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Home » Music & Media » Media Review » Pippo Pollina – Nell’attimo

Pippo Pollina – Nell’attimo

Pippo Pollina - Nell'attimo




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  • Very emotional and beautiful songs
  • Very touching

I really love Italy – and I love Italian music. I already some Italian songs songs in my Songs of My Lifefor example Insieme: 1992 by Toto Cutugno or Gianna Nannini’s and Edoardo Bennato’s Un’ Estate Italiana. The more, it is somehow strange that I rarely select Italian albums in my ordinary reviews. For the list of releases as of 12th January 2024, I however went for Nell’ attimo, the new music released by Pippo Polina.


Pippo Pollina – About The Artist

There are just a few Italian artists, who really made it big in German-speaking countries. Guiseppe Pippo Pollina is one of them. Born on 18th May 1963 in Palermo, he had chart placements in Germany as a solo artist as well as part of the trio Schmidbauer / Pollina / Kälberer. In Switzerland, Pollina had two Top 3 albums already (both solo recordings), including the January 2022 one, Canzoni segrete. He also composed songs in other genres than his typical and characteristic singer-songwriter pop. For example, he wrote an opera named Ultimo Volo (“Last flight”). The list of his album releases is huge, starting with the 1987 release Aspettando che sia mattino. He is also known as a passionate fighter against organized crime.


Pippo Pollina – Nell’attimo – Track by Track

The twelve song album lasts 39 minutes.

1. Aspettando che sia mattino

The album starts with “Waiting for the Morning”, which is the translation of the title. Unfortunately, I do not have a lyrics sheet for this album and my Italian is limited. The song is a beautiful piano ballad with an very intense vocal touch. Lovely opener.

2. Se poi

The second song Se poi (“If, then”) feels mich more angry and energetic. If the song had more than just the artist and his acoustic guitar defining its sound, it even had a nice potential for a rocker.

3. Nell’attimo

The title track takes the third position of the album. The song starts with an intense, almost scary atmosphere. The bridge part featuring a flute melody also leaves a nice touch. The title translates to “In this moment”, by the way.

4. Cinquegrani

In the fourth song, Pippo Polino even gets close to a country music-alike sound. The setup with him and his guitar works perfectly. Even though I don’t get the full story of his song, I absolutely enjoy listening.

5. La strada

In La Strada (“The Street”), the album heads into a very quiet, calm and intimate touch again. Pippo Polina is thereby magical. Even if you don’t understand the lyrics, his voice is catching you with its beautiful emotions and gentleness.

6. Walzer

Walzer means waltz – and that’s exactly what this song is about. After a few guitar-driven songs, the Italian artist is back on the piano – and combines with lovely sway of the waltz with the beautiful melody and flair of his mother tongue.You definitely think back of the dancing lessons you took in young ages (or before your wedding) and recap what you have to do at this kind of dance.

7. Frutto acerbo

The seventh song is about an unripe fruit – at least, that is the literal translation. The piano is on a hiatus again, the guitar is gently strumming. And Pollina is rather catching you with beautifully dynamically changing vocals than with a huge range of notes. The strings in the background make it even more emotional.

8. Playa larga

The eighth song is interesting before listening already. Playa larga is actually Spanish, the Italian wording would be Grande Spiaggia. Don’t be scared that you do not get the meaning of the song due to that – it is an beautiful guitar-only interlude.

9. I lupi cantare sulle colline

It is getting dramatic again – as “The Wolves are singing from the Hills”. The song also has a more present and instrumental part, which feels to be a great fit. Especially as as far as I understand the song, it is not too harmonic as well. Very nice song.

10. Quel giorno

The tenth song feels a bit chanson-alike to me. A very narrative, theatric song, for which Pippo Pollina is back on the keys. And during which I feel ashamed that I never intensified my basic knowledge of his language. I am sure it is a great listen.

11. E penso solo a te

“And I think about you only” – the four minute pre-closing track is also the longest of the album. I am not fully sure, but it sounds to me like an ode to his mother. Again, music is a language even if you don’t understand the words. And the more I listen to this song, the more I feel it and love it.

12. Tema per cinzia

The “Theme for Cinzia” or “Melody for Cinzia” closes the album with a beautiful, emotional piano instrumental. A lovely fade out of the language.


Pippo Pollina – Nell’attimo – Spotify

I will add a Spotify widget once the album is released digitally.


Pippo Pollina – Nell’attimo – My View

My final view is easy. I more or less gave it about the second last song. Music is a language, even if you don’t speak the language of the lyrics. And Pippo Pollina masters at least the language I do understand beautifully and perfectly. A great album at the beginning of 2024.

