3. March 2025
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Trip Report Overview

One Flyctory.com category of postings I especially like to write are Trip Reports. For (typically: multi-day) travels, I write some sort of travel diary, which then also leads to a lot of spin-off articles like reviews of airports, flights, hotels and – of course – attractions. The trip report itself, though, gives me the opportunity to introduce you to places, which may be too small for a full posting and to tell you more about my feelings and thoughts during a trip. I feel they are really worth reading – and there will be more trip reports to follow. Thus, I decided to go for this overview page summing up all postings of this category. Enjoy!


The Flyctory.com Trip Reports

Here is a full list of my trip reports, in reverse chronological order (i.e. latest trip report first). The major links always lead to the preview article, postings day by day are listed below.


Tour-Chasing Rock of Ages 2024

The musical Rock of Ages is one of my biggest passions. In my rather unusual trip report, I take you to the venues and cities, to which I traveled in order to see the 2024 German language professional shows. Not a trip report of one trip in a strict sense – but I hope you like it as well:

On Tour With Rock of Ages 2024 (Episode 1 – Bochum, 12th/13th March 2024)


Traveling the Iceland Ring Road

Doing the road 1, which is doing a circle close to the coast of Iceland, is one of the dream road trips of all over Europe. You get an amazing overview of the country. My wife and I did the trip in April and May 2023 and loved it – even though we snowy roads. A lot of amazing nature, but also interesting museums – and the first time I wrote a reprise posting at the end of the trip:

Traveling on Iceland’s Ring Road (Preview)


Exploring Hamburg Harbor by Public Ferry

In September 2022, I published a very unusual trip report. Instead of a day-by-day diary, I went for a short four episode overview how to explore the famous Hamburg Harbor by public ferries. All five routes featured in this small episode are included in a standard public transport day ticket. Hope you enjoy this special way of exploring Germany’s largest harbor.

Exploring Hamburg with the HADAG Public Ferries – Lines 62 & 64 & Overview


Kicking Off the Weird Al Yankovic Tour 2022 in April 2022

The Unfortunate Return Of The Ridiculously Self-Indulgent Ill-Advised Vanity Tour – already the name of the 2022 Weird Al Yankovic tour felt like a reason to travel. Flying to and from New York City (JFK), I visted the very first three concerts of this tour, in Poughkeepsie, Albany and New Bedford.

Kicking Off The Weird Al Yankovic Tour 2022 (Preview)

Day by Day Postings:


Following the Pittsburgh Penguins in March 2022

The Penguins California Tour in February 2020 has been the last trip to the United States before Covid-19. Some two years later, ice hockey and my favorite team has been bringing me back over the Atlantic Ocean, with stops in New York, Pittsburgh, Nashville and St. Louis.

Following The Pittsburgh Penguins in March 2022 (Preview)

Day by Day Postings:


Four Countries, Four Trains

In August 2020, I took profit of the fading Covid-19 restrictions and traveled to Milan and Rome in Italy. Four different rail system, from luxury travel to a night train were on my schedule for this four day adventure – a lot of interesting impressions.

Four Countries, Four Trains – A Trip on Tracks (Preview)

Day by Day Postings:


California with the Pittsburgh Penguins

In February and March 2020, I followed the Pittsburgh Penguins to three West Coast away matches in a row, namely playing two matches in the Greater Los Angeles area (L.A. Kings, Anaheim Ducks) and at the San Jose Sharks. Finally, I also saw the NHL match of the Vegas Golden Nights hosting the L.A. KIngs in Las Vegas. There have been a lot of additional sights in this trip, for example a visit to Silicon Valley.

California With The Pittsburgh Penguins 2020 (Preview)

Day by Day Postings:


Weird Al & Grass Court Tennis 2019

In July 2019, New England happened to have two interesting events in parallel. Weird Al Yankovic was touring in his “Strings Attached” tour in 2019 with a full orchestra, while the Tennis Hall of Fame Open in Newport RI showed tennis on lawn in the most traditional environment you can imagine. A comparably short trip, majorly featuring Connecticut and New Hampshire, but definitely a cool memory!

Weird Al & Grass Court Tennis 2019 (Preview)

Day by Day Postings:



A Musical Trip To CMA Fest 2019

This trip report does not feature my visit at the CMA Fest 2019 with all the spin-off articles (all CMA Fest postings). It however features my trip from Germany to Nashville, which featured a lot of interesting places. A key stop on route was definitely Memphis, which also gave me a visit to legendary Graceland. I also had a day in Washington D.C. doing some interesting sightseeing there.

