FRAUPAUL - Was, wenn wir dann durchdrehen...?! Pros
- Great, straight rock songs
- Very catching and good stories
FRAUPAUL is a rather new band from Hamburg. Recently, I ran into some of their songs of the second EP of the act. I just liked the nice blend of German rock and punk elements and felt that these five songs are a really nice sharing for Was, wenn wir dann durchdrehen…?! (“What if we are escalating then?”) has been released on 13th October 2023.

FRAUPAUL – About The Artists
FRAUPAUL are a female German rock and punk rock trio from Hamburg. Th three band members are Lisa (vocals, guitar), Mary (bass) and Linda (drums). They are releasing music since 2022. In that year, they also released their debut EP Gut Genug. This EP is their sophomore one.
FRAUPAUL – Was, wenn wir dann durchdrehen…?! – Track by Track
The five song album lasts 17 minutes.

1. Italien
Italien translates to “Italy”. The song is about being on a vacation together as a couple… and thinking about what is happening if there are discussions during the best time of the year. Was ist wenn wir streiten? – “What is happening when we are in a dispute”. Cool song idea with a cheeky rock sound.
2. Hinter den Gardinen
Hinter den Gardinen is another really on point, precise write. Even if you don’t understand German, you might enjoy the nicely driving, thumping rock sound of the trip. The ladies catch you with their sound and you simply have a great time.
3. Owoho
The third song Owoho has been released in September. The song is about waiting at the train station for a dear person you haven’t met since ages. The groovy sound of the song feels like a blues rocker. The chorus, however, has the slight punk touch of the other songs of the EP. The lyrics are amazing and beautifully describe the story and emotions. They also don’t lack to have a potshot on the German Rail, which are nowadays thought not to be very reliable.
4. Hilf mir nicht
The fourth song’s title translates to “Don’t help me”. The song starts slowly and even a bit of melancholic, before the anger is exploding. The second half of this one is a really cool German rocker, with a nice guitar part at the end.
5. Kein Song für Dich
“No song for you” – the chucker-out describes the frustration of a break-up and struggling about the new love of your ex. The four minute song is an emotional rollercoaster ride. Very relatable lyrics. Ich will nichts mehr von Dir sehen – “I don’t want to see anything from you” – and Du hast es nicht verdient – “You don’t deserve it” – are some of the thoughts popping up. Nice finale.
FRAUPAUL – Was, wenn wir dann durchdrehen…?! – Spotify
Here is the EP on Spotify:
FRAUPAUL – Was, wenn wir dann durchdrehen…?! – My View
I absolutely recommend to give these girls a listen. Great songwriting, powerful rock and the cool touch of punk music – Was, wenn wir dann durchdrehen…. ?! is a great showcase of an emerging German rock band. Bad luck I cannot make it to one of their shows this year – I am sure it would be a lot of fun!
Media Reviews (Hamburg)
Here are all my Media Reviews of acts related to Hamburg:
There is one thing even the hardest (male) rock fans love more than an all-male rock band: female rockers. FRAUPAUL ...
Andreas Dorau is back with a new album. On 14th February 2025 (Valentine's Day...), he is releasing his new album Wien ...
Why is already the second EP release by the German artist and band Veigh Malow. The release of their debut EP ...
On a promotion platform, I ran into the album Exit To Insight by the German band Deafcon5. The album is already ...
The German rock band is already active since more than two decades. Not too surprisingly, the band is having quite ...
In June 2021, I shared the album Guns Against Liberty. The band behind that album is the Hamburg-based melodic hardcore act ...
With Be Okay To Not Be Okay, I present you another debut album from Germany. While you might not know the ...
I always enjoy sharing some new German artists with you. This time, I listened to a debut album by the ...
Especially during the last months, I felt again how much interesting music is coming from Hamburg. The city in the ...
Willow Parlo's Facebook profile states With the window open, Willow Parlo turns the backdrop of the depressing and monotonous city ...
Big release day for Collapse Under The Empire: with Recurring, they don't just publish their tenth studio album overall, the German ...
I recently ran into the music of German artist They Called Me Phoebe for the first time. The more I ...
When I first googled of "Palila", I ran into a cute yellow-white bird. Palila from Hamburg, however, are less cute ...
Catharsis by pain - that's a quote I read frequently about the Hamburg doom metal bnd Moor. For their debut ...
