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Ailbhe Reddy – Endless Affair

Ailbhe Reddy - Endless Affair




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Beautiful storytelling
  • Nice range of songs
  • Characteristic voice

The Irish singer-songwrite Ailbhe Reddy is releasing her sophomore album Endless Affair. I already had some time to review it before its release on 17th March 2023 and share my thoughts with you.



Ailbhe Reddy – About The Artist

Ailbhe Reddy is a singer-songwriter from Dublin. She released her debut album Personal History in 2020. The album contained the rather successful song Walk Away. Since then, she grew her fan base and had some remarkable appearances on festivals.


Ailbhe Reddy – Endless Affair – Track by Track

The twelve track album lasts 48 minutes.

1. Shitshow

Don’t turn up the volume of your headphones too much – the show is a quiet starter and in fact begins after some ten to fifteen seconds. Thereafter, the song turns into a nice indie-pop song with a stomping rhythm and some folk texture. The voice of the Irish artist leads to a nice signature as well.

2. A Mess

After the gentle texture of the opener, A Mess is surprisingly rocking and comes with a stronger guitar presence. Reddy feels to be a bit more brave in this song and “risks” to add some elements. I am trying my best is not, not enough – I feel that this one is one of the best songs of the album, though.

3. Damage

Damage is driven by nice bass grooves. The keys add a nice vibe and remind of surfer music. Another quite contrasting listen – I like it.

4. Inhaling

Inhaling has been the beginning of the album campaign. The song has in fact been released in April 2022 already. Again, the bass is rather present and creates a cool groove. Even though Ailbhe Reddy’s voice always has a dreaming touch to much, you just have to move to the rhythm of songs like this one.

5. Bloom

The some three minute listen Bloom comes in an intimate singer-songwriter setting. Reddy does not need too much more than a her voice and the acoustic guitar to create a magical atmosphere. And to make us listen to her songs.

6. Last To Leave

One thing I really like about Endless Affair is the wide range of songs, which the Irish artist is presenting. The beginning of Last To Leave feels melancholic, a bit of whiny. But the chorus with is supported by trombones, is quite contrasting to this and feels powerful and has a very catching melody. Good one.

7. Shoulder Blades

The song about Shoulder Blades is the last one on the album, which fans already know as an album release. Even though the song reaches a climax towards the end, it is overall very quiet and fragile. The finale is pop-alike.

8. I’m Losing, You’re Winning

The eighth song feels like a pop ditty, but finally turns out to have quite a rock heart. Nice independent sound, which beautifully suits the remaining tracks of the album.

9. Good Time

I’m sorry, I just wanted to have a good time is the key phrase of the album. A nice song about relationship issues and things you already regret soon after you said or did them.

10. You Own The Room

Again, the song feels to change its character just with the first appearance of the chorus. That one is a beauty, indeed. Ailbhe Reddy knows how to make you keep her music in mind. In some parts of the song, you only hear the drums, which feel like the slow heartbeat of the song.

11. Pray For Me

Maybe I pray for you… If you pray for me. The song is a very intimate folk story. You simply have to listen to the lady from Dublin and her story.

12. Motherhood

Motherhood closes the tunes and stories of this Endless Affair. Thereby, Reddy is praising her mother for all she did good to her.


Ailbhe Reddy – Endless Affair – Spotify

Here is Endless Affair on Spotify:


Ailbhe Reddy – Endless Affair – My View

I love the songwriting of Endless Affair. The album is a proof of storytelling excellence. The voice of the Irish leads to a beautiful atmosphere. Very nice and versatile album.


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