A Musical Trip to CMA Fest 2019 (Trip Report Preview)

Day by Day Postings:


Six Intercontinental Flights in 72 Hours

No, it is not as bad as it sounds! This trip in 2018 was quite amazing, as it made me commute between Iberia and Northern Africa a couple of times. I start flying from Cologne to Tangier in Morocco and then visiting the Spanish exclaves Melila and Ceuta as well as Malaga. It also features the world shorted intercontinental scheduled flight by plane (from Tangier to Gibraltar) and the shortest intercontinental scheduled flight (with helicopter airline Helity from Algeciras to Ceuta). A great aviation nerd trip!

Six Intercontental Flights in 72 Hours (Overview)

Day by Day Postings:


On Tour with Weird Al Yankovic (2018 Tour)

Following Weird Al Yankovic on his “Ridiculously Self-Indulgent, Ill-Advised Vanity Tour” in April 2018 was the first-ever Trip Report on Flyctory.com. I had an amazing trip, mainly visiting Georgia and Tennessee in the United States. The key spin-off article of this trip was my search for 1996 Atlanta Olympic sites in the area. Other stages visited were Chattanooga in Tennessee and Augusta, the world-famous Capital of Golf.

Trip Report: On Tour with Weird Al Yankovic (Preview)

Day by Day Postings:



One-Day and one Post Trip Reports

Typically, a Trip Report contains multiple daily postings over a time span of multiple days. However, some day trips were just that much worth mentioning that I put them in one-day trip report format. Hope you enjoy them as well as I did. I also put trip reports in here, which in fact cover multiple days, but in one post.


12 Air France / KLM Flights in Four Days – A Mileage Run

Mileage Running means that you majorly do flights or train rides or similar trips in order to earn loyalty miles or points at a certain scheme. At the beginning of 2025, I took this trip with Air France and KLM, leading me to Germany, the Netherlands, France, Poland and Spain in four days:

Twelve Air France / KLM Flights in Four Days – The Story of a Mileage Run



All German States (and the 11 Biggest Cities) on one Train Ticket

Once upon a time, there was me, owning a day ticket for the German long-distance rail services. First Class. The idea whether I could make it to all 16 German was one of these weird ideas I tend to develop from time to time. And: it was a lot of fun. And memorable. A trip report, fully based on rail travel on rail lounges – but split into two parts as there are so many stories to tell.

All German States (and the eleven biggest Cities) on one Rail Ticket – Part 1




3,337 Waffle Houses Away… Paola, Kansas

Is this my weirdest day trip ever? As a huge fan of the musical Rock of Ages, I just had to visit the place where one of the characters is told to come from – the small city of Paola in Kansas. To make it clear: the musical is fictional and the character is fictional – there is no fixed theory why this lady, Sherrie Christian, is finally supposed to come from there. I nonetheless had to visit this place.

3,337 Waffle Houses Away – A Walk through Paola, Kansas


Traveling through Germany during Covid-19 Times

Though Germany had a comparably moderate time during the Covid-19 crisis. Still, more or less all transport broke down. In mid-May 2020, when the lockdown measures have been significantly reduced, I did a day trip from Dusseldorf to Berlin.

Traveling Through Germany at Covid-19 Times – A special Trip Review


Exploring Barra With Barra Island Tours

The island of Barra on the Outer Hebrides is well known for his legendary airport, which is the only one worldwide featuring scheduled services on sandy runways. Between my flights to and from Glasgow, I had an amazing time on a private tour around the island.

Exploring Barra With Barra Island Tours


Flying With Southern Airways Express

The Southern Airways Express tour in early 2019 was a typical aviation day. The regional airline is connecting minor airports, supported by public funds. I started close to the Pennsylvania Amish in Lancaster and hit Baltimore, Morgantown and Pittsburgh. Despite a lot of things went wrong, it was just memorable and amazing – and I arrived back in Lancaster in time.

Flying with Southern Airways Express


One Day in Bonaire

Inspired by the Sao Miguel trip mentioned below, I rented a (less powerful) scooter in Bonaire and took a day trip to the island from Curacao. It was just a lovely way to explore the small island – and as you see in the title picture, I could even make friends to some donkeys.

One Day in Bonaire


Exploring Sao Miguel by Scooter

I should likely hate this day, as I had a crash with the scooter and even injured myself. But I just have to love it. Going to the Azores island of Sao Miguel and exploring it on a day trip on two wheels was just amazing. Bad luck I did one mistake while driving – but I definitely did right doing this trip!

Sao Miguel on two wheels (Part 1)