The 19th August 2022 edition of my Songs of the Week was lead by a Norwegian-origin band: Hey Rosie by ...
Ski Holiday sounds like a perfect band name for a winter release, doesn't it? The band has British and German ...
Music from Hamburg: King LX is a rather new collaboration from the Northern German city. On 16th December 2022, they ...
The band Kill Strings is called "Hamburg's Foo Fighters" - quite a lot of pressure on the German rock band ...
She Bites is a German band doing classic rock. After they had a well-reviewed debut album two years ago, they ...
The album preview of the week this time is a bit of darker than the beautiful melodies of A Smell of ...
Fräulein Frey names her music "Freien Hanseatischen Pop" - Free Hanseatic pop. On 3rd June 2022, she is releasing a ...
Though Emily Roberts has an international background, she so far majorly became big in her country of birth, Germany. With thank ...
Nanee's song Frei Sein ("Be Free") impressed me that much that it made it's way into my Songs of the Week as ...
The Jeremy Days have been one of the most important pop-rock bands in Germany in the late 1980's and 1990's ...
Especially in the world of social media, where it feels nearly impossible to spot the rising artist Peter Smith (just ...
Gregorian, who are interpreting pop, rock and also classic tracks in a Gregorian music style, is indeed a quite fascinating ...
I always enjoy to listen to bands I haven't heard of before. One of them is the German band Fuer ...
The title Quieter Pt. 2 already suggests that there has been a first part of Emma Longard's series of songs. Indeed, ...
A very interesting album "Made In Germany" somewhere between classic and indie rock: on 12th November 2021, Palila released their ...
Seventeen studio albums so far - #17 on 29th October 2021 - the German band Running Wild has quite an ...
On the promotion platform I use most frequently, I rarely run into songs or albums which are labeled as "Country ...
Interesting pop sound from Hamburg in Northern Germany: Winter 2 are just active for some one year. Nonetheless, the are ...
He does it again: after he successful of three 1990's pop tracks, transformed into orchestral arrangements, Alex Christensen is back ...
It's just about a month ago since I reviewed the 2021 album of Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen, GschichterIn aus ...
I have to admit: I loved Jasmin Wagner... or Blümchen... during my childhood years. As a young girl, the Hamburg ...
Some German rock to be released on 23rd July 2021: I ran into the music of the band Existent and ...
I started to enjoy the pop-Northern Soul style of the German band Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen, when the recorded ...
Over 560,000 follower on Facebook and some 90k subscribers of his YouTube channel - you just cannot say that Dominik ...
Time to bang your head again: the German metal big guns Helloween are back in the record stores, six years ...
After having released her debut album in 2015 already. Emma Longard will release two EPs with new songs in 2021 ...
I am not even sure if it was about the cheeky lyrics and the fresh sound or simply the album ...
Selig is one of the most famous German rock bands. They started publlishing music in 1993. On 12th March 2021, ...
Even though Tragedian is a Hamburg-based project, their members come from quite some parts of Europe. I got to have ...
Alternative rock made in Hamburg - the German band Tusq is already active for eleven years. Time to release some ...
Since I have been registered at a promotion company, I receive quite frequent teasers and links to various types of ...
Scanning the new releases as of 28th August 2020, I ran into the Hamburg-based band miu. The gained quite some ...
When I was on social media, the account of a friend reminded me that Alex Christensen. After two amazingly successful ...
Hotels in Italy
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Covering the World Floorball Championship Qualification in January 2025 almost failed. The rationale for that was finding a suitable accommodation ...
After my 2025 Women World Floorball Championship Qualification coverage in Lignano Sabbiadoro in Italy, I needed a hotel night close ...
New regional carrier: since mid-2021, Bolzano Airport (BZO) is operating scheduled flights with their own carrier, SkyAlps. For an early ...
A 16th century palace, which has been renovated in the late 1990's and turned into a posh hotel - apart ...
When staying in Ferrari City Maranello, would there be any better option than staying in a Ferrari-themed hotel? When I ...
I had the first night of my June 2021 trip to the Emilia-Romagna region right in the South of Lombardy, ...
Just before I boarded the Nightjet Single Deluxe compartment from Rome to Munich in summer 2020, I had a night ...
For my two day summer stage to Venice, I had one night at the Hotel Abbazia in the heart of ...
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