Since a couple of years, I have a group of so-called Featured Artists – musicians, which are in a special focus of my reporting, including a higher level of coverage, increased visibility in the tour date overview and other perks.…
My Loyality Program Portfolio 2024
In early April 2023, I gave you an insight into my loyalty program strategy for 2023. The posting Thumbs up or down also explained, why I was aiming for certain shifts during the next year(s) and which companies stay in…
The Renewed Country Music Playlists
The seizure of operation by made it necessary to reform my country music playlists. I already mentioned this one in the posting linked above as of December 2023. During Christmas time, The key issue is finally that I will… Best Ones 2023
Is it really New Year’s Eve already again? The last day of the year? I am posting this one in fact on the 30th December 2023 still, as I am in Las Vegas, nine hours behind Central Europe… But good,…
2023 – My Year in Travel
Let’s try out something new: in addition to the Best of postings I present you at the end of the year, I start my end of year review postings with a looking back to my travel activities. As I have the best…
The Day Music Neutrality Died (a bit) – Thank You
When I wanted to work on 8th December 2023, preparing the base data for my two country music playlists, I was shocked. The key website I used for that,, did not provide me with the necessary information any more.…
Naughty or Nice? – The Country Christmas Playlist 2023
And then, it were three. I already shared Christmas songs by country artists twice as a playlist. For the Country Christmas Playlist 2021, the first entries were already release in September. For the 2022 edition, it felt that the…
Home is where the heart is – My Twelve Favorite Cities of the World
Home is where the heart is – I had the idea to this posting about my favorite cities of the world while listening to music related to different places n the world. One of them was my home town Cologne,…