25. March 2025
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Christmas Songs – Why not Hawaiian Style?

Due to my passion for Weird Al Yankovic, I know Jim “Kimo” West for a couple of years now. Kimo is not just well known for being Yankovic’s guitar player since the very beginning of their career, but also highly reputed in the music industry for his Hawaiian slack key guitar plays – his 2018 album Moku Maluhia: Peaceful Island has even been nominated for a Grammy Award. In fact, West is Canadian and was born in Toronto, but living in Los Angeles and on Hawaii nowadays.

Two of his albums are Christmas songs only. Even though Kimo’s Hawaiian Slack Key Christmas and Ki Ho’alu Christmastime have been published some years ago, I just felt it is a nice posting to you on Christmas Day, also because he published some of the songs recently. It is not a review of the albums, just some nice music for the festive time – Happy Holidays everyone (or: Mele Kalikimaka!)


Some Jim “Kimo” West Slack Key Guitar Christmas Songs

The two albums contain a lot of different songs, there is even an interpretation of the German Oh Tannenbaum. I just selected a couple of them.

The first song – and somehow also the one which made me write this posting – is the amazing interpretation of the classic White Christmas:

Ki Ho’ alu Chrtismastime features a lovely interpretation of Sleigh Ride:

The sound of Deck The Halls is just lovely, I feel:

One of my favorite interpretations is Joy To The World:

Here is an English Christmas classic:

Okay, I just have to do this – it is just a German classic:

Jingle Bell Rock is especially funny as it has some audience – roosters in the background:

Last, but not least, the very Hawaiian “Mele Kalikimaka”


Jim “Kimo” West’s Christmas Albums on Spotify

In general, I encourage you to buy West’s music, e.g. via his website. Nevertheless, here are the Spotify links / widgets to the albums:



Title picture: artist material


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