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Wanda – Ende nie

Wanda - Ende nie




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  • Very personal and atmospheric songs
  • Different styles

As part of my 7th June 2024 album reviews, I have a look to Austria. Rather briefly after they have been founded, the rock band Wanda already had quite a lot success. I ran into their latest album Ende nie, their sixth overall, which is released on 7th June. Here is my review.


Wanda – About The Artists

Wanda is a Austrian rock band from Vienna. They sing in German. The band has been founded in 2012. From their very beginning, they were especially popular in their home country. Their 2014 debut album Amore was a triple platinum success, staying in the Austrian album charts for 140 weeks. So far, they released five albums. Neither of them placed worse than second in Austria. However, they are also popular in Germany, where their last four albums peaked in the Top 5. The biggest single hit of the trio is the 2017 song Columbo (triple platinum in Austria).

The band name is coming from the artist name of the lead singer and guitarist Marco Michael Fitzthum, typically called Marco Michael Wanda). The other band members are Manuel Christoph Pogge (guitar) and Reinhold Ray Webber. They typically use additional musicians on live performances.


Wanda – Ende nie – Track by Track

The twelve song album lasts 39 minutes.

1. Bei niemand anders

The album opens with one of the four single releases so far, Bei niemand anders (“At nobody else”). The key message of the song is Bei niemand anders werd’ ich sein, wenn das alles zugrunde geht – “I will be at nobody else, when all that is perishing”. A beautiful, very emotional rock ballad which is illustrating the beauty of Wanda’s songwriting.

2. F*** Youtube

I guess that I don’t need to translate the title of that one. The song is more guitar-prone and rhythmic. The song deals with not being able to listen to a song any more, as it generates sad memories for you. Especially the instrumental part of this song is great.

3. Therapie

Und ich brauch den Sex nicht mehr
Ich will so viel mehr von dir
Dass du da bist, wenn es schmerzt
Dass mein Papa grade stirbt
Und du nimmst dir deine Zeit
Das ist wichtig wie noch nie
Das ist ganz genau der Scheiß
Den man lernt in Therapie

(“And I don’t need the sex any more
I want so much more of you
That you are there, when it hurts
That my father is just dying
And you take time
That is more important than ever
That is exactly the shit
Which you learn in therapy”)

The second single release on the album is very groovy. The song is about a very special relationship, which becomes more and more important in difficult times. Again, the lyrics feel very relatable and are catching. Great pop-rock track which wisely combines storytelling and arrangement.

4. Sie steht nicht auf dich

Roughly, the title of the fourth song states “She does not love you” (not the exact translation). The very bass-driven, groovy style with pop-ish rhythm of the predecessor continues in this song. The songs have a recitative touch here and there. Marco Michael Wanda’s voice feels like the perfect match for the song.

5. Keine Angst

Keine Angst (“No fear”) has a nice flow, defined by the bass and guitar. Ich hab keine Angst mehr (“I don’t fear any more”) is the hook phrase in here. The song is very catching. Again, love and relationships are in focus of the story.

6. Ich hör dir zu

The piano is opening for the almost four minute track Ich hör Dir zu (“I am listening to you”). The setting feels perfect for the melancholic touch of song, which has a strong message about trusting each other.

7. Wachgeküsst

This single release is coming with lovely, melodic pop-rock vibes. The plot of the song is rather simple, but the song strikes with its melody. It simply stays in your mind.

8. Woher soll ich wissen

Oh wie wär das schön
Oh wie wär das schön, wenn es Liebe ist
Sag, wie lang Du noch brauchst
Um zu wissen,
Dass es Liebe ist

(“Oh, how nice it would be
Oh, how nice it would be if it was love
Tell me, how long you still need
To Know
That it is love”)

The longest song is about exploring the first steps into a relationship together. Especially the chorus of this song is very intense and works with synth elements as well as nice work on the guitar. This turns the eighth track into one of the most special ones of the album.

9. Jeder kann es sein

The title of the last previously released song of the album translates to “It could by anybody”. In this song, Wanda struggles with having good luck or bad luck, being the winner or the loser. Haven’t we all been a bit of jealous about the people being on the better side of life? The Austrians nicely put this feeling into a lovely track.

Du hast Glück, das du Gewinner bist
Frag dich nicht, wie’s als Verlierer is
So wie die Stern am Horizont stehen kanns Jeder sein
Aber Keiner kann es wählen

(“You are lucky that you are a winner
Don’t ask yourself, how it is like to be a loser
Like the stars are at the horizon, it could be anybody
But nobody can choose it”)

10. Kein Ende nie

Es ist Wurscht wo Du herkommst, solange Du weisst wohin Du gehst are the first lyrics of this one.  “It doesn’t matter where you are coming from, as long as you know where you are going to” is the translation of that. The song is rather slow and almost feels like a rock prayer with good wishes for a previously beloved person. A very intense song.

11. Immer OK

Immer OK comes with a nice groove and a stomping rhythm. You simply have to focus on the impressing vocals, even though the arrangement leads to a rather dark atmosphere. I really like it.

12. Niemand was schuldig

The closing track takes its time for a prolonged piano intro. Thereafter, the song is keeping on having a very theatric and dramatic character. The special mood of this song feels to be a strong statement at the very end in the mind of the listener.


Wanda – Ende nie – Spotify

Here is Ende nie on Spotify:


Wanda – Ende nie – My View

Great atmosphere, lovely songwriting and an overall very versatile album – Wanda is indeed presenting a lovely set of twelve songs in here. They underline why they have become that popular in German speaking countries. At least, if you understand the language, this is an album definitely worth listening to.

Favorite Track: Woher soll ich wissen


Wanda on Tour 2024

The Austrian rock band is touring quite intensively in the 2024. Here are their upcoming concerts.

Sa 08.06.2024 Nuremberg (Germany) – Rock im Park
Su 09.06.2024 Nürburg – Rock am Ring
We 12.06.2024 Coburg – Kulturfabrik
Th 13.06.2024 Fulda – Museumshof
Fr 14.06.2024 Aachen – Kimiko Isle of Campus
Th 18.07.2024 Balingen – Marktplatz Open Air
Fr 19.07.2024 Graz (Austria) – Freiluftarena B
Sa 20.07.2024 Klam – Burg Clam
Fr 02.08.2024 Lustenau – Szene Openair
Sa 03.08.2024 Diepholz (Germany) – Appletree Garedn
Su 04.08.2024 Braunschweig – Applaus Garten
Fr 30.08.2024 Kufstein (Austria) – Festung Kufstein
Sa 31.08.2024 Dresden (Germany) – Junge Garde
Sa 12.10.2024 Münster – Jovel
Tu 29.10.2024 Leipzig – Haus Auensee
We 30.10.2024 Hamburg – Edel-Optics-Arena
Fr 01.11.2024 BerlinMax-Schmeling-Halle
Sa 02.11.2024 Bielefeld – Lokschuppen
Mo 03.11.2024 Stuttgart – Liederhalle Beethoven-Saal
Tu 05.11.2024 Cologne – Palladium
Th 07.11.2024 Wiesbaden – Schlachthof
Fr 08.11.2024 Würzburg – Posthalle
Sa 09.11.2024 Munich – Olympiahalle
Sa 21.12.2024 Vienna (Austria) – Wiener Stadthalle



Media Reviews – Austria

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