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Spotlight – Flyctory.com meets Carrie Welling (April 2024)

A really nice way to see that Flyctory.com has established and has a certain history is that some artist happen to pop up multiple times in my Spotlight interview series. Right before she is heading off to Europe to have some shows in Germany and the Netherlands, I am chatting with Carrie Welling again. The US-American country artists had planned that tour alongside Kasey Williams way earlier, but got stopped due to Covid-19. Here is our chat about what happened since our last interview and what you can expect when you visit an upcoming Welling & Williams show.

Spotlight – Flyctory.com meets Carrie Welling (3rd December 2020)


Flyctory.com meets Carrie Welling

FLYC: Hi Carrie, nice to have you in my Spotlight interviews again. The last time we spoke was a few months after you released your debut album High Heels & Heavy Things. How has life been to you in the meantime?

Carrie: Thank you so much for having me again on Spotlight! Wow! SO much has happened since we last spoke! Life has been good and busy. I’m sure you’ve seen that I’ve been all over the country touring on High Heels and Heavy Things. House concerts, venues, and festivals! I’ve met so many amazing people along the way. Needless to say, the record was a success in my book. I’ve also been busy doing yoga and of course spending time with friends. All my favorite things to do! Oh yes, very important… I became a new home owner. It’s really nice to finally have a foundation in Nashville, TN.

FLYC: I saw that you did not have that many singles in the meantime, apart from Monster alongside Alex Wong in July 2021. Has there been some reason for the “hiatus” from publishing?

Carrie: I think I really like the process of putting out records. I’ll put out the singles to get people excited about the release of the record. But I really just like spending time on making the story and songs, and then spending time on promoting that once it’s ready to come out.

FLYC: In the last interview, we talked about your “Wellos”, the group of Patreon people who are supporting your music. Especially during the difficult Covid-19 times and the recovery of the entertainment industry, how important has that support been to you in the last years?

Carrie: Life changing! I honestly don’t know how I would’ve survived without them through Covid 19. So much support in every way. Not only have they become my fans, a lot of them have become my dear friends now. I think we’ve had a lot of fun!

FLYC: Your supporters already know that there are quite some exciting things coming up. One of them is a new album – you already shared some demos on your Patreon account. What can you tell us about that already?

Carrie: Yeah, that’s one of the cool things about becoming a patreon. You get to hear all the music before it actually comes out. The stripped down versions. It was actually really cool because my patrons chose most of the songs that went on the record. I gave them a ton of songs I had written throughout the years and they decided which ones were their favorite. I think they chose wisely! I’m bad at making decisions, so this was good for me. Haha.

FLYC: Was there any song you already shared to your Wellos, which you are especially proud of? Any reactions which felt very special to you?

Carrie: Yeah, I actually just put out a demo of the title track to my record. This song came to me very last minute after I decided to call the record A Crack In The Chaos. I was a little nervous putting it out since I wrote it so fast, but it was one of those songs that just came out super quick. I posted it to my Patreon and I got a ton of great responses! Which makes me happy because it explains what the record is all about.

FLYC: Another exciting thing is that you are just about to kick off a tour through Europe, starting on 2nd May 2024 in Hengelo, Netherlands. Will the people also hear some of the new stuff already?

Carrie: Yes, I’ve been looking forward to this tour. It was a tour that was finally rescheduled from 2020! Took four years! I will definitely be playing a ton of new tracks off the record and also some new ones that didn’t make the record.. Watch out Europe here I come!!

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FLYC: The tour leads you to Germany and the Netherlands. You spent your childhood in Germany – but told us in the last interview that there is bit of a lack of practicing the language since then. How much are you looking forward to be back in the country?

Carrie: I love going back to Germany! The cool thing is I have two sisters that live there. So I’ll get to see family as well! Plus, Europeans just LOVE live music and appreciate it so much. I’m excited to speak my broken German again and make a fool out of myself a little. Haha.

FLYC: The tour is majorly featuring smaller, intimate venues. Is that the kind of venue you enjoy to play at most?

Carrie: I would love to play the big venues! But when it’s just me and my guitar, I really do love those small intimate venues. I believe that people listen more and you really do get the opportunity to connect to fans. I love doing House concerts for that very reason as well.

FLYC: Three shows are in Germany, two in Hamburg and one in Berlin, on top of six ones in the Netherlands. Are these also the European countries where most of your followers are located?

Carrie: These are the only two countries in Europe that I’ve played so I would say that they’re definitely the two places I have the most followers. I already have a lot of people that are excited to come back and see us even after 5 years since I’ve played there last.

FLYC: You are not only bound to Germany as you grew up in here – but your sisters are still living in the country. Thus, you have a quite good understanding of German culture. Do you expect that the shows in Germany and the Netherlands will be different from the ones you do in the States?

Carrie: Yeah, they usually are. I found that when I play in Europe, the venues are pretty quiet. They really listen and they really appreciate the music. They also like to buy a lot of merch!

FLYC: Is there any tour stage you are particularly looking forward to?

Carrie: Well, I’m back in the States in June and I have a ton of awesome shows going on. I think I’m most excited about playing my release show in September! It’s at a really cool venue called Riverside Revival in Nashville, TN. It has a stage, lights, and great sound.

FLYC: The tour will be co-hosted with Kasey Williams. How did you guys happen to collaborate for that trip?

Carrie: Kasey and I started to tour together back in 2015. We have done a ton of cross country tours together. At this point we’re kind of like sisters! We met at Booker named Jordy and he’s the one that helped us book our European tour. We first did this tour back in 2019 and it went so well that we wanted to come back.

FLYC: Can the visitors of the shows rather expect two separate solo sets of you and Kasey – or are you also planning to do songs together?

Carrie: Yes, it would mainly be two solo acts. But they might do some surprise collaborations!

FLYC: Especially with Amsterdam, Hamburg and Berlin, you also visit some of the more touristic spots in Europe. Are there any spots you look forward to visit or will the tour be too busy for that?

Carrie: I was actually just talking to my sister about this. On our days off we are trying to get to Prague. I’ve heard great things about it! Kasey and I love to explore, so I’m sure we will hit up some other awesome European towns! You can follow us on Instagram, and see if all of our shenanigans along the way.

FLYC: Last, but not least: When you look forward to the shows over here – in which case would you say a show on the tour has been successful?

Carrie: I would say that a show on tour is successful if people are really listening. I also love when people come up to me after a show and tell me how much they loved and related to a song. That’s a successful show in my book!


Follow Carrie Welling Online



Carrie Welling & Kasey Williams – European Tour Dates 2024

Here are the tour dates of the Welling & Williams tour through Germany and the Netherlands in May 2024:

Th 02.05.2024 Hengelo (Netherlands) – Cactus Cafe
Fr 03.05.2024 Nijverdal – Cafe Uncle Sam
Sa 04.05.2024 Amsterdam – Mulligans Irish Music Bar
Su 05.05.2024 Ossenisse – ‘t Schallemaaj
We 08.05.2024 Hamburg (Germany) – Cowboy und Indianer
Th 09.05.2024 Hamburg – Cowboy und Indianer
Sa 11.05.2024 Berlin – Artliners
Th 16.05.2024 Gemert (Netherlands) – JC Bunker
Sa 18.05.2024 Vaals – Cafe Vereinshoes


All pictures are provided by the artist. Some of them are by Janathan Terrel, Boston


Spotlight – Flyctory.com Interviews

Here are all postings of my interview section Spotlight:


Postings with Tour Dates 2024

Here are postings released in 2024, which contain tour dates:

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