Dusseldorf Airport (DUS) SkyTrain
Flyctory.com Pros
- Cool automated concept
- Effective, quick ride
- Included in most transport tickets
Flyctory.com Cons
- Reliability (and impact if not operating)
- May be very packed in peak times
The public transport situation of Dusseldorf Airport (DUS) is a bit more complex than it might feel at first sight. First of all, there are local buses stopping in front of the terminal. Then, there is the terminal station (Düseldorf Flughafen Terminal) right below he building. This one is a normal German rail station and connected to the German rail network, but only served by one train, the commuter rail S-Bahn S11. All other trains, including long-distance and high speed connections, depart from the airport station (Flughafenbahnhof). Instead of walking (which would be some 20 to 30 minutes), there is the SkyTrain, a rather unique overhead track cabin railroad. I introduce you to this public transport vehicle.

SkyTrain Dusseldorf Airport – Network and Tariff
The SkyTrain serves four stops: as said, it departs at the Flughafenbahnhof, where typically the majority of passengers are boarding. Before the terminal, there is one stop, which can be used when you park at the parking garages P4 and P5. This one may be very busy in holiday season as well. The in-fact airport terminal is served by two stops, named Terminal A,B and Terminal C. This frequently leads to confusing among non-locals, as there is just one terminal in Dusseldorf – the naming Gates A&B and Gates C would be more appropriate. The total track length is 2.5 km, which takes some seven minutes.

The SkyTrain is part of the regional public transport network. Thus, you do need a ticket. At the time of writing, a single adult ride is 1.90 EUR, if you really just go from one stop to another and don’t have transfers. However, there are ways to avoid paying:
- If you already have a connecting ticket for the local and German rail services, including the Deutschland-Ticket or a regional day ticket, the trip is included
- If you park in P4 and P5, the ticket is included as well
The train is fully automated and does not have a driver. The times differ with the intensity of passengers expected, but is typically in the range of every three to six minutes, late night times excluded. It does happen that the SkyTrain cannot operate due to technical issues. In that case, the service is replaced by buses, which are then very packed and at least add 15 minutes to your trip (sometimes, significantly more).
SkyTrain Dusseldorf Airport – Technology and Rolling Stock
The SkyTrain is a so called H-Bahn, which is legally rather a tram than a train. It was originally developed and produced by the French engineers SAFEGE. Nowadays, it is also named SIPEM – Siemens People Mover. The construction – the train is in fact hanging on a construction with wheels which are running in the hollow metal track above – has already been developed in the 1970’s. The 9.2 meter long wagons may transport up to 48 passengers each (15 seats). They operate in groups of two wagons in Dusseldorf. The system was initially used in Dortmund and introduced to Dusseldorf Airport (DUS) in 2002. The SkyTrain reaches a maximum speed of 50km/h and is running fully electric.

Due to the special construction, the wagons have to be “fixed” in the stations to avoid swinging during boarding and deboarding. Apart from the train station stop, all stations feature a platform in the middle with one track in each direction. The Flughafenbahnhof station has separate platforms for entering and exiting the tram. All stations apart from the parking garage one feature ticket machines, where you can also buy tickets to connect to the all Rheinland and Ruhrgebiet region.

SkyTrain Dusseldorf Airport – The Ride
The pictures below feature the network from the airport train station to the terminal. The SkyTrain is first passing some budget parking lots and airport service facilities. Nowadays, an additional stop near the Frachtstraße would be very favorable, as there are a few hotels on the opposite side of the motorway. The SkyTrain then follows an S-curve and reaches the Parkhaus 4 stop. You are practically in terminal area already and can see the terminal through the window. Starting with the Terminal A&B stop, the hanging tram reaches Dusseldorf Airport (DUS).

