Finn & Jonas – Kiosk

Finn & Jonas - Kiosk



4.3/5 Pros

  • Straight, entertaining pop vibes
  • Very uplifting and ironic lyrics

Finn & Jonas are twins. They are doing German indie-pop songs. After they grew regionally and have a national fan base nowadays, their debut album Kiosk may be the next step of their career. I had the opportunity to listen to the album already before its release on 10th November 2023.


Finn & Jonas – About The Artist

Finn & Jonas are twins from Dortmund in the German Ruhrgebiet. They are in their mid-20’s. In 2021, they released their debut single 2 Dumme ein Gedanke. Apart from releasing songs as a duo, they also collaborated with other musicians. Their first song, which had a wider audience, though, was War Girl. They competed with it in the songwriter talent show Dein Song (“Your Song”) in the German children and teen TV Channel KIKA. Nowadays, though, they sing in German.


Finn & Jonas – Kiosk – Track by Track

The twelve song album lasts 32 minutes.

1. Piet

Piet ist ein Widerling und ich muss mit ihm Zeit verbringen (“Piet is a creep and I have to spend time with him”) are the first words of the album. The song deals with the fact that Piet’s sister is quite hot and thus you have to do what you have to do as a young adult. A lovely story with a nice, cheeky accent. The ironic lyrics remind me of the 1980’s Neue Deutsche Welle era.

2. Die Jugend von heute

Finn & Jonas work with clear, straight messages. The chorus of the second song tells us that “The youth nowadays is tainted from the bottom up”. A laid back and groovy pop song about the clash of generations.

3. Lügen haben kurze Beine

Unfortunately, I cannot really translate the beautiful metaphor Lügen haben kurze Beine – und die tret’ ich Dir weg into English. The song is about blowhards, who are full of prejudices and talk bad about other people, up to racism. Despite the sound of the songs in here is rather happy and enjoyable, the messages are rather deep.

4. Vergessen zu vergessen

“I forgot to forget how it was alike when you were with me”. The song is about the first pain after a breakup. Again, this feels like a perfect lyrical territory for the German twins.

5. Schuld meiner Eltern

In Schuld meiner Eltern, the brothers ironically lame their parents for not being rich not being able to fulfill all of their dreams. A very pointed and entertaining song.

6. Ohne mich

You see a lot of red YouTube boxes especially in this part of the review. There are just four new songs on this album release (or, vice versa, eight songs have already been single releases). Thus, the album is rather aiming to attract new fans than pleasing existing ones. Ohne mich is a good to talk about this. The song as such is not a bad one. It also is quite in line with the style of other songs. Unfortunately, apart from being a bit longer than most of the peers (in fact, the only one of two songs longer than three minutes), Ohne Mich (“Without You”) does not leave a special memory after listening.

7. Exen

Exen relates to ex-girlfriends in here. The word also means to down a drink, like a bottle of beer. However, there is no alcohol in here. Instead, the brother do the clear statement that “All mothers of my ex-girlfriends are sad that I am gone”.. No more further interpretation. They are simply top class sons-in-law… At least from their very own perspective.

8. Lieblos

Compared to other songs in here, Lieblos strikes with a rather bass-focused sound with stomping drums. The song states that the protagonist is without love in his heart and thus limited. For example you are unable to write a love song.

9. Bleiben

The ninth song surprises with a reggae-alike style. After a lot of struggle with love, this song states “You shall stay forever as you are”. A nice young adult’s perspective on the sunnier days of life, right in line with the sunny vibes.

10. Wenn du gehst

The longest song of the album spreads ballad vibes, even though the drumming takes away a bit of the romantic mood. Nonetheless, I feel that this song is one of the best ones of the album. And it breaks the long streak of already published tracks.

11. Unangenehm

The second last track Unangenehm starts with a keyboard and synth melody, but later also has sections with present drumming. Just above a duration of two minutes, the song nonetheless stays in your mind.

12. Spring

Spring, which means “Jump” closes the debut album of Finn & Jonas. The song is a pleasing farewell, which has a really nice chorus. I like the guitar parts in this track.


Finn & Jonas – Kiosk – Spotify

Here is Kiosk on Spotify:


Finn & Jonas – Kiosk – My View

I enjoyed listening to the twins from Germany. Kiosk is full of beautiful and entertaining lyrics. The songs deal with stories with sometimes rather feel like teenage topics. Nonetheless, the beats make you move, the lyrics make you smile – so the whole thing just cannot be too bad.

Favorite Song: Exen



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