Andreas Diehlmann Band – Long Way To Go

Andreas Diehlmann Band - Long Way To Go



4.5/5 Pros

  • Nice blues rock sound
  • Fantastic stories Cons

  • Melodic similarities

There is quite some blues focus on the releases I opted to share with you released as of 5th May 2023. After I shared Tino Z’s Bluesman with you, this review features another German artist. However, Andreas Diehlmann is rather on the blues rock side of music. Together with Jörg Sebald (bass) and drummer Tom Bonn, they are the power trio Andreas Diehlmann Band. Long Way To Go is already their eighth studio release.


Andreas Diehlmann Band – About The Artists

Andreas Diehlmann is a blues rock musician. He is nowadays living in Kassel in Northern Hesse, where he also studied classical guitar in his earlier years. Since 1993, he is a professional musician, guitar teacher and composer. Before he founded the Andreas Diehlmann Band, he was also active as part of the European band of US-American artist Sydney Ellis. In 2022, the Andreas Diehlmann Band won the German Blues Award as the best band.


Andreas Diehlmann Band – Long Way To Go – Track by Track

The nine track album lasts 43 minutes. Neither of the songs has been released before.

1. Long Way To Go

Just nine songs – but they all take their time to tell a story: The opener of Andreas Diehlmann Band’s 2023 album is the title track itself. The song has a nice country-rock heart, but blues-alike vibes. Still a long way to find his peace of mind. The song deals with struggle getting back to a better life. Diehlmann is not only impressing with a nice guitar lead and his characteristic voice, but also very nice storytelling.

2. Pretty Baby

Pretty Baby spreads typical blues rock vibes from the very first second. I want to make you mine with all of my mind and Pretty baby, I want you – come home with me – Diehlmann is definitely going for the straight messages in these kind of lyrics. The dark chords have a tempting touch… I am sure that the Pretty Baby said yes – the song does not leave too many other options.

3. Way To Hell

The main riff of Way To Hell is kept during the whole song – even when there is a short break in the middle of it. The song feels like a road trip, like Easy Rider and motorbikes to me. Finest Americana tunes made in Germany.

4. Broken (Into Little Bits)

With Broken (Into Little Bits), the Andreas Diehlmann Band introduces one of two really epic songs of the album. The fourth track roughly lasts six and a half minutes and is a rather slow to mid-tempo song, which is less guitar-centric and thus almost feels like a ballad compared to the opening song. There is a touch of the spirit of good-old Still Got the Blues by Gary Moore in the air when I listen to it.

5. Burning Slow

The more intense guitar theme and the stomping rhythm tell you that these 4:39 minutes melodically rather refer to the beginning of the album: powerful blues rock sounds are marching forward with a fantastic, dramatic plot

6. Bad Luck

The sixth song is a nice song to have a bit of a focus on the songwriting and storytelling done by Andreas Diehlmann and his band mates. The list of things going wrong is just hilarious, from a girlfriend breaking up for another guy, holes in the shoes and many more things. And what’s the answer on that? A dry and clear statement:

I don’t wanna complain at all,
But baby, this is what I call
Bad luck.

Good, simple enough that it stays in your mind – but also just a lot of fin.

7. Wedding Dress

The Wedding Dress as a symbol of all the bad memories and pain – that’s about the topic of the seventh. And in this story is even worse, as the potential bridge went away in church wearing her wedding dress already. Definitely a worst case scenario. My highlight of the lyrics are these ones.

Yes, I know I’m not the smartest guy
But why you had to leave?
Baby tell me why.
It all went wrong
Yes, I know
But Baby, why you had to go?

8. Baby It’s Gonna Rain All Night

The eighth song is that seven and a half minute musical weather forecast. The song is driven by the organ and the guitar in a very nice way, which leads to a rather classic blues touch. Diehlmann’s voice is even more in this blues and ballad alike environment.

9. The Sky Is Crying

There are some similarities in the metaphor used for the song title between this one and the predecessor, no doubt. However, the closing song The Sky Is Crying is a rather slow, but intensely rocking blues track. Nice finale.


Andreas Diehlmann Band – Long Way To Go – Track by Track

Here is the album on Spotify:


Andreas Diehlmann Band – Long Way To Go – My View

Long Way To Go is a great listen for blues rock fans. Unfortunately, some songs do have very similar vibes, but Diehlmann and his band compensate that with the great voice of the band leader and fantastic stores. Thus, you just enjoy listening to these recordings.



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