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Evon Rose – Thunder Rumbling

Evon Rose - Thunder Rumbling




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice range of different rock songs
  • 15 tracks / over one hour
  • Good instrumental and lyrical quality

In my Songs of the Week as of 18th October 2024, the rock band Evon Rose lead my release radar for the first time. The single Fire Vs. Water absolutely caught me. Some six weeks later, the Austrians are back with their sophomore album Thunder Rumbling. Here is my review of the 29th November 2024 release.


Evon Rose – About The Artists

Evon Rose is an Austrian rock band. It kicked off in 2017, when founder Andreas Schuster took this artist name and built a band around it. He is nowadays the singer and guitarist of Evon rose, accompanied by Jonas Skielboe (guitar), Peter Nadasdi (drums) and Byron Cortes (bass). The debut album of Evon Rose was New Shores, released in 2018.


Evon Rose – Thunder Rumbling – Track by Track

The fifteen track album lasts 61 minutes.

1. Album Intro

The first two minutes of the album are taken by this instrumental intro, which is called Album Intro. A suitable description, which at least does not feel to lack honesty.

2. Set Your Sails

After that intro, there is no more time to get settled for Thunder Rumbling. The album kicks off with its two feature singles. Even though Fire Vs Water, the following track, was the one which made me attract to the music of the Austrians – Set Your Sails is an energetic, hymnic listen as well. And maybe setting your sails for this 61 minute rock journey is simply the best way to get into the album. Great one.

3. Fire Vs Water

I loved it when it was released – and I still love Fire Vs Water in the context of the album. A slower start, but the chorus releases the Austrian rock power. A lovely melodic rock masterpiece.

4. Straight Forward

From this point on, the album presents twelve previously unreleased songs. The tootling background synth melody creates some alternative rock vibes, but overall, Evon Rose are going for a straight rocker with a special touch and a cool atmosphere. The sound is more on the dark side, but this also leads to a cool touch.

5. Thunder Rumbling

The title track Thunder Rumbling is a rather slow track, which is nonetheless coming with fat riffs in the background, which here and there become more present. Especially at the beginning of the song, the style suggests a power ballad, but overall, the song is rather a very lyrical listen with a great plot.

6. End Of Time

With strumming acoustic guitars in the background, the album stays on the emotional. And I’ll hold you until the end, ’til the end of time – this is finally a lovely rock ballad. A song which may definitely boost some of your cold winter night cuddles – at least if you have a rock music heart.

7. Last Leaves

The electric guitars take a more present role in Last Leaves again. Especially the chorus stays in your mind with its beautiful melody. Nonetheless, there are also some parts, which are driven by the energetic guitars and presenting drumming by Andreas Schuster and his bandmates. Finally, that’s a really lovely piece of music, coming with a nice rocking touch.

8. Stronger Again

If you exclude the Album Intro and the Interlude later in the album, these 3:58 minutes are the shortest listen on Thunder Rumbling. The song is majorly relying on the instrumental energy by Evon Rose – the lyrics are fine, but other stories on this album strike better. Again, I really like the plot of this song.

9. Nightingail

Nightingail nicely combines rather straight and classic melodic rock elements with a dark darker and intense atmosphere. The song is at most in the midtempo range, which nicely emphasizes its atmosphere. Like in quite some other Thunder Rumbling tracks, the heart of the track is its chorus, which simply stays in your mind.

10. Always

The nicely flowing and developing melody of Always feels to initially lean towards progressive and Americana rock. However, it is again the chorus, which is breaking out and interrupts this kind of thought. The song is not on the top of my list of favorites, but especially its verses define a very unique sound.

11. Perfect Wave

With the Perfect Wave, there are again references towards progressive rock. However, the song also has a very thoughtful and dreaming touch and thus feels emotional and fragile. The instrumental bridge does add some energy and stability, though. A very impressing listen, which especially points on the instrumental side.

12. Soldiers Of Light

Soldiers Of Light starts rather slow, but the galloping drums in the background feel to announce that there is some more rock power to come soon. Finally, the song turns out being an emotional, very melodic and easy to grasp rock track with a classic rock, hymnic heart. Nice.

13. Good Of Mankind

With over five and a half minutes, Good Of Mankind is the most epic track on Thunder Rumbling. The song comes with a good melody, nice lyrics and I also like the presence of the lead singer. Nonetheless, the song just does not catch me that much. I am sorry.

14. Interlude

While Spotify names this song Interlude, my press kit calls it Intro Silhouettes. Regardless of that labeling, these 2:20 minutes prepare into the final song of Thunder Rumbling.

15. Silhouettes

The chucker-out could be described best as a slower folk-rock track with strumming acoustic guitar and a very personal, detailed storytelling. While the songs at the beginning of the album, like Fire Vs. Water are very easy listens, this final track is very demanding, but also rewarding.


Evon Rose – Thunder Rumbling – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Evon Rose – Thunder Rumbling – My View

Evon Rose present a wide range of rock songs on their sophomore album. The opening songs like Set Your Sails let you easily slide into their music. Later there are also some challenges to you like te closing track. The musical quality is nice, Andreas Schuster does a really nice job on the microphone as well. The album might not be brilliant, but it is also much better than just a solid companion.

Favorite Song: Fire Vs. Water


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