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Marc Albrecht – Zeit

Marc Albrecht - Zeit




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice mixture of rock and pop songs
  • Very catching party rock tracks

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Just eight tracks

On 14th June 2024, I featured Marc Albrecht for the first time in the episode of my Songs of the Week. Four weeks later, the Southern German artist is sharing his full album Zeit (“Time”). Here i my review of the 12th July 2024 release.


Marc Albrecht – About The Artist

Marc Albrecht grew up in Marbach am Neckar in Germany. He is nowadays based in Mössingen. Marc is doing music since the late 1990’s. He became majorly famous as part of several bands, like the punk-pop band Falsche Propheten or the power-pop band 13. However, he is also regularly releasing solo music. Together with the band 13, he also published the song SVK (Der Traum ist wahr), a song about his favorite soccer team, Stuttgarter Kickers.


Marc Albrecht – Zeit – Track by Track

The eight song album lasts 26 minutes.

1. Ein Leben Lang…

With Ein Leben Lang, Marc Albrecht kicks off his album with a song which is leaning towards punk rock. The track deals with his musical career. The song is giving a realistic and an ironic reflection on his music. Together with the punk rock party vibes, this song is really fun to listen.

2. Küss mich nicht

Bitte küss mich nicht – “Please don’t kiss me” is the catch phrase of the second phrase. The cheeky rock style keeps on. Nonetheless, the second track is a bit calmer than the opening track. This does not mean that it is a worse listen – the chorus is catching and stays in your mind.

3. Wir zwei bleiben

Wir zwei bleiben is one of the two single releases of the album so far. On the one hand, the track is a party rock song, which is made to sing along and dance. On the other hand, there is also the humorous approach in Albrecht’s storytelling, which even adds a lot of fun to this listen. I would love to enjoy people having a great time to this song with Marc Albrecht on stage.

4. Wo die Sterne schlafen geh’n

After the three energetic rockers at the beginning of the album, Wo die Sterne schlafen geh’n feehls like a break in the album. The song is a rather gentle pop-rocker. Quite a slow-down, but a nice song, which is majorly featuring Marc Albert and his strumming guitar.

5. Nimm Dir Zeit

The slow-down continues with the ballad Nimm Dir Zeit (“Take your time”). A beautiful song, written by a father (or parents) to their child. An emotional highlight of Zeit and somehow the title track of the album.

Schritt für Schritt
Lass Dir Zeit
Brauchst Du Hilfe,
Sind wir nie weit
Stück für Stück
Du wirst schon sehen
Die Zeit ist schnell
Wir werden mit Dir gehen
Pass auf Dich auf
Bitte pass auf Dich auf.

(“Step by Step
Take your time
If you need help,
We won’t be too far away,
Piece by piece
You will see
Time is fast
We will go with you
Take care of yourself
Please take care of yourself”)

6. Mehr

Ich hab so viel erlebt und doch nicht alles gesehen (“I have experenced so much and still haven’t seen everything”). The sixth song connects to the opener Ein Leben lang… in style and topic. The song is bringing the Zeit album back to rock with a slight punk touch. Again, Marc Albrecht feels very energetic. Great song.

7. Zu spät

The longest song of the album is Zu spät. The key phrase is Es ist doch nie zu spät, miteinander zu reden (“It is never too late to talk to each other”). A song, which is working with a nice and catching chorus. Despite the guitars are very powerful, the song also has a nice pop music touch.

8. Isolation

The closing song of the album is another surprising one. The three minute Isolation is a purely instrumental one and thus feels like a fade-out to the songs before. This works out very nice atmospherically.


Marc Albrecht – Zeit – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Marc Albrecht – Zeit – My View

Spending Zeit with Marc Albrecht is a really enjoyable experience. I prefer the more straight-forward rock songs – but the finer tracks are a nice treat as well. Overall, I would love to have one or two more songs. But I really liked listening to the eight listens provided.

Favorite Song: Wir zwei bleiben


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