SkyTrain Dusseldorf Airport – Services
There are no toilets or WiFI onboard. The airport train station does feature toilets. However, they are a bit of special in regards of smell and sometimes cleanliness. I would thus rater try to concentrate on the services provided in the terminal building.
SkyTrain Dusseldorf Airport – Alternatives
As said, the key alternatives to the SkyTrain are the bus replacement services or use the S11 rail, e.g. from Dusseldorf Main Station or from Düsseldorf-Unterrath, which is just a stop away from the airport train station. During peak times, an S11 train operates every 20 minutes (weekdays) / 30 minutes (weekends).
SkyTrain Dusseldorf Airport – My View
Actually, I like the SkyTrain. It is a cool automated vehicle of public transport. Unfortunately, it does struggle with the reliability. Even though this has significantly improved during the last years, a non-operating SkyTrain hits the airport operations really hard. This also illustrates how dependent the airport is from this tram. If you are around Dusseldorf and are a transportation geek, a trip with the SkyTrain is definitely worth a try.
Rides on Rail / Germany
Here are all my Rides on Rail postings related to Germany:
With my recent mileage run and the trip to the World Floorball Championship Qualifications in Italy, I had quite a ...
While quite a lot of traveling is ahead of me during the next weeks, November and December 2024 was rather ...
has come to an end - and my Best of posting is the one which is "traditionally" concluding the year. The ...
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Is it really New Year's Eve already again? The last day of the year? I am posting this one in ...
As you know, I am very interested in iconic public transport systems. Thus, I had to visit the Schwebebahn, the suspension ...
After my eleventh Food I Had Onboard posting majorly concentrated on two Lufthansa First Class legs between Frankfurt (FRA) and ...
TraMy trip in late October / early November 2023 involved a lot of traveling. Once I made it back to ...
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In January 2023, I took a rail trip hitting all 16 German states in one day. Apart from that geographic ...
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Wow, it's already half a dozen of episodes. This time, I start my Food I Had Onboard posting with two ...
What a day - on 14th January 2023, I traveled through all 16 German states in a 24 hour train ...
AIthough has just been a day trip, but I just felt it is too long to tell the story of ...
Okay, I give in: this trip is weird. While people typically feel that I am "just" a die hard aviation ...
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Already the fourth edition of my Food I Had Onboard category. Even though my Covid-19 infection changed quite a lot of ...
After I got some quite nice feedback about my first Food I Had Onboard posting, I felt to continue this ...
What has started as Stuttgart 21 - the refurbishing of Stuttgart Main Station including changing the main travel direction and putting ...
I have been a bit of puzzled when I arrived in Munich in late January 2022, learning that the Stammstrecke, the ...
Due to its rather hilly geography, the German city of Stuttgart has some quite iconic public transport systems. During a ...
The Lokwelt Freilassing is one of the most famous train museums in Germany. During a trip through Bavaria, I had ...
Yes, I do like flying - but I am also a fan of rail travels. Just to find out how ...
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For years, if I would have wanted to deeply bash the Deutsche Bahn (German Rails), there would have been a simple way ...
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Heading back home. As said in the Day 3 coverage, I did not expect too much going on on that ...
So excited to travel again and do a proper. I did my first day of the rail rides through Germany, ...
Coming back from London from the (finally cancelled) Country To Country Festival 2020 was the last trip I took before ...
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Wuppertal in the Bergisches Land region Northeast of Cologne hosts a very special attraction for train and rail enthusiasts: the ...
Flyctory.com in Dusseldorf
Here are all my postings about Dusseldorf:
A mileage run is a flight or a series of flights which is majorly intending to gain miles at airlines' ...
After my previous edition of the Songs of the Week more or less covering two weeks, this one is first full ...
has come to an end - and my Best of posting is the one which is "traditionally" concluding the year. The ...
Ladies and gentlemen (and all the others of course as well), we got it: here is my first Songs of the ...
The first full week of November definitely kicks off the album season of the year. I have been loaded with ...
Propaganda defined the German synth-pop scene in the 1980's. After three break-ups, they are back with a new album in ...
