Sebastian Krumbiegel - Aufstehen - Weitermachen! Pros
- Very strong messages
- Excellent songwriting
- Versatile with a touch of "Die Prinzen" ease
“Stand Up! Keep going!” is the (translated) title of the new album by Sebastian Krumbiegel. The featured singles of the 20th September 2024 release already felt very promising. Thus, going for this album was an easy choice for me. Here is my detailed review of the latest songs by the German artist.

Sebastian Krumbiegel – About The Artist
Sebastian Krumbiegel was born on 5th June 1966 in Leipzig. He joined the famous Thomanerchor (Thomaner Choir) from 1976 until 1985. During that time, he already founded some rock bands, for example the band Phoenix. Wolfgang Lenk, a later band mate of the band a cappella pop Die Prinzen was part of that as well. The band founded as Die Herzbuben in 1987 and renamed to their final name in 1991 (due to a traditional folk duo with a similar name). Die Prinzen became one of the most successful German acts of the 1990’s, having two platinum and seven golden records in Germany only between 1991 and 1995. In 1999, Krumbiegel released his first solo record, Kamma nichts machen. So far, he released two audio books and six solo albums. The last album release by Krumbiegel, however, is dated as of 2014.
Sebastian Krumbiegel – Aufstehen – Weitermachen! – Track by Track
The twelve track album lasts 36 minutes.

1. Voll auf Risiko
If you just listen to the melody of the opener, it may feel like a ballad. However, Krumbiegel is looking back to his life, good and bad moments, love and hate. And he states Ich gehe voll auf Risiko (“I am going for the full risk”). A cool song, which also has a touch of being an subject introduction to the whole album. The song also has a strong Die Prinzen style with a strong focus on lead and backing vocals.
2. Aufstehen – Weitermachen
The title track is another autobiographic song. The song is going through challenges of his life. At the beginning of the song, for example, he describes his first day at school, which he somewhat enjoyed – until he understood in the evening that he will have to go the for a couple of years of his life from now on. However, whatever happens, the message is Aufstehen – Weitermachen, you have to proceed and take the challenges. Das Leben ist hart – was auch geschieht. The clear message comes with an ease and irony, which makes it again feel like a song by his famous band.
3. Superheld
While the first two songs have a clear Die Prinzen style, Superheld is the first song of the album, which has a stronger individual character. The song which states that there are so many hidden “Superheroes” made it to my Songs of the Week as of 16th August 2024. Really nice one.
4. Nimm mich in den Arm
The fourth song asks to “Hug me” or “Lay your arm around me”, according to the title. The slow piano track asks to rethink your values and to concentrate on the more traditional values, like love and staying together. The song strongly focuses on its message and thus has a lovely intensity.
5. Wenn wir dran glauben
Wenn wir dran glauben wird es wunderschön (“If we believe in it, it will be gorgeous”) – the fifth song is having a similar message from a different perspective. It criticizes the hate, rather seeing an enemy than a friend in other people. It criticizes war, which finally won’t have any winner. The song presents all this in a beautiful, harmonic melody – just the perfect fit for it.
6. Liebend gern hassen
After these social-critic songs, Sebastian Krumbiegel is adding a very personal song. Liebend gern hassen is a melancholic break-up song. The song is a lovely illustration of his smart storytelling with a catching flow.
7. Der Führer hätte sich gefreut
I also featured this single in my Songs of the Week. It has been part of the 19th April 2024 edition of my new song release series. “Der Führer would have been happy” is a straight song against nationalism and the way Germany’s darkest times are nowadays feel to be a role model in the mind of some people. A typical Krumbiegel song with a strong message.
8. Nicht nochmal
Nicht nochmal – “Not again” – is having the same message. Based on the experience Krumbiegel’s grandmother told her grandson, the artist states that you should not look away, but stand against nationalism and any nationalist tendencies in society. “If we duck away, it will be terrible”. Das Herz am rechten Fleck schlägt links und das ist was ich für meine Omi sing – “The heart of the right spot is beating on the left side – and that’s what I am singing for my granny”.
9. Tante Dagmar
“Aunt Dagmar liked me – just like I have been”. The ninth song, which has a pop-ish rhythm and song plushy strings in the background, is having autobiographic references. However, the song is also about being optimistic and believing that you can change things towards a good time.
10. Wache Augen, heißes Herz
Was wollen wir eigentlich – es geht doch um Dich und mich? (or, translated: “What do we finally want? It’s all about you and me”). The song describes how to define a new love, a new relationship. There is a lot of social-critic music in Aufstehen – Weitermachen! – but Krumbiegel is also a lovely storyteller with metaphoric lyrics in these kind of songs.
11. Freddie Mercury
“Many girls were so much in love with me, but none of them ever got me. Because I was in love with Freddie Mercury”. The eleventh song is a beautiful homage to the legendary Queen frontman. Ich bin verliebt in einen Mann, der besser als ich singen kann – “I am in love with a man, who can sing better than me”. Sebastian Krumbiegel does this kind of songs in his very own style.
