VIVA - Das ist die Wahrheit Pros
- Very good, straight rock
- High party / festival potential
Das ist die Wahrheit – “That’s the Truth” is the title of the 2023 album of the rock band VIVA (also: V!VA). I received the album quite a while before the publication date of 31st March 2023, so that I had plenty of time to find the right words for the twelve songs.

VIVA – About The Artists
VIVA is a German rock band from Nuremberg. They are active since 2016 and nowadays lead by singer and guitarist Flo Rittweger. The other band members are Andrei Alexandru (guitar), Horst Diezinger (bass) and drummer Ingo Zeiler. They started as a cover band, but then more and more worked on own material. So far, the band has released two albums. Both, Lebenslang (2020) and Unser Weg (2021) had a short Top 25 appearance in the German album charts.
VIVA – Das ist die Wahrheit – Track by Track
The twelve song album lasts 43 minutes. I received confusing information about the list of songs for this album – thus, the you might finally listen to the same track in a different order.

1. Alles wird gut
The song starts with a flourish, before the electric start strumming and drive the song. Nice rock track a touch of alternative rock. Keinen Grund zur Sorge, alles wird gut – “No need to be worried, everything will be fine” sounds promising. However, the next line states Für die Wahrheit fehlt der Mut – “The courage is missing for the truth”. A song about the band and their music, but also a reckoning with the music industry.
2. Die Wahrheit über uns
Many songs of the album deal with the band and obviously existing controversies about it. Die Wahrheit über uns (“The truth about us”) sounds a bit like this at first sight, but is a song which is praising friendship. Really nice one.
3. Wir sind unser Ziel
The album contains quite a bunch of guitar slashers. But there are also sonst like Wir sind unser Ziel (which translates to “We are our goal”). The song is praising their history – and Flo Rittweger demonstrates that he is also a good vocalist for the more emotional moments.
4. Immer erst am Anfang
Immer erst am Anfang has been one of the tracks the band chose as single release. The song feels encouraging, foresees many steps to success laying ahead. Wir sind vier Jungs aus Franken auf Lebenszeit – “We are four boys from Franconia for a lifetime”. A perfect band anthem.
5. Worte werden Waffen sein
VIVA are always somewhere between rock and hard rock on this album. Worte werden Waffen sein rather feels one of the harder ones to me. Thereby, the band is presenting one of the most catching choruses of the album. Perfect German hard rock, just made for the stage.
6. Es tut uns gar nichts leid
The verses of this song feel rather unremarkable. However, the Franconia boys again tear out a memorable listen by the chorus. Live on stage, this one will become a dialog of VIVA and their fans.
7. Deine Welt
The fast and groovy Deine Welt is one of the core songs of the album to me. The track has a touch of punk in its heart as well.
Ja, das ist Deine Welt
Das ist das, was Dir gefällt
Du spuckst Galle, Du spuckst Gift
Du denkst, Dich kriegt man wieder nicht
Ja, das ist Deine Welt
(“Yeah, this is your world
That is what you like
You breathe fire and brimstone [equiv. to German idiom]
You believe that they again don’t catch you
Yeah, this is your world”)
8. Genau hier
Genau hier is a song about friendship, staying together. The song feels like the perfect sing-a-long for future VIVA concerts. Good message, good melody – and easy enough that you don’t need to have some beer to be into the song. Good one.
9. Unsere Therapie
Unsere Therapie is one of this VIVA tracks, which is driven by the guitars from the very first to the very last moment. Thereby, they create this straight, honestly feeling touch. Nice groove, the chorus feels surprisingly pop-ish.
10. Was kann die Welt noch für mich tun?
While I listen to VIVA and their 2023 album, I think of big German bands. Some songs for example strongly remind me of Böhse Onkelz tracks. This song, which also has very present trumpet sounds in the chorus, reminds me of the Toten Hosen, at least in th verses. “What can the world still do for me” asks VIVA in here. Nice one.
11. Und du wirst es verstehen
The song starts with a guitar-and-drums instrumental part. Thereafter the song has a nice swaying groove, driven by the rhythmic section of the drums and the bass. A song which creates a happy feeling while listening to it.
12. Die Wege kreuzen sich nicht mehr
This track is the most emotional listen of the album. Rittweger and a piano, that’s almost all what this one neds during the four minutes duration. An outstanding breakup song.
Die Wege kreuzen sich nicht mehr
Die Herzen schlagen nicht mehr für uns
Vermissen fällt so schwer
Und weißt Du? Du fehlst hier! Du fehlst mir!
(“Our ways are not crossing any more
The hearts don’t beat for us any more
It feels so hard to miss
Do you know? You are missing here. I am missing you.”)
VIVA – Das ist die Wahrheit – Spotify
Here is the album on Spotify:
VIVA – Das ist die Wahrheit – My View
I really love what the guys are doing. They are presenting a really good listen for German rock and hard rock fans. The songs are catchy, straight and many of them feel just right for the next rock party or festival. I definitely want to listen to more VIVA songs – these twelve ones received the Top Pick! banner.
Reviews – German Hard Rock & Heavy Metal
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