly. Apart from that, there are no dedicated sevices.


White Rose Memorial – My View

The story of the Weiße Rose / White Rose is an amazing part of German history. The exhibition in Munich is rather small, but gives a lot of good information. As it is centrally located, I feel that you should definitely visit the place if you are in central Munich.


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