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FRAUPAUL – Hol mir die Sterne zurück

FRAUPAUL - Hol mir die Sterne zurück




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Rough, nice blending of alternative rock and punk rock
  • Very catching style
  • Nice alternative listens towards the end of the album

Flyctory.com Cons

  • First part is slightly monotonous

There is one thing even the hardest (male) rock fans love more than an all-male rock band: female rockers. FRAUPAUL is an all-female band from Germany. After having released two EPs so far, they shared their debut album on 28th February 2025. It is called Hol mir die Sterne zurück (“Bring me back the stars”).


FRAUPAUL – About The Artists

FRAUPAUL is an all female rock and alternative rock trio, which is based in Hamburg. The band is named after their lead singer and guitarist, Lisa Paul. The other two band members are Mary (bass) and Linda (drums). The ladies have released two EPs so far. I featured their most recent one, the 2023 one Was, wenn wir dann durchdrehen?. One year before, they released Gut Genug.


FRAUPAUL – Hol mir die Sterne zurück – Track by Track

The eleven track album lasts 34 minutes,

1. Streichholz

Already the list of song titles of the FRAUPAUL debut feels promising. The title of the first song, for example, translates to “Matches”. The three ladies are rocking almost from the very first moment. Their alternative rock style with a touch of punk feels catching and just made to party with them.

2. Family Guy

The second track of Hol mir die Sterne zurück starts with powerful riff. However, with the chorus latest, all instruments are at full force. Indeed, the song is named after the TV series. The song is about being too optimistic about the future – and understanding too late in which the world is developing.

3. Folge deinem Herzen (ohne den Kopf zu verliern)

This song’s title translates to “Follow your heart (without losing your head)”. Especially the chorus feels rough and has a touch of a really good high school band. This also means that the song is virtuous and here and there comes with surprising twists. That’s definitely not too bad.

4. Burn Out

For Burn Out, bassist Mary is kicking off the song with a groovy melody. The plot is similar than the one of the two songs before. Burn Out starts rather quiet and slowly, but then goes for the full rock force with the chorus. A charming listen about having too many tasks and duties in your life.  Ich hab keine Zeit für ein Burn Out – “I don’t have time for a burnout” is the song’s message.

5. Schluss machen

The fifth song of Hol mir die Sterne zurück is about “Breaking up”. Wie macht man Schluss, ohne Scheiße zu sein? (“How are you breaking up without blowing goats?”), Linda is asking in the chorus. The ladies present a nice rocker in here, which has a fine, imprudent touch.

6. Sterne

FRAUPAUL take us to the “Stars” in the six track of their debut. The song starts with a rather melancholic touch. But – you guess it – these ladies want to rock, so that you soon also listen to some smashing riffs. Nonetheless, the song has a rather quiet character.

7. Freigeist

Freigeist translates to “Freethinker”. The song has a nice melody and comes with the contrast of dreaming, melancholic parts the album presented before. The chorus is catching again. Nonetheless, being the seventh song of FRAUPAUL’s album, the song feels like lacking some character.

8. Leben

The eighth song Leben feels more catching from the beginning. A groovy melody is leading into the city. The song also has a really nice beat and a cheeky style. Leben (“Life”) is just slightly longer than two minutes, but it definitely leaves a mark.

9. Küssen

Right after the shortest song on the album, the 3:46 minute song Küssen is the longest listen of it. The focus on Linda Paul in the stanzas leads to a very personal style. The chorus feels comparably pop-ish.

10. Mehr von demselben

The last songs of the album show another style of FRAUPAUL. The punk flavor of Mehr von demselben is still existing, but rather hidden. The guitar parts, including the solo, feels very convincing as well. This overall leads to a persuading song with nice lyrics.

11. Du bist nicht allein

Oops, what’s that? For the chucker-out Du bist nicht allein, the band is presenting an acoustic guitar-driven song. This leads to a very different listen and the most intimate track of the album.


FRAUPAUL – Hol mir die Sterne zurück – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


FRAUPAUL – Hol mir die Sterne zurück – My View

The last songs of Hol mir die Sterne zurück are really a blessing. The album risked to become monotonous, right before FRAUPAUL presents some new ideas and aspects of their musical work. I overall really appreciate their debut and also like the partially a bit of crude style of the record.

Favorite Song: Schluss machen


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