Olivia Lane Living Instead Podcast
Flyctory.com Pros
- Wide range of topics
- Very honest and interesting talks
- Good insights about the (country) music business
Flyctory.com Cons
- Nicole Pryor Dernersesian episode is hard to understand as a non-native speaker
I absolutely loved to follow Olivia Lane on social media and listen to her music after I happened to run into one of her Meet & Greet sessions during the 2019 CMA Fest. Thus, I was really curious about her latest project: A podcast which she started in May 2020, in parallel to the Covid-19 restrictions. It is called Living Instead, in line with Olivia Lane’s latest single. You can listen to it on various platforms, but I went for Spotify. I did expect Living Instead to be good, but I have to say that this podcast even exceeded my expectations. Now that the first season is completed, here is my episode-by-episode guide to Olivia Lane’s podcast.

Olivia Lane – About The Artist
The Houston, Texas, young lady Olivia Lane ist just about to turn 29 years old on 26th July 2020. She is having a quite high popularity in the country music scene already – You Got Me was her most successful track on Spotify, so far leading to nearly six million streams. Two more songs, Hey 3AM and You Part 2 made it to triple digit numbers of streams as well. In 2019, she released her last EP so far, The One. I also met Olivia in a quite intimate concert in Hassocks near Brighton in February 2020. You find some additional bio about her in the linked postings.
Two things boost Olivia’s career on top of her musical potential: first of all, she is very well connected to her fans. When we met again in Hassocks, she could remember when and where we had met before, which I felt to be quite impressive. She is also very popular on social media. She is having over 12k followers, 550k likes on TikTok and some 45k followers on Instagram, for example.
Olivia Lane – The Living Instead Podcast
Apart from the introductory episode, the first season of the Living Instead podcast has seven episodes. The episodes are about 40 to 55 minutes, only the second episode with country artist Mickey Goyton, which is split into two sections, is slightly shorter. The second season is confirmed to incept on 7th September 2020.
Episode 1 – Peaceful Barb (11th May 2020)
The first episode of the podcast has been with a very interesting person, Barb Schmidt, who is better known as Peaceful Barb and drives a popular podcast. This episode is very spiritual, dealing with topics like how to become a strong personality on the one hand, but also how to believe in yourself and accept your weaknesses. A really interesting start of this series of chats.
Episode 2 – Katy Robbins (18th May 2020)
Katy Robbins is Olivia Lane’s fashion consulting. This episode was one of the most interesting to me, as you tend to neglect the correct choice of outfit in this industry easily. Olivia even describes that her manager told her that she does not look like a star. If you also want to learn about the importance of an airport outfit, you need to give the second episode a chance, definitely.
Episode 3 – Chanelle Guyton (25th May 2020)
If you are seeking for some hints how to turn from a lousy under-the-shower singer to a top opera voice, you might be disappointed about the third episode of the podcast, in which Olivia is chatting with her vocal coach Chanelle Guyton. There are of course touchpoints about vocal usage and techniques – but there is also a lot about spiritual questions and religium in these 42 minutes.
Episode 4 – Katie Barnes (1st June 2020)
You really get to learn a lot of people of “Team Olivia”. The fourth episode is with Katie Barnes, who is her fitness coach. I felt that this chat was very inspiring, as it was also about training and nutrition which fits to you personally instead of having an “industrialized” method, which is just leading to demotivation. Very wide range topic of “staying fit” for the business.
Episode 5 – Mickey Guyton, Pt. 1 (8th June 2020)
There are two episodes with Mickey Guyton. The first part starts with how it is likel being a female artist in the business and also what the record company managers expect of you. Mickey Guyton is Afro-American, so on top of that, she is of course facing other hidden challenges. The ladies chat about finally creating music which they do not feel comfortable with and how young (and maybe: naive) artists struggle in the Nashville world. It even touches topics like alcoholism.
Episode 6 – Mickey Guyton, Pt. 2 (15th June 2020)
Next episode, same guest: after the interesting insights with Mickey Guyton in episode 5. The podcast is not too much about music and musical careers – it concentrates on political correctness, anti-racism and gives some advice (from an US perspective) how you could do small steps to improve the situation. I liked that episode as it reflects so much the social movement happening in the US, well-fitting to my thoughts on the Lady A renaming.
Episode 7 – Maggie Rose (22nd June 2020)
This episode is my absolute favorite, as it tells a lot about being an artist in Nashville. Olivia’s chat partner in this one is independent artist Maggie Rose. There is a lot about being a record company versus an independent artist. Olivia is also talking a lot about her relationship with her fans. Absolutely superb!
Episode 8 – Drake White (29th June 2020)
The eighth episode is really interesting again. Drake White is having a very intimate talk with Olivia. He is talking about how to grow in Nashville, but also about his health situation and how he collapsed onstage in August 2019. Very inspiring due to the great motivation and come-back spirit of Drake White.
