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Joe Lasher – Vol. 1 EP

Joe Lasher - Vol. 1




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Five really nice modern country songs
  • Nice choices for a playlist

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Some stereotypes and similarities

Reviewing the EP Vol. 1 by Joe Lasher is a typical Flyctory.com review in the “last wave” of my reviews. I did not even know the artist, Joe Lasher, before I ran into his set of songs. However, I just enjoyed the first listen and felt to share my thoughts with you. Vol. 1 has been released on 21st July 2023.


Joe Lasher – About the Artist

Joe Lasher in an US-American country music artists. He was born and raised in Weaverville, North Carolina, a town North of Asheville. He started doing music in a rock band, but is releasing own songs since 2018, when Nothing Better to Do Friday Nights has been published. He had some quite promising releases like the 2018 Stay With Me Tonight or Messed Up two years later. His most successful song, being streamed on Spotify over two million times only, however, is That’s Gonna Get You Kissed, which has been released in 2019. Vol. 1 is in fact not his debut EP, as there has been an acoustic song EP before. The Hurricane Mills Sessions (2020).


Joe Lasher – Vol. 1 – Track by Track

The five song EP lasts 17 minutes

1. Wrapped Around It

The opener Wrapped Around It is already setting a certain direction for the whole EP: straight, energetic modern country music with a touch of rock. The howling pre-chorus and the nice hook of the chorus quickly makes this song stay in your mind. Very nice listen.

2. By God

Typically, when I scan new EP and album releases, I listen to a few songs first, preferably those which haven’t been released as a single yet. In regards of Vol. 1, the first song I gave a listen was By God. I am not that much into religious contents. But it obviously got its job done. The song is slightly slower than the opener. Nice, emotional listen.

3. Just Go Fishin’

We had love, religion, there will be song about drinking later… This one is about the (hunting and) fishing section of country music. I don’t like these stereotypes too much, but Lasher is just doing well in his songs. A song made right for the heart of a country music listener.

4. Taste Like Water

With Taste Like Water, the five track EP is reaching its climax. Yeah, there is whiskey in this story and I should not joke about stereotypes any more. Especially as this song is simply a great listen. A typical Nashville write, but I like the arrangement and the lyrics of this one.

5. Drinkin’ Again

Drinkin’ Again is the only song which has been shared beforehand. The February 2023 release is a good song. There are some typical country music vibes and well as rock tunes in this song. Very nice listen.


Joe Lasher – Vol. 1 – Spotify

Here is the EP on Spotify:


Joe Lasher – Vol. 1 – My View

I am really glad that I ran into this EP. Joe Lasher presents five songs, which are a bit of stereotypical – but all of them are really good songs which work out in your modern country playlist. There could be some more variety in the songs, especially in the last ones. But I nonetheless smile while listening to Lasher’s 2023 EP.


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