Songs Of The Week (week of 14th June 2024)

Quality over quantity: I indeed had quite a bunch of candidates for this week’s Songs of the Week. However, there are finally just seven tracks left. I had to skip too many, because I finally did not like them too much – or simply because they were in fact no new releases of the week. Sorry for the brief new song entertainment this time – hope you nonetheless enjoy my post.


Suzan Köcher’s Suprafon – Seventeen

Suzan Köcher’s Suprafon themselves name their music psychedelic dream pop. I would also call it alternative folk-pop. Whatever, their melodic and very personal new single release is a lovely praise of adolescence. Thus, the German band deserves to be on the top of my new songs list this week.


Toine – Cruisin’

Toine is a Dutch musician based in The Hague. His new groovy jazz-pop single Crusin’ is also the first release of an EP, which will be released soon. I really like this very laid-back sound.


Yasmin Hutchins – Beste Zeit

Less laid back, but therefor made to party is Beste Zeit (“Best Time”). The new song by Yasmin Hutchins from Dusseldorf in Germany feels like a song perfectly made for a summer party. The press kit also suggest to use it for your soccer UEFA Euro 2024 parties. Let’s see, which nation finally feels most strongly like party vibes.


Iggy Kelly – Sleep Alone

Kelly? The family? Yeah, Iggy Kelly is another artist emerging from the IrishUS-American music dynasty. Iggy Kelly released a cool new dance pop song this week. Promising.


Marc Albrecht – Wir zwei bleiben

Marc Albert is an artist from Southern Germany. His pop release with rock and punk flavor comes with a nice speed. Albrecht is having his anniversary show this year – he is already on stage for 30 years in 2024. Nonetheless, the song feels comparably young and fresh.


C.B. Green – Say what you wanna do

C,B, Green is another artist from Southern Germany. The C.B. stands for the initials of his ciivl name. Say what you wanna do is a cool pop-rock track with a catching vibe.


Georg Neumann – Better Man

The last song this week, Better Man, is in fact the one released first. Austrian artist Georg Neumann shared this song on Tuesday already..Cool rock song with some pop vibes.



Songs of The Week – The Playlist

You may also listen to my Songs Of The Week and songs selected in some of the previous weeks on this Spotify playlist:


Songs of the Week 2024

Here are all my Songs of the Week postings published in 2024:


Rotterdam & The Hague

Here are all my postings about the Rotterdam & The Hague region:

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