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freekind. – Since Always and Forever

freekind. - Since Always and Forever




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice range of songs
  • Good groove and pop touch

Flyctory.com Cons

  • The ladies might dare to be even more energetic here and there

I received the album Since Always and Forever by the dio freekind. via a promotion agency. The bio of the band is quite interesting – and the sound is quite unique as well – just the right arguments to introduce you to the ladies. Hope you enjoy getting introduced to this 9th June 2023 debut album release.


freekind. – About The Artists

freekind. is a female duo, consisting of Croatian Sara Ester Gredelj and Slovenian Nina Korosak-Sercic. Sara is a pianist and is also taking the vocalist role of the band, while Nina is the drummer of the project. They started doing music together in 2019 and also had a debut EP named not good enough in 2020. They mix groovy elements of pop and R&B with jazz elements. During the last years, they had some very well-reputed gigs in major European festivals.


freekind. – Since Always and Forever – Track by Track

The twelve song album lasts 41 minutes.

1. It’s A Beginning

These 80 secons introduce you to the Since Always and Forever album. Some piano tunes and a dialog, some backing vocals. A slow starter.

2. Found Love

No more slow and starting – Found Love is already showing freekind at a very high level. The backing sounds feel like a soul song, but the two ladies put a very present hip hop groove on top of that. Nice contrasting, but also very groovy, in the hip hop parts as well as in the soulful chorus. Very modern track.

3. Vulnerability

The press kit states that Sara Ester Gredelj initially has been very shy about taking over the vocal role. Songs like Vulnerability really make you wonder about that: the Croatian is having such a beautiful, warm voice, which turns the third song into a lovely listen. This song also showcases a stronger jazz heart in freekind.’s music.

4. Same Love

Same Love is a slow, atmospheric song. The piano / synth is the key melodic element of the track. However, in some parts, there is nothing but vocals, which leads to a very virtuous, jazz-alike style.

5. Visualize

I just wanna live my life in peace feels to be the key phrase right in the opening of this song. The song is stronger leading towards R&B and soul, but also comes with hop hop elements. Thus, the song is one of the widest-ranging ones of the album and a sensible single release.

6. The Cycle

Despite the sound of freekind. is based on so many musical ingredients, it is still also coming with a certain flavor of mainstream and radio-style music. Many songs come with a typical airplay duration, for example. The longest song of the album, the 4:17 minutes, The Cycle, feels to be a bit long in that regard, but comes with a lovely and modern R&B and hip hop mix. This one has a huge potential in my point of view.

7. Carry You

Carry You and the three songs following afterwards have already been released as singles. Thereby, Carry You is just giving me such a smooth and easy way to get into it – similar to the predecessor The Cycle. Very groovy song which leaves you listening to it with a bright smile. Nice one.

8. Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations feels a bit harder, more rough than the songs before. The ladies are also having a very present hip hop part. Really nice sound.

9. Happiness

This track is about Happiness – and indeed, the song feels easier, more cheerful, also a bit more childish and joyful. Nina is limiting the drumming to just what it needs to create a good groove and make you move to the music.

10. Bright Light

The block of four single releases create a very fluent listen. Nonetheless, any of these tracks defines an own style and groove. Thus, it is definitely not boring or monotonous to listen to the album. Bright Light comes with one of the most catching choruses of the album. Very nice groove made to dance to the sound.

11. Kind To Yourself

Kind To Yourself is one of the few tracks which does not have a hip hop part. The song is about fragility, but does not spread any melancholy. The very steady rhythm is even putting some dancing touch on the rather soulful vocal part.

12. Since Always And Forever

Even though the title track is a full leave song, it has has a touch of an epilogue. The album is fading out with this song, which is not as present, in case you treat it as a full track. The atmosphere reminds me of lounge or meditation music. The main theme of It’s a beginning  is adopted, which leads to a nice frame around the songs of the album.


freekind. – Since Always and Forever – Spotify

Here is Since Always and Forever on Spotify:


freekind. – Since Always and Forever – My View

If you follow Flyctory.com for a longer period, you will know that music with strong hip hop elements does not make it too often to my album reviews of Songs of the Week. However, I really enjoyed listening to this debut album. It could be a bit of stronger, more catching here and there to make a very good one, though.


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