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Warren Zeiders – Relapse

Warren Zeiders - Relapse




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice balance between ballads and country rock songs
  • Very nice storytelling

European country music fans already look forward to the beginning of 2025, when Warren Zeiders will be touring the continent (see by country music tour dates or below). However, a couple of months before this voyage, the US-American artist takes us on a listening trip. He released his sophomore album Relapse on 23rd August 2024. I had a listen.


Warren Zeiders – About The Artist

Warren Zeiders was born in Hershey in Pennsylvania. He initially rather felt to become a lacrosse player. However, during University years, he also started to post covers on his TikTok account. Later he also added original. His debut single Ride The Lightning had half a billion views on the social media platform. His 2023 single Pretty Little Poison topped the US Country Airplay charts. It is also the title track of his debut album released on 18th August 2023.


Warren Zeiders – Relapse – Track by Track

The ten song album lasts 31 minutes.

1. Relapse

The title track Relapse is opening Zeiders’ 2025 album. How could you do that differently if you have a 21 million streams (Spotify only)? The song is a really catching, modern song with a nice groove.

2. Intoxicated

All previously released songs open Relapse. The second song is Intoxicated, a nice, powerful country rock track. The song is straight and without any surprises, but that also leads to a very reliable listen.

3. Betrayal

The third song of Relapse is Betrayal, which has been streamed on Spotify already almost nine million times at album release. The song kicks off rather mildly and gently. However, the chorus brings it back to the characteristic and energetic sound of the album. This leads to a very entertaining listen.

4. Addictions

There’s a Heaven in this hell that I’m chasing
Like a coyote howling lonesome at the moon
There’s a truth in all that pain I ain’t facing
Guess that’s why I do the things I do
I’m choosing my addictions over you

Rock hearts are great in showing their emotions. Addictions is another proof for that. After three songs with a powerful country-rock heart, Zeiders presents himself emotionally and shares a lovely ballad as the album’s fourth song. He is great in that discipline as well.

5. Stone’s Throw Away

This old cowboy’s always a rolling stone’s throw away – the last words of the chorus already suggests that the album stays on the emotional side. Again, Warren Zeiders’ vocals work nicely in a ballad-esque context. However, the song is gaining energy over time and releases the electric guitars and more intense drumming thereafter.

6. High Desert Road

Who am I, well I’m no better than a raindrop on a dry desert road. The sixth song is to me the most beautiful of the emotional songs of the album so far. The song has a bit of a melancholic mood, but definitely also comes with a personal and direct style. Really nice listen.

7. Death of a Cowboy

Now that I know I got you home waiting
Honey, how am I supposed to ride away?
I found my missing piece
So there ain’t nothing left for me to chase
You’re my resting place

Death of a Cowboy is in fact another beautiful love song. It is full of desire, of homesickness. Again, Zeiders just uses very limited instrumentation, which creates an incredible direct and personal style. The steel guitar sounds add a lot to that atmosphere.

8. Fight Like Hell

Fight Like Hell does not fully connect to the first songs of the Relapse album, but definitely comes with stronger rhythm and a faster tempo. And some parts release Zeiders’ rock soul again.

9. Devil I Know

The ninth song is definitely the darkest song of the album. It even feels a bit of scary and threatening. A rather slow song with a really intense atmosphere, which adds a very different style to the 2024 record.

10. Love on the Line

The album closes with this beautiful mid-tempo country rock song. Thus, the track is somehow creating a frame between the beginning and the end of the album. Love on the Line comes with one of the best melodies of the album.


Warren Zeiders – Relapse – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Warren Zeiders – Relapse – My View

Relapse is a really nice listen. The emotional ballads work out as well as the country rock tracks. Overall, these ten songs feel to be the perfect foundation for the upcoming tour (see below). I really enjoyed listening to this ten song set.

Favorite Song: Death of a Cowboy


Warren Zeiders – Relapse Tour 2025

In early 2025, Warren Zeiders will be touring Europe.

Fr 24.01.2025 Oslo (Norway) – Rockefeller Music Hall
Su 26.01.2025 Stockholm (Sweden) -Berns
Mo 27.01.2025 Copenhagen (Denmark) – Vega
We 29.01.2025 Hamburg (Germany) – Docks
Fr 31.01.2025 Munich – Muffathalle
Su 02.02.2025 Zurich (Switzerland) – Kaufleuten
Mo 03.02.2025 Cologne (Germany) – Carlswerk Victoria
Tu 04.02.2025 Amsterdam (Netherlands) – Melkweg
Fr 07.02.2025 Belfast (United Kingdom) – Ulster Hall
Su 09.02.2025 Glasgow – O2 Academy
Tu 11.02.2025 Manchester – Albert Hall
We 12.02.2025 Bristol – O2 Academy
Fr 14.02.2025 Birmingham – O2 Institute
Sa 15.02.2025 London – O2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire


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