11. March 2025
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Alless. – Kinderzimmer EP

Alless. - Kinderzimmer




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very personal songs
  • Great storytelling
  • Characteristic style

The German artist Alless. (with a dot at the end) already had a major social media success this year. The title track of his most recent EP, Nur mein Herz (“Just my heart”) even has more than 1.5 million streams on Spotify nowadays. On 13th December 2024, he released his third EP overall, Kinderzimmer. I ran into the promo and felt to share my thoughts about it with you.


Alless. – About The Artist

Alless. is not a word play with the German word “Alles” (“Everything”), but in fact a short form of the first name. The 23 year old artist from Frankfurt, who is doing a mixture of indie-folk and pop, is Alessandro. Growing on TikTok and other social media, he started to publish music in 2022 with the single Lieblingsaugen. In November 2023, he released his four track debut EP loslassen. The EP Nur mein Herz has been shared on 14th March 2024.


Alless. – Kinderzimmer – Track by Track

The six track EP lasts 18 minutes.

1. Nie woanders sein

The opener Nie wonaders sein is one of three songs, which have been released before the EP. The song starts with Alessandro and his guitar only, but becomes much wider with the chorus. Nonetheless, the song has a a very personal, intimate touch. The chorus has a good catch as well. I like it.

2. Wenn du mich lässt

Ja, ich will sehen
Will Dich berühren
Will noch einmal wissen
Wie sich Deine Haut anfühlt
Doch ich glaub’
Du willst nicht das gleiche wie ich

(“Yeah, I want to see you
Want to touch you
Want to know again
How your skin feels alike
But I believe
You don’t want the same like me”)

The second track Wenn Du mich lässt (“If you allow me to”) starts with a beautiful intimate and fragile atmosphere. The bridge adds a lot of energy and makes you feel the frustration with stomping drums. This turns the song into a very hymnic and intense listen. Really good one.

3. Falsche Melodie

Struggle with love is also the topic of the third song (“Wrong Melody”) Again, Alessandro is sharing very relatable feelings and emotions in this track. The arrangement of the track is wisely done, which leads to another really good listen.

4. Porto

Wir wollten nach Porto, wollten nach Rom, … (“We wanted to go to Porto, wanted to go to Rome”). The song is about having plans together, but also about struggling to turn them into reality. Again, the song is having a very personal touch. Parts of the song are just accompanied by the piano, even though there are also significantly more intense parts. The song is not made for a sing-a-long – but the more it is a fascinating listen.

5. Immer wieder mal

The melancholic fifth track comes with the strongest indie vibes out of this set of six tracks. This turns the piano-driven track into a very special listen on this EP. A song which is lovely to calm down and inhale its atmosphere.

6. Zum Mond

According to the song title, Alless. is taking us “To The Moon” in the chucker-out of the EP. Papa wollte kurz zum Mond fliegen, doch hat seinen Treibstoff verbraucht (“Daddy just wanted to fly to the moon, but used all his fuel”). A song about family struggle and how this has influenced the young life of the artist.


Alless. – Kinderzimmer – Spotify

Here is the EP on Spotify:


Alless. – Kinderzimmer – My View

I really enjoyed traveling with Alless. into his “Children’s Room” (the translation of the EP title). I especially loved the very personal lyrics and the lovely storytelling in here. On top of that, the young German artist is defining a very characteristic style in his songs. I feel that Kinderzimmer is a great way for him to take the next steps in his musical career.

Favorite Song: Wenn Du mich lässt


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