12. Freiheit, Hoffnung und Liebe
The closing songs wishes for Freiheit, Hoffnung und Liebe (“Freedom, hope and love”) for all people on the world. While practically all songs of the album last three minutes roughly, Krumbiegel takes a little bit more time for these closing words, which feels like a sum-up of his 2024 album condensed in 3:40 minutes. Nice.
Sebastian Krumbiegel – Aufstehen – Weitermachen! – Spotify
Here is the album on Spotify:
Sebastian Krumbiegel – Aufstehen – Weitermachen! – My View
Sebastian Krumbiegel has some lovely stories, but majorly sends strong messages in his new records. They are precise, but also not that long that they could be bothering. If he wants to emphasize on a topic like parts of German society leaning towards right-wing ideologies, he is doing two songs about it. This overall creates a very catching, but also thoughtful album. I love it.
Favorite Song: Aufstehen – Weitermachen
Sebastian Krumbiegel – Tour Dates 2024/25
There are a couple of tour dates throughout Germany in 2024 and 2025:
Sa 21.09.2024 |
Burg Stagard (Germany) – St. Johanniskirche |
So 22.09.2024 |
Rostock – Volkstheater |
We 02.10.2024 |
Ratzeburg – Lange Nacht der Demokratie |
So 06.10.2024 |
Neuruppin – Kulturkirche |
Fr 18.10.2024 |
Bad Oeynhausen – Druckerei |
Sa 19.10.2024 |
Wipperfürth – Alte Drahtzieherei |
Su 24.10.2024 |
Eberswalde – Kleinschmidt |
Mo 25.10.2024 |
Eberswalde – Kleinschmidt |
We 03.12.2024 |
Dortmund – Wortklub |
Su 08.12.2024 |
Berlin – Ballhaus Wedding |
Tu 10.12.2024 |
Heidenheim (Brenz) – Stadtbibliothek |
Sa 01.12.2025 |
Bamberg – Bamberger Literaturfestival |
Mo 10.03.2025 |
Dresden – Comödie |
Sa 15.03.2025 |
Magdeburg – Kulturzentrum Feuerwache |
Su 30.03.2025 |
Leipzig – Kupfersaal |
Mo 31.03.2025 |
Fürstenwalde – Kulturfabrik |
Fr 25.04.2025 |
Bad Elster – König Albert Theater |
Media Reviews – German Artists 2024
Here are all my Media Reviews from German artists I published during 2024:
There are not too many bands who dare to release albums a few days before Christmas. The more I was ...
There are just a few bands, which use Christmas time for album releases. The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats are a ...
The German artist Alless. (with a dot at the end) already had a major social media success this year. The ...
The Christmas season also offers the opportunity to focus on some artists, who might not make it into reviews ...
6th December is St. Nicholas' Day in Germany. Children are getting some sweets, if they put (well-cleaned) shoes in front ...
German artist Mense traveled through Spain for half a year. It was only himself, his wife and his dog Angus, ...
In July 2023, I reviewed a very unique album making it to a full 5.0/5.0 rating on Germany's pop ...
Und was, wenn nicht ("And what if not") is the second solo EP release by David Gramberg. However, the German ...
The holiday season is typically also prime time for Best of albums. Lauschangriff is a collection of the biggest hits of Heinz Rudolf ...
Sometimes, when I scan new music releases, I run into songs or albums, which simply make me smile. One of ...
It is already three and a half yeas ago since German schlager artist Vivien Gold released her most recent album ...
The German band Suzan Köcher's Suprafon was in the news recently for a very tragic reason. While the band was ...
Propaganda defined the German synth-pop scene in the 1980's. After three break-ups, they are back with a new album in ...
I loved Bell Book & Candle in the late 1990's. The German band from Berlin especially stroke with their debut ...
Maybe it is because I had to do some long evenings to prepare my Media Review coverage for the weekend of ...
Medieval music, metal style - the German band In Extremo is really successful with this rather rare blending of genres ...
I does not happen too often that I set up a new edition for my Songs of the Week and decide ...
Stanovsky is "greenish" - at least if you base that statement on the title his new album Grünlich. On 30th ...
After I had a country and country rock block the weekend before, it is time to add some harder tunes ...
With Dear Robin, I am having a look at a German rock band in this review. On 30th August 2024, ...
Country-rock made in Germany - there are not too many acts in my home country who are able to deliver ...
Meg Pfeiffer popped up here and there in my postings. On 23rd August 2024, the German singer-songwriter, who is ...
The final straight of the promotion campaign for Anna-Carina Woitschack's 2024 album kicked off with a very explicit event. You ...
Rather early before the release date of 5th July 2024, I ran into the EP Neue Wege by German artist Jonas Green ...
