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Allee der Diktatoren – Dieses kleine bisschen Wut

Allee der Diktatoren - Dieses kleine bisschen Wut




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice range of tracks
  • Very versatile compositions between rock and punk

I typically rather sort out new albums by the sound than by the popularity of the artists. Thus, I am often happy to run into new artists, debut albums and other interesting publications. On 7th October, the German band Allee der Diktatoren (“Avenue of Dictators”) released their very first album. I had a listen to Dieses kleine bisschen Wut (“This little bit of anger”).


Allee der Diktatoren – About The Artists

Allee der Diktatoren is a band from Berlin. The quartet consists of Marcus (drums), Stephan (guitar), Frank (bass) and Mike (vocals, guitars). In 2018, they released a self-titled EP, followed by a couple of singles thereafter. Depending on the source, they are named a punk or an alternative rock band.


Allee der Diktatoren – Dieses kleine bisschen Wut – Track by Track

The eight song album lasts 34 minutes.

1. Moment

The opener is a typical punk track with a traditional touch. The melody is easy, simple, the message is straight. A good one to catch the listener right from the beginning – and one of my favorite listens in this album.

Wir warten auf den perfekten Moment
Der niemals kommt
Solange wir nur warten
Und wenn wir wollen, dass die Welt in Flammen steht
Ist es an uns
Das Feuer zu entfachen.

(“We are waiting for the perfect moment
Which is never happening
As long as we are just waiting.
And if we want that the world is in flames
It’s up to us
To light the fire”)

2. Reiß mir den Kopf

“Rip off the head from my shoulders, as all the thinking is making me mad” – that’s about the message of the second song. The sound of Reiß mir den Kopf is not too much of a difference to Moment. The song is about all the pressure you nowadays have to be fast and efficient.

3. Frau Diktator

Frau Diktator (“Miss Dictator”) has already been published on the band’s 2018 EP. The song has a lovely bass groove. The song feels a bit more naive and simple than the songs before, which leads to a nice alternative touch.

4. Blätter

Blätter describes the death of a soldier, starting with a commander giving the message to his parents. Die Blätter fallen braun-rot-gold auf dem Sarg, in dem Du liegst – “The leaves are falling brown red and gold on the coffin in which you are lying”. Very nicely done anti-war song, which is slower and again rather feels like an alternative rock track.

5. Manipuliere Dich

The fifth song’s translates to “Manipulate Me”. The verses feel a bit melancholic, the chorus, however, is a really nice and energetic song. Not on the top of my list of songs of this album – but a good listen.

6. Strand

Strand was one of the feature singles of the album. The song is a nice straight rocker with a punk signature. Nice, fast track, which is nicely driven the guitars and bass vibes. The instrumental part reminds of surf rock songs – just how life at the beach (this is what Strand translates to) should feel alike.

7. Warteschleife

Guitar licks lead the vibe of Warteschleife. The song has a really cool and unique sound and again a good instrumental part. Well done.

8. Wut

The title track Wut closes the album with a 5:22 minute listen. The song is nicely connecting to the first songs of this publication. A slower track with nice bass lines, but also a clear punk rock heart, which is especially viable in the chorus.


Allee der Diktatoren – Dieses kleine bisschen Wut – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Allee der Diktatoren – Dieses kleine bisschen Wut – My View

I really enjoyed listening to Dieses kleine bisschen Wut. The Berlin quartet offers some different sound in their debut, but still have a nice wide range of sounds. The songs have a nice balance of vocal and instrumental elements as well.


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