Favorite Song:E penso solo a te


Pippo Pollina – Nell’attimo – Im Augenblick Tour 2024

The 2024 tour will lead Pollina to German-speaking countries, the Ticino and his home country. The list of tour stages is simply amazing.

Th 11.01.2024 Chur (Switzerland) – Stadttheater
Fr 12.01.2024 Zurich – Volkshaus
Sa 13.01.2024 Rubingen – Mühle Hunziken
So 14.01.2024 St. Gallen – Lokremise
Mo 15.01.2024 Luzern – Kleintheater
We 17.01.2024 Allensbach (Germany) – Bodanrückhalle
Th 18.01.2024 Munich – Kammerspiele
Fr 19.01.2024 Salzburg (Austria) – Szene
Sa 20.01.2024 Linz – Posthof
So 21.01.2024 Innsbruck – Treibhaus
Mo 22.01.2024 Vienna – Stadtsaal
We 24.01.2024 Stuttgart (Germany) – Theaterhaus
Th 25.01.2024 Nuremberg – LUX Kirche
Fr 26.01.2024 Hanover – Pavillion
Sa 27.01.2024 Göttingen – Musa Kulturzentrum
Mo 29.01.2024 Hamburg – Fabrik
Tu 30.01.2024 Berlin – ufaFabrik
Mi 31.01.2024 Jena – Volksbad
Th 01.02.2024 Dusseldorf – Savoy
Fr 02.02.2024 Oldenburg – Kulturetage
Sa 03.02.2024 Mainz – Frankfurter Hof
So 04.02.2024 Freiburg – Jazzhaus
Fr 23.02.2024 Mühlethurnen (Switzerland) – Alti Mosti
Sa 24.02.2024 Küssnacht – Theater Duo Fischbach
Su 25.02.2024 Frick – Kornhauskeller
Tu 27.02.2024 Scuol – Gemeindesaal
We 28.02.2024 Bellinzona – Teatro Sociale
Th 29.02.2024 La Neuveville – Theatre de la Tour de Rive
Fr 01.03.2024 Wil – Chällertheater
Sa 02.03.2024 Baden – Kurtheater
Su 03.03.2024 Nidau – Kreuz
Tu 05.03.2024 Brig – Zeughaus
Th 07.03.2024 Buchs – Fabriggli
Fr 08.03.2024 Ilanz – Cinema Sil Platz
Sa 09.03.2024 Dürnten – KMM Kulturzentrum
Su 10.03.2024 Einsiedeln – Club Mauz
Tu 12.03.2024 Graz (Austria) – Orpheum
We 13.03.2024 Rosenheim (Germany) – Ballhaus
Th 14.03.2024 Ingolstadt – Event Halle Westpark
Fr 15.03.2024 Langenau – Pfleghof
Sa 16.03.2024 Memmingen – Kaminwerk
Su 17.03.2024 Friedrichshafen – Bahnhof Fischbach
We 20.03.2024 Palermo (Italy) – Teatro Agricantus
Fr 22.03.2024 Canicatti – Teatro Sociale
Sa 23.03.2024 Crotone – Teatro
Su 24.03.2024 Leverano LE – Teatro Communale
Fr 12.04.2024 Torino – Folk Club
Sa 13.04.2024 Trento – Teatro San Marco
Su 14.04.2024 Grottammare AP – Teatro delle energie
Fr 19.04.2024 Bergamo – Teatro
Sa 20.04.2024 Offenburg (Germany) – Reithalle
So 21.04.2024 Hassfurt – Stadthalle
Tu 23.04.2024 Bensheim – Parktheater
We 24.04.2024 Bochum – Christuskirche
Th 25.04.2024 Koblenz – Kuppelsaal Festung Ehrenbreitstein
Fr 26.04.2024 Fulda – Kulturzentrum Kreuz
Sa 27.04.2024 Ebersberg – Alter Speicher
Su 28.04.2024 Augsburg – Parktheater im Kurhaus
Tu 30.04.2024 Tübingen – Sudhaus
We 01.05.2024 Thusis (Switzerland) – Kino Rätia
Th 02.05.2024 Winterthur – Theater Casino
Fr 03.05.2024 Stäfa – Rössli
Sa 04.05.2024 Basel – Tabourettli
Su 05.05.2024 Basel – Tabourettli
Tu 07.05.2024 Wohlen – Circus Monti
We 08.05.2024 Schaffhausen – Kammgarn
Th 09.05.2024 Worb – Bären Saal
Fr 10.05.2024 Walkringen – Rüttihubelbad
Sa 11.05.2024 Bischofszell – Aula Sändkastli
Fr 24.05.2024 Zwettl – Stadtsaal Zwettl


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