Ochmoneks - In Schwarzer Tinte
Flyctory.com Pros
- Straight rock album with good lyrics
- Also hard rock and rather quiet moments
- Very enjoyable listen
I already featured the band Ochmoneks twice in my Songs of the Week, on 9th June and on 7th July 2023. Now, I can also finally share an album review with you. On 17th May 2024, the band released the album In schwarzer Tinte (“In black ink”). Here are my thoughts.

Ochmoneks – About The Band
The Ochmoneks are a German punk-rock band. They have been founded in 2015 in Düsseldorf. The band is obviously named by the neighbors of the Tanners family in the ALF TV series. The band members also typically replace their real surname by Ochmonek as artist name. Dirk Hohnberg is the singer of the band. The other current members of the quartet are Stefan Drüppel (guitar), Martin Schlukznat (bass) and Daniel Hunger (drums). So far, the band has released three albums. Their latest one, Gegenwind is dated as of 2021 and the only one so far making it into the German Album Charts.
Ochmoneks – In Schwarzer Tinte – Track by Track
The eleven track album lasts 38 minutes.

1. In Schwarzer Tinte
Already the first verses of the album invite the listen to sing-a-long with the band. The title track comes with a smashing, easy rock melody with a nice and straight punk touch. It is never too bad when you smile at the beginning of the album already.
2. Veto
The second song is defined by a duet-alike structure of the main lyrics by Dirk Hohnberg and short counterparts by the band. This could be a great track to party with the band when they on stage with this album. Great song with good lyrics, which still have the right ease to a good time with it.
3. Hello Ladies
While the first two songs have a very rocking touch, Hello Ladies in contrast almost feels a bit of pop-ish. The song is hilarious – it is an call out to female rock fans to visit Ochmoneks concerts as well.
Hello Ladies – was ist los?
Sagt uns was ihr braucht
Was machen wir verkehrt?
Dass ihr uns nicht erhört
Wir wollen doch nur dass ihr uns liebt
Und vielleicht auch mal ne Unterhose
Auf unsere Bühne fliegt
(“Hello ladies, what is wrong?
Tell us what you need
What are we doing wrong?
That you are not listening
We just want that you love us
And that maybe also some pants
Are flying on our stage”)
4. Teufel
Es ist mir scheissegal, was der Engel macht (“I don’t care a fuck what the angel is doing”) is one of the key messages of this single release. Teufel (“Devil”) is rough and leans towards alternative and hard rock. The chorus, though, is very melodic and leads to a very enjoyable listen.
5. Memento Mori
With Memento Mori, the In schwarzer Tinte album becomes a bit more quiet and melancholic. However, the chorus is still a nice rock tune and made to sing with the band. The fifth track adds a lot of atmosphere to the album.
6. Erster Letzter Kuss
Erster letzter Kuss (“First last kiss”) is another very emotional song. Ich schreibe diese Zeilen und frag’ mich ob ich Dich jemals wiederseh’ – “I am writing these lines and ask myself whether I will ever see you again”. The sixth track is a lovely rock ballad with that fine straight punk spirit. Very nice one!
7. Unbesiegbar
The title of the seventh song translates to “Invincible”. If you use Spotify streams as a metric, this one has been the most popular track out of the four single releases so far. Again, the band comes with a good melody and a straight message. A very mature song, which is a really good listen.
8. Cover-up Skull
Cover-up Skull adds some rock’n’roll vibes to In schwarzer Tinte. This song is perfect for partying and dancing. You just have enjoy these vibes – even though the song is in fact about a failed love story.
9. Deine Träume
Hast Du Angst vor Deinen Träumen (“Are you afraid of your dreams”) is the key question in this song. The Ochmonieks put back the electric guitars and go for the acoustic one for this track, which is quiet, emotional and thoughtful. The Dusseldorf band works out in a perfect way in this quiet moment as well.
10. Persona Non Grata
Persona Non Grata directly addresses a clear message to the critics and haters of the band. The song reminds me of some Böhse Onkelz tracks, who did deal with critics in a similar, musical way.
11. Paradiesvogel
Paradiesvogel closes the album in line with the first songs of the album. A good rock melody with some cheeky punk elements in it. A good finale.
Ochmoneks – In Schwarzer Tinte – Track by Track
Here is the album on Spotify:
Ochmoneks – In Schwarzer Tinte – Track by Track
I really loved listening to In Schwarzer Tinte. The album shows a nice range of moods and songs and it is a fun, easy listen. The band works well, in rather quiet as well as in rather intense and rocking moments. Nice lyrics and stories as well. I definitely recommend to have a listen.
FavoriteSong: Hello Ladies
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