On the weekend of 5th July 2024, I feature some interesting releases by German artists. One of them is T.G ...
Bad Temper Joe is one of the finest German blues artists. I have covered his releases twice already, One Can Wreck ...
The press kit to the debut album Integration describes the music of Command0 as an exploration of spacey synths, big beats and ...
Why is already the second EP release by the German artist and band Veigh Malow. The release of their debut EP ...
Doing hard rock with a saxophone? Human Zoo simply do it! On 14th June 2024, some eight years after their ...
Atlantis Drive is a brand new hard rock band. The roots are from Germany, but the band features international band ...
On a promotion platform, I ran into the album Exit To Insight by the German band Deafcon5. The album is already ...
Marianne Rosenberg is truly a legend in the German schlager and pop scene. Her career is impressing. However, I never ...
In 2010, Germany fell in love with a 19-year old lady. Lena managed to do what somehow felt impossible for ...
When scanning new releases as of 24th May 2024, I was running into a very interesting release by a German ...
I already featured the band Ochmoneks twice in my Songs of the Week, on 9th June and on 7th July 2023 ...
The German rock band is already active since more than two decades. Not too surprisingly, the band is having quite ...
Lautstärke is a German band, which is doing German lyrics rock songs with a touch of punk. On 29th March ...
I am closing my reviews as of 22nd March 2024 with a German artist. Being Anne (typically written in small ...
Frank Renfordt is back - and this time he is wearing his cowboy hat again! The Cumberland River Project releases ...
The German band Brokof is active since 2007. They established in the German music scene and already released five studio ...
I typically receive quite a lot of jazz promotion. However, I rarely find albums and EPs which I really enjoy ...
The name is already suggesting: this one is the debut album of a band named Pawn Painters. The German act ...
Which genre are you thinking about when the arrangement solely consists of a piano, a cello and a vocalist? If ...
In June 2021, I shared the album Guns Against Liberty. The band behind that album is the Hamburg-based melodic hardcore act ...
With Be Okay To Not Be Okay, I present you another debut album from Germany. While you might not know the ...
I always enjoy sharing some new German artists with you. This time, I listened to a debut album by the ...
I am always a bit of extra-flattered when my most frequently used promotion platform shows an album by a German ...
Slope are doing a quite rare mix of metal, hip hop and electronic sounds. The band developed their style during ...
Quite early before the release of Reliquien, I receved the first press information about the debut album by German artist ...
This review is about some singer-songwriter pop from Germany - more precisely: quite from the Rheinland area I grew up ...
After a few mentions in my Songs of the Week, I was really looking forward to listen to the new album ...
This week, I am dealing with quite a lot of music postings during the week. There are two reasons for ...
There is hardly any more controversial topic between my wife and I than music by Andreas Dorau: while I feel ...
Nazi Germany Memorials
Here are all places memorizing about the cruelties during the German Nazi leadership:
The former concentration camp site at Bergen-Belsen might not be as prominent as Dachau, but it is nonetheless one of ...
The Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City also calls itself A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. Even though I ...
During the Nazi regency in Germany, the Emslandlager (Emsland Camps) was a group of concentration and detention camps in the Emsland region, ...
It is time for the final posting of the years, simply named The Best Ones 2021. After looking into my ...
The same faith which applies to Oswiecim in Poland (better known under the former German name Auschwitz) is also valid, ...
Auschwitz is a town's name (adopted to German) which you typically link with murder, cruelty, state-organized mass killings, injustice. A ...
A very interesting rebranding: when I started to explore museums in the nearby Netherlands, the Dutch Freedom Museum in Groesbeek ...
It is almost needless to say that Adolf Hitler was obsessed with megalomanic ideas. Apart from ruling the world and ...
The National Monument Camp Vught - or Konzentrationslager Herzogenbusch, which has been the German name during the Nazi era - is ...
Even though the Netherlands capitulated against Germany just after a few days under attack during World War II, they have ...
Nuremberg (or Nürnberg, how it is named in German) has some sort of tough political-historic heritage. Several sites still remember ...
The Weiße Rose / "White Rose" was a resistance group during the German Nazi regime. Mainly consisting of university students, she ...
The Berchtesgadener Land is not only nowadays well-known as a popular tourist destination, there is also a dark part of ...
Nuremberg is deeply linked to the German Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945. The key reason for that are of ...
Especially in the recent past, I read a couple of ridiculous comparisons between certain people and political groups (which I ...
When you think about Nazi Germany murders, you typically think of extermination camps like Auschwitz or the concentrations camps. A ...
Braunau am Inn - the small town right at the Austrian-German border is indeed a picturesque place and a nice ...
On 21st October 1941, the German Wehrmacht slaughtered thousands of civilians in Kragujevac, Serbia, to revenge dead and wounded soldiers ...
The Royal Ontario Museum just feels like an amazing wonderland of topics, a bit of "something for everyone". Did you ...