Caro Winter - Mallorca Unplugged 2 Pros
- Hilarious view on Mallorca party schlager
- Well arranged cover versions
- ... and some good originals
Sometimes, when I scan new music releases, I run into songs or albums, which simply make me smile. One of these records has been Malle Unplugged 2 by Caro Winter. Already for the second time (I obviously missed her Malle Unplugged released in 2023), she is taking typical Mallorca-style German party schlager songs and puts them into an acoustic recording setting. It has been released on 15th November 2024.

Caro Winter – About The Artist
Caro Winter is the artist name of Carolin Schröder. She is originally fro Oer-Erkenschwick in Western Germany, but is living in Berlin nowadays. In December 2023, she released Malle Unplugged, her debut album, which is following the same concept as her 2024 release.
Caro Winter – Mallorca Unplugged 2 – Track by Track
The twelve song album lasts 34 minutes.

1. Flugbegleiterin
The album starts with a song, which is in fact an original. However, the song is fully in line with the style of the album. The simple, coarse lyrics feel to be in a strong contrast to the fine, harmonic voice of Caro Winter or instruments like a cello. This may feel weird and confusing in the very first moments. But the more you get into the song and the album, you enjoy that contrast. Finally, how could I dare not enjoying a song titled “flight attendant”?
2. Oberteil
Ich find Dich obergeil in deinem Oberteil (“I feel you are really lush in your top”) – that’s what Isi Glück and Marc Eggers sang to push the party crowds on the Balearic island this summer. The Caro Winter way of interpreting this song leads to a stronger focus on the lyrics of the song. This is hilarious on the one hand, but also somehow exposing. I like it.
3. Midnight Lady
This Dieter Bohlen write has been a huge hit for Chris Norman in the 1980’s and recently been transformed into a drinking and party song. The very reduced, acoustic Caro Winter version is again leading to a strong focus on the lyrics and rather spreads the atmosphere of the real original. Fascinating.
4. Herz macht Bamm
Tream released this original. The song is a typical Mallorca party song with limited lyrics, especially in the chorus. Caro Winter is majorly accompanied by a piano and strings, which makes it feel like a ballad. There is a bit more power in the second half of the track.
5. Anders Wild
Wird Wild praised Mallorca in this party track in the recent season. In this version, the song feels much more like a ballad again. This also means that the emotional part of this musical love song is significantly more emphasized in here. I really like that.
6. Handwerker
Mickie Krause is one of the biggest artists in the Mallorca party scene. He recorded this song alongside Julian Sommer. I am not sure if they reflect the real workday of a “Craftsman” correctly, but the orchestral style of Caro Winter definitely leads to one of the most contrasting and hilarious listens on Mallorca Unplugged 2.
7. Blaues Känguru
Blaues Känguru (“Blue kangaroo”) is the second single release of this album – and the second original of it. I guess you must have had some beer or shots before you really believe in blue kangaroos, which are jumping and swimming over the water. But these kind of songs are not based on realistic storytelling.
8. Mozart (Ciao Niveau)
Even though the lyrics are limited, it would definitely blow the typical extent of a if I’d tried to explain and translate the lyrics. The song is about drinking on the weekend. A typical Mallorca topic, which leads to a very well arranged song.
9. Madeleine
This song is about an encounter with a female being – and (of course) a lot of alcohol. The original is by Schürze, Caro Winter’s version comes with rather present acoustic guitars and quite some support from the strings side.
10. Hast du Saufen mal probiert? (1000 und 1 Nacht)
Not sure if Klaus Lage would have been happy in 1980’s if he knew that his German rock classic 1000 und 1 Nacht would transform into a boozing chant a couple of decades later? Kings of Günter definitely released one of the most famous and successful tracks of this year’s party music season. The very different view on the song by Caro Winter leads to one of the highlights of Mallorca Unplugged 2.
11. Astronaut
Mallorca party messages are not too complex – and thus, many of the songs are rather short. With 2:21 minutes, Astronaut is the shortest song on the album, even though quite many songs don’t exceed the three minute mark. The song has quite a rhythmic and uplifting vibe, even in this stripped down version.
12. Neues Jahr, neues Glück
“New Year, New Luck” – the chucker-out somehow states that Mallorca party music will not die. Will be a Mallorca Unplugged 3 in 2025? We will find out next year.
Caro Winter – Mallorca Unplugged 2 – Spotify
Here is the album on Spotify:
Caro Winter – Mallorca Unplugged 2 – My View
The idea behind Mallorca Unplugged 2 is genius. Caro Winter and her team show the controversial German music genre from a very different viewpoint. This finally leads to much more reflection during the listen than you might expect at first sight. That’s exactly why I love this album.
Favorite Song: Midnight Lady
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