Episode 9 – Nicole Pryor Dernersesian (6th July 2020)
Nicole Pryor Dernersesian is well-known as a musical actor. For example, she was the first African American to play her role in Phantom of the Opera. I have to say that it is likely my least favorite episode – first of all, because there is quite much information about careers in musical, which I feel does not match too well to the other episodes – but majorly Pryor’s English is just quite hard to follow as an non-native speaker. In addition (maybe due to the way it is cut), it often feels like a monologue – which makes it especially tiring. Bad luck, some of the topics are really interesting (in some parts, Pryor is just overdoing it, I feel…).
Episode 10 – Wrap-Up (13th July 2020)
No guests this time, just a wrap-up to close this first season of podcasting. The sum-up episode, which Olivia recorded from her holiday home in Colorado. One of the key statements of this shorter talk is We should celebrate our differences more, which Olivia states based on the first part of her Mickey Guyton chat. The wrap-up is very personal and adds more than you might expect from it. Furthermore, a short break-up gives a pre-listen of Olivia Lane’s song Nothing Changes to be released on 17th July 2020.
Fan Reactions (27th July 2020)
I have been rather surprised that two weeks after the final episode, Olivia released a 28 minute episode about fan reactions on the first podcast series and the Living Instead song:
Olivia Lane – Living Instead Podcast – My View
I first did not want to give you a full review without a rating – but finally I felt: why not? The podcast is amazing and truly deserves the Top Pick! badge on top of the posting. I love the way Olivia and her guests give you insights about life as a country music artist. While the first episodes of that first season are rather personal and about the team around Olivia, the podcast becomes even stronger by the additional guests. Mickey Guyton is likely my favorite, but all of them add topics to Olivia’s analysis of the current business situation. Nicole Pryor Dernersesian is maybe a bit too American to me – I guess people from the other side of the blue water are even more fascinated by her.
Olivia Lane on Flyctory.com
Here are all postings related to Olivia Lane on Flyctory.com:
After praising my favorite songs of 2020 and the favorite albums and EPs in 2020, the final posting to do ...
Starting Flyctory.com as a travel and sports blog some 30 months ago, I wouldn't have imagined at its beginning how ...
The Corona crisis keeps me buzy - and thus, it again took me quite a while to have a new ...
Going to Hassocks, a village North of Brighton, was a very special moment to me on Saturday, 8th February 2020 ...
It's been quite a while since my latest country music picks - especially as the last issue was just concentrating ...
I decided to split the "Best music" postings of 2019 into two parts: while I already published my personal Best ...
After having this category of postings since quite some time, I decided to have more regular country music picks in ...
During my visit at the 2019 CMA Fest, I was just overwhelmed of the sheer mass of young talented musicians ...
For this 21st July 2019 edition of my Country Music Picks, I already had a couple of songs on my ...
During the CMA Fest 2019 in Nashville, I did quite a lot of Meet & Greets. I just felt it ...
Just blogging on music
Here is a list of my Just blogging on music postings on Flyctory.com:
In exactly two weeks, on 6th March 2025, Country To Country (C2C) Berlin is kicking off with the The Bluebird ...
I recently forgot a name of a German country artist and had to google it. I started typically by looking ...
It all started in August 2019 - and it has become a key delivery of Flyctory.com since then. The Country ...
Time to look back to the Flyctory.com year of music, part 2. In my 30th December 2024 posting, I am ...
The first one of my Best of postings at the end of the year is always reserved for looking back to my ...
Another year, another time for Rock of Ages. Similar to the previous years, I disclose some of the international dates I ...
I recently completed the 100th show of the musical Rock of Ages, while traveling to Munich for that reason. The musical ...
The seizure of operation by Everynoise.com made it necessary to reform my country music playlists. I already mentioned this one ...
Andreas Dorau is one of the artists I follow for the longest time in my life. In 1997, just when ...
Yeah, I am still more of an album person. I feel that a long-play is still able to tell stories ...
It's time to look back to . After I shared my new format My Year in Travel with you the first time, ...
Unfortunately, I could not complete the Country Christmas Playlist this year due to technical issues. However, since the days become ...
When I wanted to work on 8th December 2023, preparing the base data for my two country music playlists, I ...
And then, it were three. I already shared Christmas songs by country artists twice as a playlist. For the Flyctory.com ...
At the end of September, some miraculous things were happening on the Instagram accounts of the Country To Country Festivals ...
It is just mid-year 2023 and I already start working on my 2024 Rock of Ages International Tour list. I am sure ...
I am surprised that it has never been there before, stated Jackson Dean, one of the four artists, who will ...
After I gave you three postings about the music at the Seepark Biker Days 2023 in Pfullendorf already, it is ...
This weekend will be a tough one, a very emotional one for me. After 52 shows with the British production ...
I did a bit of an ESC week this week, featuring Guildo Horn's Guildo hat Euch lieb! in my Songs of the Week and ...
I have to give in: the red carpet is not my favorite location. Nonetheless, I felt very thankful that after ...