In my Songs of my Life postings, I love to share songs with you, which you might not have in ...
I feature athletics events three weeks in a row before I head to Newport in Rhode Island for tennis coverage ...
I so far featured the German pop artist Sasha only once, with his children album Toto und der Mann im Mond ...
I already featured the band Ochmoneks twice in my Songs of the Week, on 9th June and on 7th July 2023 ...
With the ISTAF Indoor 2023, I kicked off my campaign to intensify my athletics coverage in 2023. The more, I ...
In general, I plan to increase the frequency of my athletics coverage during 2024. The first event of that sports ...
Is it really New Year's Eve already again? The last day of the year? I am posting this one in ...
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London, Faroe Islands, another trip tp England, Sweden, USA - the last weeks of 2023 involve quite a bit of ...
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The Songs Of The Week is one of my favorite categories of posts on my blog. Even I don't know how the ...
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Very often, a song I feature as a Song Of My Life is also a track which made me listen ...
I am still relaxing from all the trips I had during the last weeks. Nonetheless, things are just busy and ...
I am surprised that it has never been there before, stated Jackson Dean, one of the four artists, who will ...
With this fourth posting, I am closing my coverage of the German Athletics Nationals 2023. The Auestadion in Kassel hosted ...
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I received so many great albums this week - no chance to process a fair fraction of them. However, the ...
I have struggled quite much with health issues this week - which also prevented me to travel to some British Rock ...
Especially with British Airways moving the vast majority of their operations from B-Gates to C-Gates, I have been frequently visiting ...
I have to give in: the song leading this week's Songs of the Week might also be a candidate for the ...
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Damn - just when I had a massive travel volume, the number of new releases of all genres went up ...
The ISTAF Indoor in Dusseldorf was truly an sports event I was looking forward to very much. First of all, ...
Wow, that's massive! After I had a quite thin list of new releases since mid-December 2022, Christmas break is officially ...
I was quite amazed that there were quite a lot of interesting single releases this week. At least artists from ...
A lot of Christmas songs, a lot of covers and best of albums are the new releases in the - ...
The 7th November 2022 is one of these days I will hardly forget so quickly. In a Weird Al fan ...
After I gave you an overview of 2022 European appearances of my favorite musical Rock of Ages, I felt to ...
Saving my Melia frequent traveler points and doing some research for Flyctory.com were two really good reasons to try out ...
Early summer 2022. After the Covid-19 crisis feels to have come to a certain end, air travelers all over Europe ...
The last entry of my (multi-day) trip reports is typically a bit of boring. Getting to the airport, flying back ...
First day of my Weird Al trip in April 2022. I was initially even thinking about merging it with Day ...
The Hilton Hotel Group is currently opening quite a lot of new Hampton by Hilton Hotels over Central Europe. Sufficient ...
Even though I do have a couple of airport reviews on Flyctory.com, I so far missed a lot of the ...
Parking fees at Dusseldorf Airport got ridiculously high in recent past. For my August 2021 trip to Poland (from Thursday ...
A zoo which is suitable for the cold and rainy days as well: as you might guess already, Aquazoo Löbbecke ...
While I have a couple of "PCR professionals" in my circle of contacts, it took me until December 2020 until ...
In order to have a more comfortable (and longer) sleep, I decided to go for a night at the ibis ...
The Rheinturm - or Rhine Tower - is definitely one of Dusseldorf's most iconic viewpoints. During a recent stay at the ...
As I had couple of Spain and Portugal trips planned for summer 2020 and all have been cancelled due to ...
Coming back from London from the (finally cancelled) Country To Country Festival 2020 was the last trip I took before ...
After I recently visited the traditional drive-in movie in Cologne and the additional pop-up Car Watch in my home town, 2nd ...
Though it just processes about a half of the number of passengers of Munich Airport and even just a third ...
As I really enjoyed to listen to Andy Clark's new album I Love Joyce Morris, I was really hoping to manage ...
2018, Aegean Airlines has been voted by Skytrax as the best European regional airline. This alone might be worth mentioning ...
Sunday, 27th May 2018 - time to slowly head home. After quite a lot of flying, this has really been ...
No, I am not going to travel between Europe and Asia or America like a madman or do some extreme ...