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Fire Horse – Out of the Ashes

Fire Horse - Out of the Ashes




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very nicely presented and produced album
  • Straight, characteristic sound

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Some monotony

I do not have the opportunity to present music from the Netherlands too often. Sylvia Aimee is one of my most beloved artists on the country music side, but in general, I would definitely show you more tunes from this interesting music scene. The more I have been happy to run into the band Fire Horse, which is a new heavy rock trio from there. Their album Out of the Ashes has been released on 2nd September 2022.


Fire Horse – About The Artists

Fire Horse started to publish music with the 2021 single Fire Horse. The band consists of three band member, Kevin Stunnenberg (vocals, guitar), Peter van Elderen (bass guitar) and Guy Pek (drums). They do a mixture of classic rock and hard rock elements with elements like grunge. Out of the Ashes is their debut album. The band name, by the way, is related to van Elderen’s vita: he was born under the Chinese sign of the horse.


Fire Horse – Out of the Ashes – Track by Track

The eleven song album lasts 41 minutes.

1. Trust

Trust is a really nice rock opener, which also cannot deny a certain proportion of grunge elements. Screaming guitars and rather melodic and slow parts – the Dutch go for a wide range of sounds in the opener.

2. Do My Thang

Do My Thang has a lovely groove, almost reminds me of surfer rock. However, The Beach Boys have moved to Seattle and put on their darkest leather jacket before they recorded this one. The great work on the bass side is the key reason why you feel that you just have to move to the rhythm of the song.

3..Against the World

Compared to the first two tracks, Around the World almost feels like a pop song. However, the song is just a nice rocker with a touch of old-school rock elements. The song has a rather simple plot. However, this especially turns the chorus into a really catching listening experience.

4. Black Waltz

Okay, that waltz is not suitable for the next wedding – even if both protagonists have a strong additiction to rock’n’roll. The song has an immense groove and a strong flavor of grunge. You definitely recognize that despite this album is a debut, all band members have played in other projects before.

5. Fire Horse

Not title track, but the song named after the three Dutch. Good melodic plot, well written to attract the masses at a Fire Horse show. Apart from that, the song comes with a lot of good power.

6. Stormtrooper

Less than two minutes – the Stormtrooper is a rather short episode of this album – but it is not a bad one. Short, but entertaining listen. The Dutch even selected the track as a single release.

7. Willows

Willows is driven by the cool and grungy sounds as well as the very catching main theme. Good listen, indeed.

8. Don’t Care

The last single release (so far) featured on the album is Don’t care. The song is a real power rocker, which again comes with great melodic guitar lines, but also a really nice groove. One of my favorites.

9. Situations

Situations is a nice following track after Don’t Care. However, you could also say that the two songs have certain similarities. Fire Horse do their very specific sound. This works well

10. Hello

The last two songs of the album are rather short. Both songs are shorter than three minutes. Hello is thereby a grungy and dark rocker, which feels very similar as other tracks on the album. Still a nice listen.

11. Keep It Coming

The closer has a very distorted sound, but also a lot of speed and power. This is definitely a nice final flavor of the world of Fire Horse. Very nice listen.


Fire Horse – Out of the Ashes – Spoitify

Here is the album on Spotify


Fire Horse – Out of the Ashes – My View

Out of the Ashes is – unfortunately – not top class album. But: I really like it. The Dutch show they high level of talent and experience and created a compact, good listen. Some tracks unfortunately make me feel too strongly that they should leave their comfort zone.


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Here are all my Music & Media postings related to the Netherlands:


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