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The Dust Coda – Mojo Skyline

The Dust Coda - Mojo Skyline




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very versatile songs from ballads to hard rock
  • Excellent vocals and nasty lyrics
  • Great play on the instrument side

A band who wants to keep rock’n’roll alive – these kind of artists are always very welcome on Flyctory.com. When I ran into Mojo Skyline, the second album by The Dust Coda, I definitely a great fit for my blog. The rock album has been released on 26th March 2021.

The Dust Coda – About The Artists

The Dust Coda is a British hard rock band. They have been founded in 2015 in London. The founding members are guitarist and vocalist John Drake and Adam Mackie (also guitar). The completed their musical quartet with bass player Tony Ho and Scott Miller at the drums. Mojo Skyline is the second album of the Londoners, who already released a self-titled eleven song collection in 2017.


The Dust Coda – Mojo Skyline – Track by Track

The twelve song album lasts 52 minutes.

1. Demon

The English hard rockers don’t go for a slow start – the guitar take full force from the very beginning. Smashing riffs drive Demon, which is also one of the singles of the album. Really good song, which leaves a smile at a rock lover’s heart.

2. Breakdown

Breakdown could easily have reached the tops of 1980’s rock charts. The song is a bit darker than the opener and it comes with some hammering licks. Towards the end of the song, the guitars and singer John Drake speed up and lead to an epic finale.

3. Limbo Man

The Limbo Man could be Guns’n’Roses song: powerful, a touch of nasty and great work on the guitars and bass. Especially the bridge is extremely catching. Cool song.

4. Dream Alight

Dream Alight is a first chance for a short break and relax. You should however listen to this well-made power ballad.

5. Jimmy 2 Times

I just party that dirty-nasty touch in Drake’s voice. In Jimmy 2 Times, his lyrics lead to the song again. Scott Miller on the drums has a bit more chance to present his skills – he is very often over-tuned by the smashing guitar sounds.

6. Rolling

Rolling is the epic highlight of the highlight. With its 6:11 minutes duration, it beats any other song on the album by at least ninety seconds. The song comes with slow, thoughtful verses and powerful parts – the band is just having fun and illustrates their talent in a proper-length performance.

7. Bourbon Pouring

Bourbon Pouring is a slow, very melancholic song with a nice melody. Drake’s vocals almost feel a bit of whiny, when he is screaming out all the pain in the microphone. Impressive song and a nice alternative touch to the other songs.

8. I’ve Been Waiting

Back to hard rock: I’ve been Waiting has a touch of old Soundgarden tracks to me. The guitars lead the songs – and especially towards the end, Mackie is showing some superb work on his instrument.

9. She’s Gone

Why do you need complex lyrics if you have some great guys on the guitar? While Drake is screaming Now She’s Gone in the chorus, the guitars add a powerful riff – and you got a good one. Cool songwriting.

10. They Don’t Know Rock’n’Roll

Bang your head and stomp your feet – even if They Don’t Know Rock’n’Roll, The Dust Coda know it for sure. One of the bet songs of the album.

11. Best Believe It

He are already close to the end of the album. That’s a track almost perfectly made for the stage. And it got speed – The Dust Coda is firing the afterburner before the Mojo Skyline is finally taking off.

12. It’s A Jam

The finale feels to mix up everything we loved in eleven tracks and merge it into one song. The result is a good listen – and feels to ask for the “Repeat All” button.


The Dust Coda – Mojo Skyline – Spotify

Here is Mojo Skyline on Spotify:


The Dust Coda – Mojo Skyline – My View

Wow, that’s Rock’n’Roll. The Dust Coda recorded a really great record with strong performances on the vocal as well as on the instrumental side. This album is so good, it is practically begging for the Top Pick! banner at the beginning of the posting – and, of course, I just could not deny.


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