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Larrikins – Nichts Ist Jemals Sicher

Larrikins - Nichts Ist Jemals Sicher




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice hard rock album with punk influences
  • 16 songs / 70 minutes
  • Straight lyrics and energetic tracks

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Some songs feel to similar

It’s about five years since the German band Larrikins have released their most recent album. The fifth studio album overall, Nichts Ist Jemals Sicher, has now been in the pipeline and released on 31st January 2025. I had a listen and share my view with you.


Larrikins – About The Artists

The Larrikins have been founded in 2001 in Goldberg, Mecklenburg-Hithen Pomerania, Germany. They are doing a mixture of street punk and hard rock. The band is typically just using their first names on stage. The singer of the band is Felix, he and guitarist Tino are also founding members of the band. The other band members are bassist Icke and drummer Christian. In 2008, they released their debut album Kommt Zeit, kommt’s hart. Like the following one, Krisenkirmes (2011), the band produced the album by themselves. Their most recent album release is the 2019 Für die, die geblieben sind.


Larrikins – Nichts Ist Jemals Sicher – Track by Track

The 16 track album lasts 70 minutes.

1. 19 Zigaretten

There are four feature singles towards Nichts ist jemals sicher, the opener 19 Zigaretten (“19 Cigarettes”) is one of them. The flavor of punk in this hard rock track leads to a nice cheeky element. I also really liked the groovy elements and the brass sounds in the background, which lead to a very wide, versatile listen.

2. Dir gehört mein Leben

In songs like Dir gehört mein Leben, I think of the sound of the Böhsen Onkelz, one of the most successful German hard rock bands. The Larrikins are raunchy, but also straight, and ensure that you get their messages. The lyrics also have a certain rebellious touch, like when they state tanz ich barfuß auf den Scherben (“I dance barefoot on the shards”). A great instrumental work is driving this almost five minute listen.

3. Windmühlen

The lyrics of Windmühlen (“Windmills”) come in a hip hop style. This overall leads to a very groovy song. However, guitar lovers will have fun while listening to the album. Good one.

4. Moll und Dur

Moll und Dur is about the sunny and dark sides of life. Thus, the song is very contrasting. Overall, it comes with a dark, but energetic listen. A very social-critic, straight song – I definitely like this write.

5. 8 Minuten

Im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten
Kannst auch Du noch nicht entscheiden
Welche Farbe Deine Haut trägt.

(“In the land of unlimited possibilities
You still can’t decide
What color your skin is.”)

The critics about nowadays society and the inequality continues in the eighth song. Especially in the lyrics, you feel the strong punk influence of the Larrikins. The clear message is thereby presented in a very catching style, which turns this one into a very straight and good to digest listen.

6. Scheiße und Juwelen

The title of the sixth song translates to “Shit and Jewels”. The song is a good hard rocker with stomping drums, which is rather a growl-a-long than a sing-a-long. Rough and straight, that’s the style of the Northern German. And they do it very well.

7. Blüte der Zeit

A fine piano line is opening for the seventh song of Nichts ist jemals sicherBlüte der Zeit (“Blossom of Time”). The song is not as rocking and hard as other tracks on the album, but the chorus is more intense than the rather quiet stanzas. With Blüte der Zeit, the band is pleasing punk rock fans in a fine style.

8. Ich fühl etwas, das du nicht fühlst

“I feel something, which you do not feel” is the translated title of the eighth track of the album. Again, the song is close to five minutes and invests some one minute into an instrumental intro. The song is rather on the hard rock side of Nichts ist jemals sicher. The style is in line with some of the other tracks on the album, but the song comes with a nice plot.

9. Eine Ewigkeit zurück

Another feature single of Nichts ist jemals sicher is Eine Ewigkeit zurück. It spreads a really nice atmosphere, working a lot with rather quiet guitar parts, which nicely suit the vocals by singer Felix.

10. Filigran

There are several songs of around five minutes on the album. However, with 5:15 minutes, Filigran is in fact the longest one on this one. The track is rather in the mid-tempo range and also does not push that much on the guitar side. Wir vermissen immer das, was wir nicht haben – “We always miss, what we don’t have”. The song feels like a very nice sing-a-long and might work out well on upcoming Larrikins concerts.

11. Traum von Europa

The shortie after the longest ones. Singing about the “Dream of Europe” feels to be worth the shortest message on the album. The track is a typical one, looking at the continent in a rather dystopian way. The short duration of 2:31 minutes does not harm the song, it definitely leaves a mark in the context of the album.

12. Lass die Puppen tanzen

This part of the album feels to be the “short song section”. The three shortest track of Nichts ist jemals sicher are following one after another. However, this leads to crisp messages, and a rather entertaining listen. And Lass die Puppen tanzen (“Let the puppets dance”) is energetic and comes with a very catching chorus. Overall, this leads to one of my favorite listens on this album.

13. Träume aus Fäden

Oh, that’s another crisp song with a high potential for a good sing-a-long at future concerts. The section of rather short tracks is really doing well in the context of the other songs – it felt being a bit of lengthy beforehand.

14. Schutzpatron

And the album goes back to five minute songs again – the last three ones in here are about the same duration. The first listen of the closing set is Schutzpatron. The hard rocker is following a similar plot than other songs on the album. After a one minute instrumental intro, which works well in heating up your interest, the band is rocking with the listener. The fourteenth track of the album is one of the darkest listens of the record.

15. Vaysha

I would struggle a bit with Vaysha and name it one of the weaker spots of the album – if there wasn’t the chorus. The track is also driven by a nice blend of melancholic and angry parts. The guitar solo in the bridge works very nicely as well.

16. Mein Versprechen (feat. Agnetha Ivers)

Since 2020, Agnetha Ivers is one of the singers of the German fun rock band Knorkator. For the chucker-out Mein Versprechen, the Larrikins invited her for a collaboration. The mid-tempo song definitely profits from the additional vocalist, even though I feel it would have been interesting if she played an even stronger role. The long instrumental parts add a lot of atmosphere.


Larrikins – Nichts Ist Jemals Sicher – Spotify

I will add the Spotify widget once the album has been released.



Larrikins – Nichts Ist Jemals Sicher – My View

Nichts ist jemals sicher is a really nice hard rock album with punk influences. However, you just cannot deny that there are similarities between the songs, not only in their duration. Thus, I felt a bit of tired towards the last third of the album. The shorter songs definitely speed up the listen then, though.

Favorite Song: 8 Minuten


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