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Sebastian Krumbiegel – Aufstehen – Weitermachen!

Sebastian Krumbiegel - Aufstehen - Weitermachen!




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very strong messages
  • Excellent songwriting
  • Versatile with a touch of "Die Prinzen" ease

“Stand Up! Keep going!” is the (translated) title of the new album by Sebastian Krumbiegel. The featured singles of the 20th September 2024 release already felt very promising. Thus, going for this album was an easy choice for me. Here is my detailed review of the latest songs by the German artist.


Sebastian Krumbiegel – About The Artist

Sebastian Krumbiegel was born on 5th June 1966 in Leipzig. He joined the famous Thomanerchor (Thomaner Choir) from 1976 until 1985. During that time, he already founded some rock bands, for example the band Phoenix. Wolfgang Lenk, a later band mate of the band a cappella pop Die Prinzen was part of that as well. The band founded as Die Herzbuben in 1987 and renamed to their final name in 1991 (due to a traditional folk duo with a similar name). Die Prinzen became one of the most successful German acts of the 1990’s, having two platinum and seven golden records in Germany only between 1991 and 1995. In 1999, Krumbiegel released his first solo record, Kamma nichts machen. So far, he released two audio books and six solo albums. The last album release by Krumbiegel, however, is dated as of 2014.


Sebastian Krumbiegel – Aufstehen – Weitermachen! – Track by Track

The twelve track album lasts 36 minutes.

1. Voll auf Risiko

If you just listen to the melody of the opener, it may feel like a ballad. However, Krumbiegel is looking back to his life, good and bad moments, love and hate. And he states Ich gehe voll auf Risiko (“I am going for the full risk”). A cool song, which also has a touch of being an subject introduction to the whole album. The song also has a strong Die Prinzen style with a strong focus on lead and backing vocals.

2. Aufstehen – Weitermachen

The title track is another autobiographic song. The song is going through challenges of his life. At the beginning of the song, for example, he describes his first day at school, which he somewhat enjoyed – until he understood in the evening that he will have to go the for a couple of years of his life from now on. However, whatever happens, the message is Aufstehen – Weitermachen, you have to proceed and take the challenges. Das Leben ist hart – was auch geschieht. The clear message comes with an ease and irony, which makes it again feel like a song by his famous band.

3. Superheld

While the first two songs have a clear Die Prinzen style, Superheld is the first song of the album, which has a stronger individual character. The song which states that there are so many hidden “Superheroes” made it to my Songs of the Week as of 16th August 2024. Really nice one.

4. Nimm mich in den Arm

The fourth song asks to “Hug me” or “Lay your arm around me”, according to the title. The slow piano track asks to rethink your values and to concentrate on the more traditional values, like love and staying together. The song strongly focuses on its message and thus has a lovely intensity.

5. Wenn wir dran glauben

Wenn wir dran glauben wird es wunderschön (“If we believe in it, it will be gorgeous”) – the fifth song is having a similar message from a different perspective. It criticizes the hate, rather seeing an enemy than a friend in other people. It criticizes war, which finally won’t have any winner. The song presents all this in a beautiful, harmonic melody – just the perfect fit for it.

6. Liebend gern hassen

After these social-critic songs, Sebastian Krumbiegel is adding a very personal song. Liebend gern hassen is a melancholic break-up song. The song is a lovely illustration of his smart storytelling with a catching flow.

7. Der Führer hätte sich gefreut

I also featured this single in my Songs of the Week. It has been part of the 19th April 2024 edition of my new song release series. “Der Führer would have been happy” is a straight song against nationalism and the way Germany’s darkest times are nowadays feel to be a role model in the mind of some people. A typical Krumbiegel song with a strong message.

8. Nicht nochmal

Nicht nochmal – “Not again” – is having the same message. Based on the experience Krumbiegel’s grandmother told her grandson, the artist states that you should not look away, but stand against nationalism and any nationalist tendencies in society. “If we duck away, it will be terrible”. Das Herz am rechten Fleck schlägt links und das ist was ich für meine Omi sing – “The heart of the right spot is beating on the left side – and that’s what I am singing for my granny”.

9. Tante Dagmar

“Aunt Dagmar liked me – just like I have been”. The ninth song, which has a pop-ish rhythm and song plushy strings in the background, is having autobiographic references. However, the song is also about being optimistic and believing that you can change things towards a good time.

10. Wache Augen, heißes Herz

Was wollen wir eigentlich – es geht doch um Dich und mich? (or, translated: “What do we finally want? It’s all about you and me”). The song describes how to define a new love, a new relationship. There is a lot of social-critic music in Aufstehen – Weitermachen! – but Krumbiegel is also a lovely storyteller with metaphoric lyrics in these kind of songs.

11. Freddie Mercury

“Many girls were so much in love with me, but none of them ever got me. Because I was in love with Freddie Mercury”. The eleventh song is a beautiful homage to the legendary Queen frontman. Ich bin verliebt in einen Mann, der besser als ich singen kann – “I am in love with a man, who can sing better than me”. Sebastian Krumbiegel does this kind of songs in his very own style.

12. Freiheit, Hoffnung und Liebe

The closing songs wishes for Freiheit, Hoffnung und Liebe (“Freedom, hope and love”) for all people on the world. While practically all songs of the album last three minutes roughly, Krumbiegel takes a little bit more time for these closing words, which feels like a sum-up of his 2024 album condensed in 3:40 minutes. Nice.


Sebastian Krumbiegel – Aufstehen – Weitermachen! – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Sebastian Krumbiegel – Aufstehen – Weitermachen! – My View

Sebastian Krumbiegel has some lovely stories, but majorly sends strong messages in his new records. They are precise, but also not that long that they could be bothering. If he wants to emphasize on a topic like parts of German society leaning towards right-wing ideologies, he is doing two songs about it. This overall creates a very catching, but also thoughtful album. I love it.

Favorite Song: Aufstehen – Weitermachen


Sebastian Krumbiegel – Tour Dates 2024/25

There are a couple of tour dates throughout Germany in 2024 and 2025:

Sa 21.09.2024 Burg Stagard (Germany) – St. Johanniskirche
So 22.09.2024 Rostock – Volkstheater
We 02.10.2024 Ratzeburg – Lange Nacht der Demokratie
So 06.10.2024 Neuruppin – Kulturkirche
Fr 18.10.2024 Bad Oeynhausen – Druckerei
Sa 19.10.2024 Wipperfürth – Alte Drahtzieherei
Su 24.10.2024 Eberswalde – Kleinschmidt
Mo 25.10.2024 Eberswalde – Kleinschmidt
We 03.12.2024 Dortmund – Wortklub
Su 08.12.2024 Berlin – Ballhaus Wedding
Tu 10.12.2024 Heidenheim (Brenz) – Stadtbibliothek
Sa 01.12.2025 Bamberg – Bamberger Literaturfestival
Mo 10.03.2025 Dresden – Comödie
Sa 15.03.2025 Magdeburg – Kulturzentrum Feuerwache
Su 30.03.2025 Leipzig – Kupfersaal
Mo 31.03.2025 Fürstenwalde – Kulturfabrik
Fr 25.04.2025 Bad Elster – König Albert Theater


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Here are all my Media Reviews from German artists I published during 2024:


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