Kylie Morgan - Love, Kylie Pros
- Very versatile songs
- Very straight, good stories
I enjoyed Kylie Morgan’s single I Only Date Cowboys that much that I added it to the Country Music Playlists on 31st May 2021. Some two weeks later, on 11th June 2021, she is debuting with her first EP, Love, Kylie. Of course, I have been really curious about her music.

Kylie Morgan – About The Artist
Kylie Morgan is a country singer in her mid-20’s. At the age of twelve, growing up in Newcastle, Oklahoma, her mother got her her first guitar. Soon thereafter, Kylie was quite sure about her career: she wanted to skip college and therefor pursue a career in country music. What might feel like a teenage dream became well backed up: just four years later, the Country Music Association listed her in the Who New To Watch. She moved to Nashville at the age of 19. She got really massive reputation in early ages – for example her 2019 song Boys Girl made it into a Country Songs of the Decade Spotify playlist by UMG. Her biggest success so far, however, is Break Things. The 2020 song has made some twelve million streams on Spotify only.
Kylie Morgan – Love, Kylie – Track by Track
The six track EP lasts 18 minutes

1. Shoulda
The opening track Shoulda has already been streamed over one million times on Spotify only. Rhythmic country pop, which also comes with some rock elements. A song which is just very straight and a good listen.
2. I Only Date Cowboys
I am sure, for many listeners, this song hurts. Wouldn’t you like you hear that Kylie Morgan only likes to date lawyers? Or German country music bloggers? No, it’s only cowboys – I am out. The good thing: we still got that song – and it is really great. Again, Kylie Morgan recorded a track, which stays in your mind quickly. And this lady also knows how to rock – at least during the three minutes of this song.
3. Outdoor Voices
The first song on the EP which has not been released as a single so far is Outdoor Voices. A song which is very different from the two very energetic and powerful songs before. Just a very limited quiet arrangement, which is concentrating her Morgan’s voice. I loved it when this lady has been rocking, but she is good in these quiet moments as well.
4. Break Things
I gave you the numbers regarding the opening song Shoulda – but Break Things has been far more popular so far. The song has already been streamed twelve million times (again, Spotify only). It is somehow a mixture of the first two songs of Love, Kylie on the one hand and Outdoor Voices on the other: the song is very entertaining and stays in your head. You can sing-a-long to the ooh-ooh-ooh parts at a show as well. On the other hands, it is not that loud and still got some gentleness in sound. This is the reason why these twelve million listeners so far have been absolutely right.
5. Cheating On You
Why does it feel like I’m cheating on you
Even though you’re lying next to me?
Why does it feel like a hotel room
And there’s a stranger in the bed with me?
This song is again rather moving towards a pop song. The song has a nice groove – and I enjoy Kylie Morgan’s crystal-clear voice, which make it so lovely and easy to follow this story.
6. Mad I Need You
It makes me mad how bad I need you – a powerful ballad is closing this collection of six tracks. Again, a very different kind of sound – but a great listen. Really loved to listen to this song.
Kylie Morgan – Love, Kylie – Spotify
Here is the EP on Spotify:
Kylie Morgan – Love, Kylie – My View
Wow, that’s really good. I loved to listen when Kylie was expressing her preference to cowboys – but finally, this EP contains six really good songs. It is an EP like I feel this kind of publication is most sensible: a compact, but still wide-ranged showcase of the musical talent of an artist. Kylie fulfills this challenge with quite a lot of perfection.
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