Traitor - Exiled To The Surface Pros
- Very straight old-school thrash
- Great recordings with Tom Angelripper and a "Careless Whisper" cover Cons
- Too monotonous (and predictable)
The German magazine Rock Hard wrote about Traitor, that the band “is playing the most persuading new-old-school-thrash, which I have heard since quite a long time”. Sounds like a perfect listen for a review, doesn’t it? The German band releases his new album Exiled To Surface on 8th July 2022.
Traitor – About The Artists
Traitor is a thrash metal band from Balingen in Southwest Germany. They have been founded in 2004. The initial band names were Patricide and Premature Burial, before the band renamed to Traitor in 2009. The two initial founding members, Andreas Mozer (drums, vocals) and Gerd Hery (guitar, backing vocals) are still members of the band. They are nowadays accompanied by Lorenz Kandolf (bass, since 2009) an Matthias Koch (guitar, since 2013). Traitor typically refers to the thrash sound of the 1980’s. In 2012, they released the album Thrash Command. Initially, the album has been a self-release, but later editions followed in 2013 and 2014. Their last album has been the 2018 Knee-Deep in the Dead.
Traitor – Exiled To The Surface – Track by Track
The eleven track album lasts 40 minutes.

1. Guilty As Charged
A slow starter into Exiled To The Surface: Traitor give us an almost one minute intro into their 2022 album. Sounds a bit like your speakers have some issues… But, hey, the guys kill that idea quickly.
2. Exiled To The Surface
The “real” opener of the album is the title track. After playing it slow in the intro, there is no time to relax in here: the riffs are fired at high speed, Andreas Mozer has to give its very best on the drums as well as on the vocal side. A lovely treat for thrash fans right at the beginning.
3. Total Thrash (feat. Tom Angelripper)
Traitor meets a legend: nobody but Sodom’s Tom Angelripper is joining forces with the Southern Germany in the third track. What could be a better name than Total Thrash? Even better: this is the title song to the thrash documentary Total Thrash. Thrash overkill at the very highest level – I love it!
4. 66 Exeter Street
After two full-speed and full-power tracks, Traitor takes a small break – 66 Exeter Street almost feels to make you sway like at a beer tent concert, compared to the two songs before. This little slow-down does not really change anything in the fun you feel while listening to these guys. Thumbs up!
5. Zordark
Hard to imagine to me how Andreas Mozer can hammer these kind of rhythms into the drum kit and scream out the vocals in parallel. Outstanding performance.
6. Careless Whisper
Yeah, there are better songs than this on this album. Nonetheless, this is my favorite. How the hell did these warhoses persuade Wham! (or their record company) that they can do this cover? I’m never gonna dance again… to this song without headbanging after I listened to the Traitor version.
7. Teutonic Storm (2021)
Traitor has already recorded Teutonic Storm in 2015 – now, there is a new version. The song has a touch of death metal and works with some nice rhythmic changes. Not a bad song, but I am still mentally stuck in that Guilty feet have got no rhythm thing…
8. Metroid
10,000 steps a day is healthy – it feels to me that Mozer is doing them during the 4:44 minutes of Metroid already. Powerful drumming, the guitars and the bass are adding the necessary melodic power. Traitor is delivering great metal power, indeed.
9. Into The Nightosphere
The first notes of Into The Nightosphere suggest that this song might deliver a slightly different sound. No chance in here, though. Traitor deliver Traitor – and they do that good. Nice guitar riffs and a lot of power. The fans love it, I am sure.
10. Space Seed
The single release is one of two songs, which are shorter than three minutes. Space Seed allows the guitars to be a bit more present than the drumming. Apart from that, we receive straight songs, the same vocal sound from the guy at the drum machine – and rocking sunshine in your metal heart while listening.
11. Decade Of Revival (Traitor Part IV)
The finale. The last five minutes of the album are named Decade Of Revival (Traitor Part IV). The band feels to make use of the five minutes to vamp a bit and show they musical and vocal talents. This does not do any harm to that song at all. Nice way to say good-bye to this release – the last minute is even a gentle fade-out.
Traitor – Exiled To The Surface – Spotify
Here is Exiled To The Surface on Spotify:
Traitor – Exiled To The Surface – My View
I already stated the key part of my review when I wrote about Into The Nightosphere: Traitor are doing Traitor. On the one hand, this is a good thing – because they are good and deliver straight and honest thrash metal recordings. On the other hand, you just cannot deny a certain monotony and predictability. This is the part of my thoughts which prevents a very high rating. But: I had fun with the album – and I am sure many of the listeners will do, too.
