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Riding the Singapore Flyer

The Singapore Flyer used to be the world tallest ferris wheel from its opening in 2008 to 2014, when it was topped by the High Roller in Las Vegas by some two meters. As I generally like these kind of old-fashioned sky high attractions, I just could not stand to have a look on Singapore from above when I visited the city in 2019. Here is my review of the 165 meter high attraction close to Marina Bay.


Singapore Flyer – Location & Admission

The Singapore Flyer is located North of the Marina, right across Marina Bay Sands and the area, where the lovely lightshows are played. It is also close to the Pit Lane for the Formula 1 circuit (which is partially held on public roads). The next metro station is Promenade. The Singapore Flyer is located in a small kind-of-mall, which helds a couple of restaurants and other attractions. For example, it holds a place where you can have flight simulator experiences.

An adult Singapore Flyer ticket is 33 SGD, roughly 22 EUR. Of course, there are a couple of options to upgrade your ride. At the time of my visit, there was for example the option to take the Barbie-themed capusule, which more than doubles the admission price. Other upgrades are dining or having a Singapore Sling while onboard the capsule.


Riding the Singapore Flyer

Singapore Flyer has 28 capsules. Their maximum capacity is 28 people. I have been in a ride with four other persons, which was very comfortable. The capsules are air conditioned. Similar to the The Wheel at ICON Park Orlando (formerly: ICON Orlando) I visited recently, there are small screens which help you to explore the area and give you information on sights. In addition, Singapore Flyer capsules have large screens with general information. A nice feature of the large screens is that they show you the current height above ground. The net time of a trip is roughly half an hour. The pictures below are in chronological order.

Of course, no visit to the Singapore Flyer is complete without the mandatory visit of the gift shop at the exit. However, the range of souvenirs there did not really attract me to spent some more money.


Singapore Flyer – My View

There might be more time-effective and flexible ways to see cities from above than the good-old ferris wheels, but I simply love them. Singapore Flyer is state of the art and gives you nice views of the area around. However, it is just not the tallest structure of the area (especially the Financial District skyscrapers are much taller), so that you do not have this lovely, wide ferris wheel view you for example enjoy in Orlando. Nevertheless, I loved it and had a great time up in the air.


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