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Those Damn Crows – Inhale/Exhale

Those Damn Crows - Inhale/Exhale




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Inhale/Exhale is already the third album by the British band Those Damn Crows. As their latest major release has been quite a success in their home country, I was looking forward to have a listen to their music. Here is my review of the 17th February 2023 release.


Those Damn Crows – About The Artists

Thomas Damn Crows are an alternative rock and hard rock band from Bridgend in Wales. They have been active since 2014. The band is a quintet formed of singer Shane Greenhall, guitarists Ian Thomas and David Winchurch, bassist Lloyd Wood and drummer Ronnie Huxford. The released two album so far. While their debut Murder and the Motive did not lead to a major comercial success, Point of No Return in 2020 made it into the British Top 15 album charts.

Those Damn Crows – Inhale/Exhale – Track by Track

The ten song album lasts 38 minutes.

1. Fill the Void

Fill the Void opens the album with a lot of rock power and backing synth sound. After this wake-up call, the song develops into a very speedy, alternative rock with darkly strumming guitars and bass chords.

2. Takedown

Five of the next six tracks of the album are known to fans already – maybe a bit too mich for a third long-play rock release. The song is driving by hammering guitar licks, which lead to a cool alternative-style groove. Shane Greenhall does what it is necessary to turn the song into a good listen.

3. Man on Fire

The very melodic Man on Fire is one of my favorites. However, if you like the harder and more rocking side of the Welsh band, you might regard the third song to be close to a rock-pop track.

4. Wake Up (Sleepwalker)

The stomping rhythm and the guitar riffs, which drive Wake Up (Sleepwalker) give this song a touch of an industrial rock song. I feel the song is having a nice potential to have fun with.

5. This Time I’m Ready

You know, there is this thing with rockers and emotions. They might not like the clichee, but they simply to the great ballads. Like This Time I’m Ready, which has a nice balance of rocking roughness and romantic feelings. A track from Wales right to your heart.

6. I Am

We not fully back in the world of rock in here. Of course, the guitars are back and cannot stand to strum emotionally for two songs in a row, but the song is rather in average roughness and rock-ness compared to other songs of the album. Very modern rock track with good guitar work and catching vocals.

7. See You Again

The seventh song has a lot of potential for a fan favorite. Greenhall does great on the microphone, the song also comes with some nice sing-a-long potential. It’s simply a really nice and good rocker, stadium rock style.

8. Lay It All on Me

With 4:40 minutes, Lat It All on Me is the longest track of the album. Another straight rocker, with is rather melodic, but still has this nice touch of an alternative rock song. Those Damn Crows make me smile with this one again.

9. Find a Way

The first half minute of the song seems to introduce a hard rocker, but again the Welsh mix guitar fun with rather melodic parts. Nice blending.

10. Waiting for Me

The closing track starts with a long intro, which is almost just having vocal presence and keyboard sounds. The song stays very atmospheric and has a lovely vibe. Nice.


Those Damn Crows – Inhale/Exhale – Spotify

Here is Inhale/Exhale on Spotify:


Those Damn Crows – Inhale/Exhale – My View

Ballads, atmospheric tracks, fun songs and hard rockers – this ten song package from Wales got it all. Inhale/Exhale is a good and very entertaining listen. I definitely recommend to give it a try.


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