Reviews – German Hard Rock & Heavy Metal
Here are all media reviews related to Hard Rock & Heavy Metal and Germany:
It's about five years since the German band Larrikins have released their most recent album. The fifth studio album overall, ...
There are not too many bands who dare to release albums a few days before Christmas. The more I was ...
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After I had a country and country rock block the weekend before, it is time to add some harder tunes ...
Doing hard rock with a saxophone? Human Zoo simply do it! On 14th June 2024, some eight years after their ...
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On a promotion platform, I ran into the album Exit To Insight by the German band Deafcon5. The album is already ...
In June 2021, I shared the album Guns Against Liberty. The band behind that album is the Hamburg-based melodic hardcore act ...
This week, I am dealing with quite a lot of music postings during the week. There are two reasons for ...
A vacation album? The title Urlaub in der Bredouille sounds like a road trip album to some French region... But ...
After their debut album Hollow Throne has already been successful, the German melodic post hardcore band Maelfoy is releasing their sophomore album ...
40 years of Doro Pesch on stage - I really feel a bit of bad that I am not in ...
The story of the hard rock project Rising Wings is indeed a rather unique one: the band was already active ...
Actually, we never stopped playing are the first words to the press notes to Back on Track, the comeback album of ...
Some classic hard rock by a new German band project? I got curious when I ran into Rise Up, the debut ...
Time to add some more death metal to the Media Reviews of after the May 2021 release A Hill To Die Upon, ...
I received the album Maniac by the Munich post-hardcore band Marathonmann way before its release on 19th May 2023. Short message: I ...
Catharsis by pain - that's a quote I read frequently about the Hamburg doom metal bnd Moor. For their debut ...
Just at the end of the week in which I covered the concert of the Wellerman band The Longest Johns, I ran ...
Four decades of guitar riffs - the hard rockers / metalheads Black Hawk already have quite a long history. The ...
Endlevel are a German band, who mix thrash and death metal elements. On 24th February 2023, they released a new ...
Medieval hard rock, Gothic, dance music? Tanzwut is definitely one of these bands in the German music scene, which are ...
Basta by the German band Sündflut is one of these records, which I just had a short listen to and just ...
On their website the German band Hostage states. "There is only one rule: Stylistic boundaries do not exist." I received ...
Avantasia is back... again and again and again... What started as a one album... or two album metal opera turned ...
Melodic rock from Munich: Magical Heart are delivering right what you really need after spending a few days at the ...
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Powerful party tunes which are made to be great on stage: five years after their first release, the Bavarian band ...
The album preview of the week this time is a bit of darker than the beautiful melodies of A Smell of ...
Rock from Germany: on 17th June, the German rock band April Art releases their second album, P.O.K.E.R.F.A.C.E.. I ran into the ...
Der W does an easy job in naming his albums. Since the third album, he is simply numbering his major ...
"Magic Hard Rock from The Krauts" - that's the key slogan the German band Wucan puts on her Facebook profile ...
I typically love glam rock - and thus, the German band Shameless had a rather easy time to get into ...
J.B.O. are one of the key players in the German fun metal scene. Over the last decades, they steadily grew ...
Axel Rudi Pell is definitely one of the most well-known hard rock and metal acts from Germany. On 15th April ...
The different genres of metal are becoming a significant part of my music coverage. This posting is about the ...
Der To is a German rock artist, who is active since 2010. On 11th March 2022, he is releasing his ...
Some hard sounds from Germany: Gutrectomy are doing brutal deathcore. I was really curious if their music is as scary ...
Metalcore from Germany: already before Christmas 2021, I received the album Radiant from The Sleeper. A good opportunity to rock with Santa ...
The Scorpions are definitely one of Germany's finest international rock music acts. Herman Rarebell has been part of the band ...
Quite some artists used the Covid-19 limitation for some additional creativity. Tristan Harders, for example, invested the time during which ...
I always enjoy to listen to bands I haven't heard of before. One of them is the German band Fuer ...
Hämatom feels to be a truly active band: just some eight months after I reviewed - and enjoyed their album ...
Seventeen studio albums so far - #17 on 29th October 2021 - the German band Running Wild has quite an ...
Rock from Germany: On 15th October 2021, the Western German band Bodyguerra will release their second album Fire & Soul ...
Some new guitar riffs made in Germany: it is hard to think about the German metal music scene without thinking ...
A tribute band growing to an album with seven very own songs and two covers: Freakstorm from Gummersbach near Cologne ...
Mentalist is definitely an interesting German metal band. Even though A Journey Into The Unknown is just their second album, ...