Today is a very special day to me: Weird Al Yankovic is playing is first-ever concert in Germany tonight, at ...
While the music market is more and more focusing on singles and even writes weird stories like Taylor Swift's "Top ...
Since I started working with Flyctory.com, I present you a list of my favorite songs at the end of every ...
Just some ten days left until Christmas. Instead of my typical album preview, I this time go for a preview ...
The 7th November 2022 is one of these days I will hardly forget so quickly. In a Weird Al fan ...
After I rolled out the Country Christmas Playlist 2021 in late November that year, I am this time a bit ...
After I gave you an overview of 2022 European appearances of my favorite musical Rock of Ages, I felt to ...
Last week only, I had to cancel or rebook four trip due to Covid-19 related reasons. Three of them included ...
2021 definitely lifted Flyctory.com to another level. The community is steadily increasing - days with less than 2,000 page hits ...
Year-end is the time to look back to all the stuff what happened to you. Ideally you rather remind the ...
Christmas is approaching really quick now. While I traditionally do a festive edition of my Country Music Picks, I also ...
Okay, I give in. In the world of country music, Christmas starts in early September. That's when the first song ...
Summer feels to be over - Fall 2021 is coming. Finally, I had much more - and better - trips ...
I studied maths. This almost certainly means that I am weird. Or, at least, that I tend to have weird ...
I got introduced to Smooth McGroove by a friend some half a year ago. At that time, the YouTube music ...
At first sight, this is rather a blog posting for people outside Germany. At the time of reading, German residents ...
During a dinner concert in June 2020 of a Cologne local band, Cat Ballou (who will be part of my selection), I ...
292 Media Review postings - looking into new music (and a few other) releases was definitely some sort of core ...
2020 is about to come to an end - and the last three posting of the years re about to ...
Weird Al Yankovic is not only one of my most favorite artists, who I follow for some twenty years now ...
Just about one month left until we are facing our very first socially distanced Christmas. Especially after hard times in ...
During the last years, October has been one of the big months for European country music fans: being already "traditional" ...
Starting Flyctory.com as a travel and sports blog some 30 months ago, I wouldn't have imagined at its beginning how ...
I was originally working on a posting about key challenges that Nashville and the country music industry will face in ...
Country music rarely makes it to German media - especially the major US acts, which are typically rather unknown in ...
Covid-19 has a huge impact on the music industry. My home town Cologne's local country music heroes, Mrs. Greenbird, were ...
Kenny Foster, one of the Featured Artists of Flyctory.com and one of the most friendly people I met in the ...
My Country Music Playlists on Amazon Music and Spotify are one of the most popular elements of the Flyctory.com music ...
Due to the late cancellation of the C2C festivals in London, Dublin and Glasgow and all the organizational trouble caused ...
My third and final issue of stories around the C2C in Berlin - time to finish the days of country ...
Saturday in Berlin is over. A lot of good music has been played on several stages - but some stories ...
The German Country Music Scene is having their highest holidays - The C2C in Berlin started on 6th March 2020 ...
Due to my passion for Weird Al Yankovic, I know Jim "Kimo" West for a couple of years now. Kimo ...
I decided to split the "Best music" postings of 2019 into two parts: while I already published my personal Best ...
2019 has come to an end - and music has been one of the key topics of Flyctory.com in 2019 ...
Usually, I am reviewing albums at the time of release. Luke Combs This One's For You has been released on 2nd ...
Leo Moracchioli sounds very Italian, but in fact, the metal musician and producer is Norwegian citiizen. Despite his Youtube has ...
Some ten weeks weeks ago, I added another feature to Flyctory.com: the Country Music Playlists on Amazon and Spotify allows ...
During the London Country Music Week, Country 2 Country traditionally presented the lineup for the festival. Every year, fans pray ...
Quite surprisingly, there seems to be a quite sudden competition about the promotion and management of country music concerts in ...
I try to improve Flyctory.com steadily and enlarge your visitor's experience. I felt that there is so much music on ...
After my posting in April, which was already speculating about a country music boom in Germany and Central Europe, a ...
During the CMA Fest 2019 in Nashville, I did quite a lot of Meet & Greets. I just felt it ...
The beginning of June was a very flattering moment to me. After I got more and more into country music ...
CMA Fest 2019 was just massive to me. So many artists, so many new people - I was just overwhelmed! ...
Facebook, Instagram and all other kinds of internet sources nowadays allow you to (sometimes by chance) find, follow and support ...
The closer CMA Fest 2019 came, the more I became aware of all the side events, which are not happening ...
Country music in Germany has a hard standing. It is still not played in most radio stations - or declared ...
I have to admit that Germany is likely the largest music market, in which the amazing duet "Shallow" of Lady ...
The beginning of March 2019 was a country music powerhouse to me. The Country 2 Country (C2C) debut in Berlin, ...
As blogging on music became a quite frequent category at Flyctory.com, I felt to look back to 2018 and introduce ...
As you might have seen in the other blog entries, I have been attending Europe's major country music festival, the ...