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No Business as Usual – but I felt it is right to continue to share the World with you…

I am quite sure I will never forget this 24th February 2022. Like I will know what I did on 9/11. These special days in your life. I have been at the Offroad History Museum in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, when I needed a break and scanned the news. Even though my flight flew along the Ukrainian border (instead of crossing the country’s airspace), I was shocked. I did not expect that to happen. The evening before, I told a Ukrainian friend that this scenario will not happen. I was wrong. An offensive war with a vague justification by Putin’s Russia. I still cannot believe that it happened.

War is never the right Option

I am not at all a political expert, so I may be wrong. But on the other hand, I don’t neglect the longer story behind all that. I do believe that both sides, the NATO and Russia, made mistakes. But I also believe that invading the Ukraine is not an appropriate reaction. It is unacceptable in my point of view. If you disagree, that’s fine to me.


The Trip I did the Day Before

Interestingly, my trip to the Emirates suits so well to what I am thinking. It was not planned like this, but Covid-19 cancellation forced me to alter my plans so that I finally flew through four countries. I started in Germany, continued to Sweden, headed on to Finland and finally flew to Dubai Airport. I have friends in all four countries. Wonderful people – I told a few ones that I think of them when I have been at “their” airport. Just because it felt so good to be closer to them. Even in Dubai, I just needed to show my Covid-19 test, scan my passport and was in that country. We are one world. You may prefer German democracy over the Emirate system – or vice versa. But we respect each other. And finally, it is not that important where you are coming from.

Okay, unfortunately, the last point is not really true. I see more and more that we lack to have good discussions. I feel that it is more important how you look alike than what you are saying. Even when you try to sell some overpriced and maybe even low quality fashion. You gave your community a discount code, so they love you. We accept this kind of lie – and we accepted lies in general. And if there are opposing opinions, the other party is bad, criminal. We tend to become more aggressive, more extreme. Not only on that 24th February 2022.


The Mission of Flyctory.com – and why I feel it should go on

You are on my blog, so for whatever reason you consume my source of truth. Not only about the war in the Ukraine, but majorly in other topics. Travel, music, sports. In a hotel review, for example, I am very keen on good services, good processes. I hate small work desks and too few power sockets. Maybe for you a good hotel needs a great beach and a nice hotel bar. You are still welcome to enjoy the world as I see it. You are very welcome to discuss with me (in a non-offending manner). And even if you disagree to my way of thinking, I might have given you an idea if that could be a place which is worth visiting for you. Regardless what I thought about it.

Flyctory.com is about showing you the world. Not in a travel sense only. You run into music from different countries, different genres. I just had a full rating jazz album, even though I hate jazz typically. I want to show you more sports than I did so far. I am still gifted that I can take you to so many places, melodies and sportive competitions, which I personally feel are worth having a listen. I take you to churches and temples even though I am atheist. The world is great – even even though cultures may be different, we should enjoy that. Not fight against each other.


Let’s Travel Together

I want you to enjoy the world wherever you go. And I would love you to take some (virtual trips) with Flyctory.com. After a weekend like the one of 24th February 2022. I feel it is more important than ever. And this is why I felt I should continue posting and take you on these trips. Regardless what is just happening. Let’s enjoy being different.

And finally, as I have also a few Ukrainian friends and beloved contacts, I just pick out one of them to close this posting. The video below is by Furia Roha. An Ukrainian DJ I am in contact with since quite a while (even before she has become a DJ). She is doing electronic music. I cannot relate to that too much – but I feel she is doing great in it. And I am proud of her doing it:


Title picture by the amazing Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash 


Postings about Flyctory.com

I sometimes write about the development of this blog, upgrades and other internal topics:



Here are postings related to the Ukraine:

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