Some German rock to be released on 23rd July 2021: I ran into the music of the band Existent and ...
Time to bang your head again: the German metal big guns Helloween are back in the record stores, six years ...
New hardcore album from the North of Germany: Anchors & Hearts recorded their fourth album Guns Against Liberty and will ...
About the album A Hill To Die Upon, its composer and guitarist Marvin Kessler said, This is the album I ...
Even though their press package praises them as the new German lead in the melodic death metal scene, I have ...
I have to admit that I did not know Orden Ogan before this review. Quite a gap in my music ...
A typical life of a music blogger: the information about Definition of Insanity has been sparse when I ran into ...
Quite some interesting rock music to be released on 26th February 2021. I originally wanted to start my reviews of ...
Covid-19 has some weird impacts: as a major German pressing plant had to reduce operation due to the pandemic, a ...
Happy Birthday, Michael Schenker - some three weeks after the German rock legend turned 65 years, he is back with ...
Even though Tragedian is a Hamburg-based project, their members come from quite some parts of Europe. I got to have ...
After they got quite some good critics for their debut album, the German metal / hardcore band Bashdown starts 2021 ...
Sodom is one of the finest names for Thrash Metal made in Germany. The band is already having a 38 ...
If you are thinking about moving to Finland, but feel afraid of the (indeed strange) language - maybe it is ...
When I read about the collaboration, I knew I just had to do a review of this project: one of ...
Beyond The Black got some additional focus in Germany when their lead singer Jennifer Haben joined the popular TV format Sing ...
60 years of Axel Rudi Pell - one of the big names in the German metal scene is celebrating this ...
Time for some discussions in the German music scene - the Böhse Onkelz released their 17th studio album on 28th ...
Avantasia, one of the most successful German music projects, released their seventh album (eighth, if you count in a live ...
Doro Pesch is back - before she will tour in late 2018/early 2019, she just released a double album: while ... and Stuttgart
Here are all my postings related to Stuttgart in Germany:
Apart from the very inner city center, Stuttgart is a rather hilly German city. On one of their higher elevation, ...
Another year, another time for Rock of Ages. Similar to the previous years, I disclose some of the international dates I ...
Damn, I miss the Faroe Islands. I had a lovely weekend there last week. In the meantime, the weather and ...
Stanovsky is "greenish" - at least if you base that statement on the title his new album Grünlich. On 30th ...
I am loaded with tennis work this week. The time in Newport, Rhode Island, featuring Indian tennis and the induction ...
This week, my Songs of the Week are full of pop tracks. There is a lot of sports coverage on ...
Germany is famous for its car manufacturers. With Porsche and Mercedes, Stuttgart is likely one of the key cities car ...
Coming back from the United Arab Emirates and about to head to Malaysia soon - thus, some really interesting experiences ...
There are so many art museums and technical museums out there. However, do we really care sufficiently about the items ...
Oh, Christmas is approaching quickly now. A huge number of songs I scanned for my Songs of the Week this time ...
Getting to the Seepark Biker Days 2023 in Pfullendorf required a rental car from Stuttgart Main Station to the town ...
It is just mid-year 2023 and I already start working on my 2024 Rock of Ages International Tour list. I am sure ...
I start my coverage of the second day of the German Athletics Nationals 2023 in Kassel with the field events ...
I always enjoy introducing you to emerging artists. One of the reviews I feature about a rather less known artist ...
The last posting of the year - Best Ones 2022 is introducing you to my best experience last years (as ...
After I gave you an overview of 2022 European appearances of my favorite musical Rock of Ages, I felt to ...
A museum about pigs? Indeed, that's something you can do when you are in Stuttgart. Interestingly, the former slaughterhouse is ...
From the senior girls to the very young ones: while the Dümptener Füchs from Mülheim, Ruhrgebiet region, just have become ...
Ritter Sport is one of the most famous German chocolate manufacturers. It has been founded in 1912 in Cannstadt, which ...
Wow... This edition of my Songs of the Week was a huge bit of work. I simply had so many candidates for ...
For the first night of a trip to Stuttgart, I opted for the Hampton by Hilton Stuttgart City Centre. The ...
The region of Stuttgart is one of the key car manufacturing areas of Germany. Thus, it has been not too ...
What has started as Stuttgart 21 - the refurbishing of Stuttgart Main Station including changing the main travel direction and putting ...
Due to its rather hilly geography, the German city of Stuttgart has some quite iconic public transport systems. During a ...
After I recently made you familiar with the DoubleTree in Milton Keynes, which is located right inside a soccer stadium, ...