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Jenn Bostic (20th February 2024, London)

There are not too many artists, which make me travel on a day trip to London. Jenn Bostic did so for the 20th February 2024. The singer-songwriter of country and Christian songs just did two shows in Europe early in that year. Right before she headed to a festival in Northern Ireland, she had a solo show in The Green Note in London. I haven’t met Jenn since a show in the Nashville Listening Room in 2019. Thus, I really looked forward to meet her again and enjoy her show.

This posting comes with 259 major size pictures as part of the concert gallery.


The Green Note – About The Venue

The Green Note is a rather intimate venue in the heart of Camden Town. You can reach the borough, which is rather famous for its market, easily by the Northern Line, Camden Town station. Alternatively, there is also a London Overground connection, e.g. to Stratford, from Camden Road station. Doors typically open 90 minutes before the show. Jenn Bostic’s concert was scheduled for 20:30, it sold out weeks before the show. Even though the venue states that there is limited seating and you might stand, there were just very few people who finally had to do so in the lovely atmosphere of the place. They also offer vegetarian snacks.

Jenn Bostic – About The Artist

Jennifer Christiana Bostic was born on 3rd January 1986. She is originally from Philadelphia, but she grew up in Minnesota. Her father, who was a musician as well, was killed in a car accident. The tragic event lead to one of Jenn’s most well-reputed songs, Jealous of the Angels, which even was her debut single in 2012. The song is also special for Jenn as it topped the UK singer-songwriter charts. It has been covered multiple times. The most popular version is by Northern Irish Donna Taggart, which is even significantly more frequently streamed than the original. So far, she has released five albums and two EPs. My latest review of her music was the one of the EP Take My Heart (Part 1).


Jenn Bostic – The Show

Jenn kicked off her concert right in time at 20:30. The show lasted until 22:35, including a less than fifteen minute intermission. The atmosphere of the show was special before it already, as Jenn was sitting in the audience, chatting with friends and fans. You felt the whole evening how much she enjoyed being back at her European fans. Overall, the set included songs from practically all her releases – apart from the very early country-only songs. The first songs of the evening thus also included songs like her 2011 single release Not Yet. Jealous of the Angels, combined with Amazing Grace (she stated that the initially combined these two songs just spontaneously in London the first time) was also one of the earlier songs of the evening.

While the crowd was listening and feeling the songs, there were scattered moments, when they also sang-a-long with Jenn. The artist shared a lot of stories of her life – including how it changed by recently becoming a mother. Unexpectedly, Nashville-based artist Alyssa Bonagura, who wrote a couple of song with Bostic, joined the stage for some of the last songs. This also gave Bostic the opportunity to perform a song with Bonagura’s guitar, before the audience had the opportunity to restock with drinks and snacks during the intermission. For that one, she simply unplugged the instrument and performed in the middle of the audience.


Lovely Second Half of the Set

After the short break already mentioned the show continued with lovely songs and great stories. For example, Jenn stated how she came back to dancing during the pandemic – which is also reflected in her Leave It At The Cross video. Other songs from the beginning of the second pet were Unsung and Hope from her latest You Find a Way album. Another emotional highlight of the event was Faint of Heart from her 2018 album Revival, which deals with the struggles between her and the music industry not allowing her to do the music she wants to do.

The encore started at about 22:30 with Jenn having to look up the lyrics for her final song. It somehow felt the perfect state of vulnerability at the end of a very personal music evening.


Jenn Bostic – The Gallery

Here are 259 major size pictures of the show. They are located in the concert gallery:


Jenn Bostic – My View

It was the first time after more than four years I had the chance to see Jenn Bostic live on stage. Several times during the concert, I felt her music so deeply, being touched by her words, but also her present voice in the small, intimate venue. She deserves much better than coming over from Tennessee for just two shows. This evening was truly magical – and you felt how much she loved it to feel the love of her abroad audience as well as the audience loved to listen to her.

People who know me know that I am a die-hard atheist, but even her very religious songs touched me deeply. Hope it is not another four years until I am gifted enjoying these emotions again. It has simply been a great night with an outstanding artist.


London – Music & Media

Here are all my Music & Media postings related to the city of London:



Religious sites, religious music – posts tagged with Religion are closely related to believing:

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