Subway To Sally - Post Mortem Pros
- Straight, very good album
- Great atmosphere and lyrics
There are not too many bands who dare to release albums a few days before Christmas. The more I was happy that one of these bands is a rather big player in the German music scene. The Medieval rock / metal band Subway released their new album Post Mortem on 20th December 2024. The title of the album also relates to the fact that it was expected that their last album Himmelfahrt has been somehow the final release of the band. The band proofed this rumor wrong. Here is my review.

Subway To Sally – About The Artists
Subway to Sally have been founded in 1992. The German band is based in Potsdam. Their Medieval folk rock style became more and more popular during the later 1990’s. The initially also had English songs, later there were even Gaelic and Latin lyrics. Nowadays, they are majorly singing in German. Subway To Sally’s first album to make it into the German Top 10 was their seventh record Engelskrieger released in 2003. Since then, any of their albums at least made it into the German Top 7. Post Mortem is the band’s fifteenth studio album. Their most recent release, the March 2023 Himmelfahrt, peaked fifth n the German charts. There are also numerous compilations, live albums and five EPs.
The band nowadays consists of seven members. Four of them, Michael Bodenski Boden (guitar, symphonia), Simon Levko (guitar, electronic tromba marina), Ingo Hampf (guitar, lute, mandoline et al.) and Silvio Sugar Ray Runge (bass) are founding members. Lead singer Erik-Uwe Eric Fish Hecht (also bagpipes and other instruments) joined the band very soon after it has been formed. The other two band members are Simon Michael Schmitt (drums, percussion) and Ally Storch (violin, viola).
Subway To Sally – Post Mortem – Track by Track
The 13 track normal version of the album lasts 49 minutes. There is also a deluxe version with seven additional tracks (total playtime 74 minutes).

1. Introitus
What would be an Intro in other albums and bands is an Introitus at Subway to Sally: the first two minutes of Post Mortem is a slow start into the album. Medieval instruments, some atmospheric background sound and a children
2. Phönix
After these atmospheric track, Subway to Sally are doing what they do best: powerful rock-metal sounds with their characteristic Medieval touch. On top of that, they present pithy lyrics. Fun listening to.
Kommt und gebt uns ein Streichholz, der Himmel wird entflammt
Einfach nur ein Streichholz, wir sind dazu verdammt
Die Welt erst zu verbrennen, in Flammen zu vergehen
Bevor wir aus der Asche auferstehen
(“Come and give us a match, the sky will be set on fire
Just a match, we are doomed
To burn the world first, to perish in flames
Before we rise from the ashes”)
3. Post mortem
Totgesagte leben länger, post mortem (“those who are said to be dead live longer”) – the title track of the album is definitely its heartbeat. The band states uns bleibt noch etwas Zeit (“We still have some time”) and present a great and powerful song with sing-a-long qualities. Lovely one!
4. Wunder
Die Welt ist krank, die Welt ist schlecht
Verdorben, falsch und ungerecht
Sie leidet an zu viel Krawall
An Dummheit und am Sündenfall
Drum braucht es einen großen Mann
Der alles weiß und alles kann
Der jedermann zu Diensten ist
Der Heiland ist und Exorzist
(“The world is sick, the world is bad
Corrupt, wrong and unjust
It suffers from too much riot
Stupidity and the fall of man
That’s why it needs a great man
Who knows everything and can do everything
Who is at everyone’s service
Who is a savior and an exorcist”)
Subway To Sally is social-critic and feature a variety of topics in their new album as well. Wunder (“Wonder”) is a perfect example for that. The sound this song is lovely mixture of dark riffs and almost symphonic sounds by the other instruments. A great write.
5. Nero
Rom verbrennt! (“Rome is burning”) – the fifth track Nero is coming with a dark sound and deals with a dark topic. The dramatic touch of this song and the stomping rhythm in the chorus turn this one into a very intense and catching listen.
6. Unter dem Banner
In the sixth track of Post Mortem, Subway To Sally is taking us “under the banner, the banner of this night”. Another song, which is a treat for hard rock and metal fans, who like the special musical touch of the band. Its chorus is rather melodic and will work well in the upcoming shows.
7. Herz in der Rinde
After the two rather rocking and dramatic songs, Herz in der Rinde (“Heart in the Bark”) feels like a huge contrast. The song is slow, fine, very melodic and emotional. On the melodic side, the song leans towards Medieval music and thus focuses on all the historic instruments the band is using. Nonetheless, rock music fans find some scattered sections.
8. Lumpensammler
After this quiet episode, the Lumpensammler (“Lump Collector”) is going for harder rock tunes again. Eric Fish on the microphone feels impressing, the backing melodies spread the typical Subway To Sally vibes. Good one.
9. Stahl auf Stahl (feat. Warkings)
For the single release Stahl auf Stahl, Subway To Sally joined forces with the power metal band Warkings. Their singer Georg Tribune Neuhauser is adding English lyrics to this song, which has been released in late November 2024. One of the highlights of the album.
10. Atlas
Atlas is having a very special touch. The dark background reminds me of industrial rock and metal songs. This turns the tenth song of Post Mortem into one of the most intense listens of the whole album.
11. Kummerkind
The next four minutes feature the Kummerkind (“Child of Sorrow”). The sound is beautifully dark, the lyrics are just in line with that. A very rocking and energetic one, which is coming with a hymnic chorus.
Kommt das Kummerkind zu dir
Klopft es dreimal an die Tür
Kannst nicht flieh’n, versteck dich nicht
Denn das Kummerkind findet dich
(“The child of sorrow comes to you
There are three knocks on the door
You can’t run, don’t hide
Because the child of sorrow finds you”)
12. Eisheilige Nacht
In fat, Eisheilige Nacht has been the first song released of the album. Subway To Sally shared this song in October 2023 already. The band is organizing a set of concerts with that name every year, so that you will very likely be able to enjoy it live on stage very soon. Impressing one.
13. Die Erde bebt
Die Erde bebt wie unter Schmerzen
Vom dumpfen Grollen uns’rer Herzen
(“The earth trembles as if in pain
From the dull rumbling of our hearts”)
The album fades out slowly, but thoughtfully with this song. It is critical about all the harm we put on our planet. Especially due to the chorus, Post Mortem closes with a very intense feeling.
Subway To Sally – Post Mortem – Spotify
Here is the album on Spotify:
Subway To Sally – Post Mortem – Track by Track
It would be really be a shame if the studio history of the band closes with Post Mortem. They still send intense messages and do intense songs. The album is a straight listen with little weaker spots. And the characteristic sound of Subway To Sally feels timeless. Post Mortem is a really good listen and is promising for their upcoming concert series.
Favorite Song: Phönix
Subway To Sally – Eisheilige Nacht
In 2024, Subway to Sally are hosting the Eishelige Nacht again. Their guests this year are Warkings, The O’Reillys (presenting their new album Coming Home) and the Paddyhats and Hapyie:
Fr 20.12.2024 |
Dortmund (Germany) – Revierpark Wischlingen |
Sa 21.12.2024 |
Gießen – Hessenhalle |
Su 22.12.2024 |
Dresden – Alter Schlachthof |
Th 26.12.2024 |
Braunschweig – Millenium Event Center |
Fr 27.12.2024 |
Würzburg – Posthalle |
Sa 28.12.2024 |
Bielefeld – Lokschuppen |
Su 29.12.2024 |
Bremen – Pier 2 |
Su 30.12.2024 |
Potsdam – Waschhaus Potsdam Arena |
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